The Conjoint Health Research Ethics Board (CHREB) reviews applications from Researchers affiliated with the:
• Cumming School of Medicine
• Faculty of Kinesiology
• Faculty Nursing
The Conjoint Health Research Ethics Board (CHREB) operates in compliance with the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Human Participants (TCPS2), International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) E6, Good Clinical Practice (GCP), Alberta’s Health Information Act and relevant sections of the Canada Food and Drug Act and its Regulations.
Applications to the CHREB are completed and submitted online using IRISS (Institutional Research Information Services Solution).
References and Resources
Find the most current forms, templates and articles on the ethics and compliance resources page.
Resources include:
Jump to: CHREB Resources
• CHREB Forms and Templates
• CHREB Guidelines and Tips
• CHREB Cell Lines: approval and application
• CHREB Publishing Case Series and Reports
• CHREB Articles
• CHREB QA, Quality Improvement, Program Eval. or Research?
• CHREB Retrospective Review
Jump to: General Resources | all boards
• Ethics Requirements: general reference
• Before You Start: considerations prior to application
• Post-Approval Activities
Oncology Research
The University of Calgary has delegated review of all cancer-related research to HREBA-CC. For access to that committee’s ethics application, email iriss.support@ucalgary.ca.
Cancer-related studies are those focused on the study of cancer, treatment of cancer patients, or using health information from a cancer registry or biorepository. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Clinical trials in patients with a cancer diagnosis.
- Studies evaluating, assessing or describing the clinical care (including palliative and psychosocial well-being) and management of patients with cancer.
- Studies where the participants are identified/recruited using cancer registries or bio-repositories in Alberta or elsewhere.
CHREB Meeting Schedule
The CHREB meets on the first and third Thursday monthly.
View: 2025 CHREB Meeting Schedule
Important: There are NO submission deadlines. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. The time from submission to a determination is approximately 4-6 weeks, contingent on a well completed application.
REB Review Fees
The University of Calgary charges a $5000 CAD fee for the REB review of industry-sponsored or for-profit research.
The CHREB Service fee is payable regardless of the outcome of the review or contract status (this includes withdrawing the application after review by the REB has commenced).
Review: CHREB Administration Fee for Industry Sponsored Research
Review Timelines for CHREB
You may submit your application to the CHREB at any time via IRISS. All applications undergo an administrative check prior to going in the queue to be sent out for review. Once your file has been received, feedback regarding any ethical issues of your application will be logged and sent to you via IRISS.
The level of review (delegated or full board) depends on the context of the study and the risk of the proposed research. Quality can make a difference. An application that is complete, accurate and concise may take less time, because there will be less back and forth between the Board and the researcher.
Health Canada REB Attestation
The Conjoint Health Research Ethics Board does not sign individual Health Canada REB Attestation Forms. The approval certificates contain all the information required by Health Canada for the REB Attestation.
OHRP Compliance
When considering studies that have NIH funding or fall under the US FDA, the CHREB complies with FDA regulations 21 CFR Parts 50 and 56, and HHS regulations 45 CFR 46. The CHREB is registered with OHRP/FDA.
Type of Assurance: Institutional Review Board
IRB Number: IRB00001300
Type of Assurance: Federal Wide
FWA Number: FWA00000810
Contact Us
Email: chreb@ucalgary.ca
Tel: 403-220-2297
Visit: Research Services | ethics contacts
When possible, please provide the PI name and IRISS REB ID# and use your institutional email (eg. UCalgary email).
Information About Abuse
The Research Ethics Boards and staff at the University of Calgary are service providers working hard to facilitate your research.
Consistent with the University of Calgary’s Code of Conduct, it is expected that all communications between principal investigators, research teams, research ethics unit staff and research ethics board members is professional and respectful.
Abuse will not be tolerated.