Antimicrobial Resistance - One Health Consortium
Vision: A future in which antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is contained.
Investigation of AMR spread via MGEs and developing machine learning biotools for quantitative AMR level prediction
Principal Investigator: Athanasios Zovolis
Project Snapshot
Human exposure to and risk from antimicrobial resistant Campylobacter, Enterococus and ESBL E. coli: a farm-to-fork assessment
Principal Investigator: Simon Otto
Molecular epidemiology of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Enterococcus and E. coli from poultry, cattle humans and the environment
Principal Investigator: Sylvia Checkley
Lineage analysis of clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Alberta
Principal Investigator: Greg Tyrell
Development of a single human AMR antibiogram for Alberta
Principal Investigator: Tanis Dingle
Reducing inappropriate antibiotic prescribing in emergency departments and in primary care settings in Alberta
Principal Investigator: Joan Robinson
Reducing inappropriate improving antibiotic stewardship in primary care clinics: a co-design approach
Principal Investigator: Myles Leslie
A Bayesian network model to explore management options for environmental AMR control
Principal Investigator: Nick Ashbolt
If you have questions or would like to contribute to AMR Research,