Frederick W. Lanchester Prize
Opportunity link:
Opportunity type:
Award amount and duration:
To be eligible for the Lanchester Prize, a paper, a book, or a group of books or papers must meet the following requirements:
- It must be on an operations research/management science subject.
- It must have been published in in the past five years (i.e. 2019 or more recent). For a group of publications, at least one publication of the group must have been published during that same five-year period.
- It must be written in the English language, and
- It must have appeared in the open literature.
The Lanchester prize is awarded for the best contribution to operations research and the management sciences published in English in the past five years (i.e. 2018 or more recent). For a group of publications, at least one publication of the group must have been published during that same five-year period. The prize includes a commemorative medallion and a U.S. $5,000 cash award. The award is given each year at the fall INFORMS Annual Meeting.
Application deadlines
Program application deadline
Additional Information
Nominations are submitted through the INFORMS Awards program; a nomination consists of:
- A nominating letter specifying the work being nominated and explaining why it is deserving of the Lanchester Prize. Nominating letters must include the titles of paper(s) or book(s), author(s), and the place and date of publication.
- Supporting letters, if desired. Supporting statements bearing on the worth of the publication in terms of the six criteria above will be very helpful, but are not required.
- Six (6) copies of the work (or electronic version of work).
The prize is $5,000 and a commemorative medallion. If there are multiple winners, a medallion is struck for each and the monetary award is shared equally. Each author of an Honorable Mention receives a certificate, but no monetary award.
The deadline is June 15, 2024.
Contact Details
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)