Together we go further...
Improved health and wellbeing for people, animals, and the environment.
Past Featured Projects
What’s in my Water? Does antibiotic use and wastewater treatment encourage the development of AMR?
How can community-based wildlife health surveillance improve food safety and security in the Arctic?
Companion animals and aging-in-place: carving out a place for pets in the age-friendly agenda

One Health uses a transdisciplinary approach to address problems at the intersection of people, animals, and their environments. Transdisciplinary research is conducted by investigators from various branches of knowledge collaborating and using novel, holistic approaches to a common issue. Combining diverse expertise has great potential to yield innovative adaptations that better address complex scientific and social challenges.
In public health, determinants of health are the social, economic, and political environments that can either promote or inhibit wellness. Animal and environmental health and resilience are also impacted by characteristics of their physical environment and the anthropogenic imposition of social and economic expectations. A One Health approach can identify and implement robust and meaningful solutions to improve the health and wellness of people, animals, and the environment within existing social, economic, and political contexts.
As the world struggles to adapt to living during a pandemic, One Health has become increasingly relevant.

One Health Trainee Chapter Mentorship Program
The One Health at UCalgary Trainee Chapter has developed a Mentorship Program for graduate students. We have developed a 'mentor bank' of volunteers where UCalgary trainees can find a mentor with similar/overlapping interests.
We hope to develop small mentorship groups through that can meet at their convenience and self-govern to decide what they would like their mentorship to look like.
One Health at UCalgary promotes transdisciplinarity so the mentorship groups will ideally include students and mentors from diverse faculties.
Trainees at all levels and programs who are interested in increasing their network are encouraged to apply.
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