Featured Research Projects
Featured research papers

Behavioural Ecology of Columbian Ground Squirrels
Research Cluster: Animal Ecology
Project Coordinator(s): Vincent A Viblanc, Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien, CNRS, Strasbourg, France; F. Stephen Dobson, Auburn University, USA; Jan O Murie, University of Alberta

Beaver-mediated water table dynamics in a montane peatland
Research Cluster: Ecohydrology, Groundwater and Watersheds
Project Coordinators: Daniel Karran, Cherie Westbrook, and Angela Bedard-Haughn, University of Saskatchewan

Ecological impacts of introduced sportfish on alpine and montane valley lakes
Research Cluster: Mountain Limnology and Global Change
Project Coordinator: Rolf Vinebrooke

The Role of Non-climatic Factors on Seedling Establishment
Research Cluster: Vegetation Dynamics and Forestry
Project Coordinator(s): Emma Davis and Ze’ev Gedalof, University of Guelph