Past Events

AMR: A One Health Approach Seminar Series 2023
October-December 2023
This training program included 20 virtual live sessions September through December 2023, delivered by 27 instructors from various institutions across Canada, who addressed the issues associated with AMR and AMU from a holistic One Health approach. This year we had a record-breaking 790 registrants from 91 countries!
AMR Symposium 2023
November 2023
Congratulations to bioMérieux and the Emerging and Pandemic Infections Consortium (EPIC) for joining together to host the 2nd Annual AMR Symposium. Dr. Laura Sycuro discussed the role of the microbiome in AMR, and Aidian Hollis presented the economics of AMR in a One-Health World. The Consortium is grateful to have had the opportunity to be a partner and work alongside AMMI Canada at this event.

Alberta AMR Summit 2023
September 27-29, 2023
We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who participated in the 3rd Annual Alberta AMR Summit. Thank you to our incredible team for organizing and ensuring everything ran smoothly, the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity for hosting, and all of the researchers, trainees and industry representatives for attending and sharing your knowledge and perspectives. Also a special thank you to our sponsors Global 1Health Network, bioMérieux Canada, Innovate Calgary, Genome Alberta, Illumina, IGY Immune Technologies & Life Sciences Inc. and Mitacs for making this event possible. More information regarding the Alberta AMR Summit can be found here:

Antimicrobial Resistance: A One Health Approach Seminar Series
Fall 2022
We have officially completed our 4th installment of the AMR: A One Health approach seminar series! This year we explored over 20 topics related to AMR in humans, agriculture, wildlife, companion animals and the environment, and even covered policy, social behaviors, and economics. We had participation from over 200 people that represented 52 different countries, who all came from varying backgrounds in academia, industry, and government, and ended our series with a compelling panel discussion from experts in the main subject fields. Thank you to our participants for making this year so enjoyable, and we look forward to educating on AMR with a One Health perspective again next year!

Policy Background & Intro to Brief Writing Workshop
Oct 30, 2022
The AMR - One Health Consortium provided a training opportunity to our members on Oct 30, 2022 to learn more about policy and with a practical focus on writing policy briefs.
Drs. Lorian Hardcastle and David Hall taught this full day workshop and incorporated a wide variety of topics and personal examples from their work. While Dr. Fred Wrona presented as our guest speaker and discussed practical policy considerations and implementation, as well as positive experience working with Indigenous communities. Thank you to our instructors and attendees for their engagement and great discussions.

AMR-One Health Consortium Second Annual Retreat
On September 26-28, 2022, the AMR - One Health consortium had the great pleasure of hosting our annual retreat for its well awaited second installment. Although it had to be postponed for 2 years due to Covid-19 pandemic, we were able to have 110 of our members join us in beautiful Banff, Alberta for 3 days of networking, sharing ideas, and discussions around ways that the impactful research performed by our members could be better shared with the community. Our retreat centered around three main themes; on Day 1 we began with an engaging workshop led by Jolene Watson who discussed the nuisances behind networking with varied personalities within the scientific community. Our theme for Day 2 focused on innovation and entrepreneurship, and attendees were engaged in topics that highlighted the different programs available for building the innovative potential of their research, and how their trainees could be involved in these programs. The day concluded with a well attended poster session, having over 40 competing posters representing all 10 of our work package projects. On our last day, the focus was places on policy, and attendees were given more information of policy development and application from a government perspective. We have the pleasure of hearing from the MIF sponsors in the progress of the grant research, and how it adds to the repertoire of AMR research within Alberta. Overall the attendees, location, and discussion topics made for a successful event, and it was an excellent experience for our members to engage with one another again, and learn how to build their research in the final years of the grant. As we were limited in our venue on the number of members who could attend, our goal for the 3rd installment of the AMR - One Health Retreat will place a focus on industry involvement on research, and accommodate a larger number of people to share knowledge.

AMR: A One Health Approach Virtual Seminar Series 2021
Fall 2021
The AMR: A One Health Approach Virtual Seminar Series 2021 was a success with 180 students registered from 20 different countries. This program was offered through 24 virtual live sessions from September-December 2021, presented by 30 instructors from various institutions in Canada who addressed the issues associated with AMR and AMU from a holistic One Health approach.

Antimicrobials for Lunch Series
Fall 2021
Antimicrobials for Lunch Series was offered virtually through10 Friday sessions, Oct-Dec 2021, 12:00 – 1:00 pm (MT), and each session consisted of 3 Consortium project presentation updates: 10 minutes presentation update + 5-10 minutes Q & A.

Mentor-Trainee Engagement Sessions
Nov 26, 2020
The AMR - One Health Consortium held its inaugural Mentor-Trainee Engagement Sessions as part of the Consortium 2020 Annual Retreat. On Nov 26, nine mentors met with thirteen trainees through virtual zoom sessions. Topics included advice on how to help plan a career, how to balance work and home life, and how and where to find inspiration. Thank you to Danielle Julien, Dana Tschritter, and Lorian Hardcastle, who helped with event planning, and to all of those who participated. A post-session questionnaire will be sent to help evaluate the experiences of both mentors and trainees.

Antimicrobials for Lunch - Consortium Project Updates
Fall 2020
The AMR - One Health Consortium Principal Investigators provided virtual presentations on their Consortium projects on Wednesdays and Fridays lunch time throughout November 2020 via Zoom. Each session consisted of three project presentations, with 10 mins of updates and 5-10 mins of Q&A.
If you would like to watch any of the recorded sessions, please contact us

Science Communication Webinar and Workshop Series
Sep-Nov 2020
In today’s innovation- and research-rich world, we need to share complicated messages with a wide range of readers, such as granting agencies, colleagues, stakeholders and the public.
Through a series of science communication webinar and workshop sessions, offered by Sylviane Duval, OpenTheBox Ltd, the AMR - One Health Consortium members learned how to present themselves and their work in lay language while also connecting Science to society in the disinformation age.
Session #1: Plain Language… de-obfuscated webinar - Sep 23, 2020
Session #2: Presenting Yourself with Confidence webinar - Oct 28, 2020
Session #3: Connecting Science to Society in the Disinformation Age workshop, November 25, 2020

One Health Workshop Series (OHWS)
Oct & Nov 2020
One Health at UCalgary, Genome Alberta, the University of Alberta School of Public Health, Alberta Veterinary Medical Association, and AMR-One Health Consortium,
hosted a multidisciplinary, cross-sectoral workshop series around issues that are threatening human, animal, and environmental health, and the sustainability of Alberta's livestock industry. The workshop series were opened to public and brought together stakeholders from the private sector, academia, and government for presentations and panel discussions.

AMR – One Health Consortium First Annual Retreat
Oct 11-12, 2019
The AMR – One Health Consortium First Annual Retreat was held on Oct 10-11, 2019, in Banff with more than 100 attendees. This retreat was aimed at connecting Consortium team members within and across work packages, facilitating networking, and determining ways to best to align/collaborate in the future.
Work Package Leads and/or Principle Investigators provided short presentations on behalf of their projects. Updates was provided on key ongoing initiatives in the area of AMR, with discussions on how we can better leverage/contribute to these opportunities in the coming years.