Anita Kozyrskyj
BScPhm, MSC, PhD

Position: Professor, Departments of Pediatrics; Obstetrics & Gynecology
Institution: Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, and School of Public Health, University of Alberta
Role with AMR - One Health Consortium: Collaborator
Anita Kozyrskyj is PI of the SyMBIOTA (Synergy in Microbiota) research program on environmental shaping of the infant gut microbiome, and development of child metabolic and atopic disease, and neurodevelopment in the CHILD (Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development) Cohort Study. SyMBIOTA was funded by one of 7 team grants from the first CIHR Microbiome Initiative in 2010. Dr. Kozyrskyj’s SyMBIOTA program has generated 40 papers and 2 book chapters. Her team’s first infant gut microbiota paper received the 2014 CMAJ Bruce Squires Award for the most influential publication. SyMBIOTA findings on infant gut microbiota and food sensitization were presented to the US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Committee on Food Allergy. She is associate editor of the J Dev Orig Health Dis editorial board and was co-editor of the 2016 issue on “The Gut Microbiome and Immunity: How it is Shaped in Early Life.” She is also co-lead of the Human Cohort Platform of IMPACTT (Integrated Microbiome Platforms for Advancing Causation & Testing):
Key Areas of Expertise: Human gut microbiome, infants, caesarean section, antibiotic use, health outcomes, natural environments
For more information on Anita, visit her profile on the website below.