Animal Health Unit
The Animal Health Unit (AHU) provides support for animals involved in science or teaching at the University of Calgary.
With the help of the University Veterinarians, the AHU offers training to those working with animals, creates standard operating procedures (SOPs) relating to animal welfare, and offers administrative help to researchers with animal use protocols.
Further, the Post-Approval Assurance (PAA) team within the AHU assists the research and teaching community in fostering best practices and advancing animal welfare in research and education
The secure AHU website contains:
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Post-Approval Assurance
Individuals involved in animal-related work must promptly report animal health concerns and incidents of non-compliance. This may include animals exhibiting signs of distress or compromised health, morbidity, and mortality, as well as significant events that have the potential to negatively impact animal welfare (e.g., housing animals in non-approved spaces).
Persons who believe that animals are at risk should contact:
- Their supervisor
- University Veterinarians
- The Post-Approval Assurance Specialist (ahupaa@ucalgary.ca)
- University of Calgary Animal Research and Education Executive (ucare@ucalgary.ca)
- The Protected Disclosure and Research Integrity Office (PRDI)
UCalgary must report major animal welfare incidents to the CCAC within 14 days of the event. CCAC Certification of Ethical Animal Care and Use Programs Policy
Policies relevant to anyone involving animals in science or teaching at UCalgary:

Protected Disclosure and Research Integrity Office
If at any time you are asked to do something outside of your animal use protocol, or need protected disclosure for any reason, please refer to the Protected Disclosure and Research Integrity Office (PDRIO).
Questions? Please e-mail all questions, inquiries, or comments to ucare@ucalgary.ca