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Federal Research Security Guidelines & Policies in Canada

Information on new federal research security requirements and how they will impact UCalgary researchers.

Policy on Sensitive Technology Research & Affiliations of Concern (STRAC)

The STRAC policy aims to safeguard sensitive technology research by identifying and mitigating potential risks posed by affiliations with research organizations that conflict with Canada’s national interests.

If you are applying to a grant that aims to advance a sensitive technology research area, your project is likely in scope of STRAC and will require named researchers to complete Attestation Forms.

Learn more about the policy.

Learn more about the list of sensitive technology research areas.

Learn more about the list of named research organizations.

Is my research affected by STRAC?

Applicable Funding Calls

All grant programs (Except for programs focused solely on knowledge mobilization or individual awards, including: the Institute Community Support Program, Café Scientifique, Travel grants, Planning & Dissemination grants, Capacity Building Workshops, Knowledge Synthesis grants, Prizes, etc.)

Innovation (Alliance grants including Alliance International, special calls, and joint funding opportunities, Idea to Innovation)

Discovery (Discovery Grants including Subatomic Physics and Supplements, DND/NSERC Discovery Grant Supplements, Discovery Horizons, Research Tools and Instruments including Subatomic Physics, Ship Time, Subatomic Physics Major Resources Support, Subatomic Physics Project Grants)

Training (Collaborative Research and Training Experience)

Promotion & Prizes (Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold Medal for Science and Engineering, NSERC John C. Polanyi Award, Brockhouse Canada Prize for Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Engineering, NSERC Donna Strickland Prize for Societal Impact of Natural Science and Engineering Research, Arthur B. McDonald Fellowships, Synergy Awards for Innovation)

Insight Research (Insight Development Grants, Insight Grants)

Research Partnerships (Partnership Engage Grants, Partnership Development Grants, Partnerships Grants Stage 1 and 2)

Specific Strategic & Joint Initiatives (Where STRAC is reference within the funding opportunity description)

Impact Awards (All)

New Frontiers in Research Fund (Exploration, Transformation, International, Special Calls)

Canada Research Chairs (All)

Canada Excellence Research Chairs (All)

Canada First Research Excellence Fund (All)

Biosciences Research Infrastructure Fund – Partnership with Stage 2 of the Canada Biomedical Research Fund (N/A)

College Fund (N/A)

Exceptional Opportunities Fund (New proposals submitted after May 1, 2024)

Innovation Fund (Proposals submitted to the 2025 competition)

John R. Evans Leaders Fund – affiliated (TBD; consult with CFI website regularly for updates)

John R. Evans Leaders Fund – unaffiliated (New proposals submitted after June 25, 2024)

Major Science Initiatives Fund (TBD; consult CFI website regularly for updates)

Northern Fund (New proposals submitted after May 1, 2024)

Access the RSD SharePoint

To access additional resources and documents, members of the UCalgary community can log in to the Research Security Sharepoint site. 

UCalgary login is required.

Log into the SharePoint

National Security Guidelines for Research Partnerships (NSGRP)

The NSGRP provides a framework for consistent, risk-targeted due diligence to identify and mitigate potential national security risks related to private sector partnerships

If you are applying to a grant with a private sector partner, industry association, or producer group, your project is likely in scope of the NSGRP and will require a Risk Assessment Form.

Learn more about the guidelines

Is my research affected by the NSGRP?

Take this self assessment:

  • Are you applying to an applicable grant with one or more private sector partners (including industry associations and producer groups)? 

If you answered “Yes” to the above, then the NSGRP will likely apply to your research.

Resources & Applicable Funding Calls

Project Grant Program (Beginning with the Fall 2024 competition)

Innovation, Alliance grants (Including special calls and joint funding opportunities, where identified in the funding literature)

Canada Biomedical Research Fund (Forthcoming)

CFI programs except for the College Fund (All)

Next steps for affected researchers

If you are concerned that your research may be affected by the NSGRP or STRAC, please reach out to Research Security at Guidance will be provided on a case-by-case basis.