Radiation Safety

Researchers may find themselves using or being near sources of radiation that are potentially hazardous. Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) is responsible for providing training and information on the unique hazards from the types of sources and each form of radiation. 

There is a registration and inspection process in place to ensure compliance with safety requirements for the radiation emitting devices.

Examples of radiation emitting devices:  

  • Diagnostic or therapeutic x-ray equipment
  • Computed tomography equipment
  • Diffraction and analysis x-ray equipment
  • Cabinet x-ray equipment
  • Baggage inspection x-ray equipment
  • Security x-ray equipment
  • Irradiation x-ray equipment
  • Class 3b and 4 lasers

There is a list of radioisotope safety training courses available. Please consider reviewing the University's Radiation Safety Manual.



The Radiation Safety Program is located within Environmental Health and Safety.

For more information or for answers to specific questions, please contact EHS at radsafe@ucalgary.ca.