Killam Awards

Research & Teaching

Five Killam Research and Teaching Awards honour outstanding teaching, supervision, and research at the University of Calgary.

All full-time continuing academic staff may be considered if they meet the additional criteria for a given award. No individual is eligible for the same award more than once. Awardees receive a cash prize and a commemorative certificate at the annual University of Calgary Killam Reception held in October.


Maryam Tahir
Specialist, Research Awards & Grants
Research Services Office

Erin O'Toole
Specialist, Research Awards & Chairs
Research Services Office 

McCaig-Killam Teaching Award: teaching is one of the central activities at a University. It is rewarded by departments, at the Faculty level and by a number of University wide awards. The McCaig-Killam Teaching Award is given to an individual for outstanding contributions to teaching and learning at the University.

Nomination Deadline: May 26, 2025

Killam Undergraduate Mentorship Award: recognizes excellence in mentorship at the undergraduate level, which may include extensive involvement of undergraduates in research, supervision of undergraduate research projects, and pedagogical practices that promote the integration of teaching and research.

Nomination Deadline: May 26, 2025

Killam Graduate Supervision and Mentorship Award: presented to an individual who has a record of supervision and mentorship of Masters and/or PhD students at the University of Calgary. Each year, nominations will rotate between supervisors who work in a lab-based setting (more typical of medicine, natural science, engineering, and some social sciences) and those who mentor students’ independent projects (more typical of the humanities, fine arts, some social sciences, and education). The rotation will work on a 2:1 basis meaning two years lab-based supervisors, one year non-lab-based Supervisors. For 2025, the award will be for non lab-based supervisors.

Nomination Deadline: May 26, 2025

Killam Emerging Research Leader Award and Grant: presented to up to three individuals (one per Tri-Council) who have, at an early career stage equivalent to 10 years after beginning their first independent academic appointment, made outstanding contributions to research at an area of research recognized by CIHR, NSERC, or SSHRC.

Nomination Deadline: May 26, 2025

Killam Research Excellence Award: presented to an individual who has made outstanding contributions to research. Each year, one of the Tri-Council eligible areas has been selected and will rotate on a three year schedule. The 2025 award will be for CIHR researchers.

Nomination Deadline: May 26, 2025

Killam CV Template: Nominees are encouraged to use or consult the Killam CV Template (link will download a Word document) for suggested headings and information to be included in their CV. Note that not all award nominations require a CV.