
Explore posters, oral and video presentations created by the AMR - One Health Consortium.

1A: Validation of novel targets

Amit Bhavsar

1B: From antivirals to antibiotics

Matthias Götte

2A: Antimicrobials in pregnancy & infant outcomes

Laura Sycuro

2B: Stimulating gut immunity to reduce AMU

Eduardo Cobo

2C: Microbiome-derived antimicrobial therapeutics

Joe Harrison

3B: Farm-to-fork assessment of exposure to AMR

Simon Otto

3D: Lineage of TB in Alberta & 4D: Identifying virulence markers for Strep B

Gregory Tyrrell

3E: Developing a provincial AMR antibiogram

Tanis Dingle

3F: COVID-19 and AMR: A Systematic Review and Policy Brief

Ruwandi Kariyawasam

3G: The cefazolin inoculum effect in patients with MSSA in Alberta

Tanis Dingle

5A: Digital apps & virtual health for support 7A: Sociotechnical systems analysis for AMR innovation

Jill de Grood

6A: Antibiotic prescribing in emergency & primary care

Cora Constantinescu

6B: Antibiotic stewardship in primary care

Myles Leslie

8A: AMR and the law

Lorian Hardcastle

8C: Bedside diagnostics for C. diff testing

Ricardo Tang

9A: Environmental AMR in wastewater treatment-adapted organisms

Simon Otto

10B: Economics of reduced AMU in swine and beef cattle

Ellen Goddard

Unleashing bacteriophages: Harnessing their power to combat AMR bacterial infection

Jieting Lin


G20 AMR Pre-event #2

June 2022

Dr. Simon Otto spoke to the G20 Indonesia 2nd technical pre-event for "Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR): Curbing the Silent AMR Pandemic" that focused on “Surveillance as the backbone for AMR prevention and control” held on June 29, 2022. AMR is a global public and One Health problem that threatens the health of humans, animals, and the environment. Dr. Otto relayed Canada's experience with and lessons learned from developing national, integrated, One Health surveillance programs for antimicrobial use and resistance that provide evidence for policy and programs to support antimicrobial stewardship. Dr. Otto was one of nine international speakers to over 200 participants from G20 countries, including government and subject matter experts. He emphasized the importance of conducting surveillance across human, animal, and environmental sectors to address AMR and support the health of humans, animals, and the environment.

Sociotechnical system analysis for AMR innovation

Presenter: Michelle Cheng, BSc

Location/Conference: 2021 Virtual One Health Antimicrobial Stewardship Conference

Date of conference: March 10 - 12, 2021

Principle Investigator: Dr. John Conly, MD 

Role with the Consortium: W21C Junior Human Factors Research Associate working on Work Package 7A: Sociotechnical system analysis for AMR innovation


Utilizing a model that reflects mixed-methods research our team aims to describe the barriers and facilitators to optimizing system performance across individual, organizational, geographical, and cultural boundaries. Our study will generate a comprehensive collection of system information to subsequently inform technology development opportunities and knowledge translation interventions that apply to AMR. The following presentation is an overview of our initial phase of work, identifying sociotechnical system elements that influence the use of antimicrobials in humans and animals.

COVID-19: Policy implementation and communication lessons from acute and primary care

Presenter: Dr. Myles Leslie, PhD

Role with the Consortium: Principal Investigator 

A team led by Dr. Myles Leslie, PhD, will evaluate how COVID-19 preparedness and response policies are being transmitted to, and implemented in, hospitals and family doctors’ offices in Alberta.

Efficacy of single polyvalent bacteriophages in mixed avian pathogenic Escherichia coli strain cultures

Presenter: Mihret Girum,

Department of Ecosystem and Public Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Calgary,

Location: Phage Canada Virtual Symposium

Role with the Consortium: Undergraduate Honours Thesis student with Dr. Dongyan Niu’s lab

Mihret Girum's research topic investigates the utility of phage with broad host range in biocontrol of multi-drug resistant E. coli causing avian colibacillosis. She was selected as an oral talk in the Phage Canada Virtual Symposium on July 10th 2020.

Mihret graduated with a Biological Science Honours degree from the University of Calgary in Spring 2020, and will be studying Optometry at UC Berkeley starting September 2020.