teacher with kids in classroom

One Child Every Child Contacts

Connect with us

Dr. François Bernier

Dr. François Bernier

Project Lead


HMRB 211


Research profile

Dr. Michael Hart

Dr. Michael Hart

Indigenous Lead

Learn more

Benedikt Hallgrímsson

Dr. Benedikt Hallgrímsson

Chair, Scientific Committee

HMRB 294

Research Profile

Joanne Weninger

Joanne Weninger

Executive Director

HMRB 212



Elodie Boudes

Elodie Boudes

Program Manager



Michelle Downey

Michelle Downey

Business Operations Manager




Melissa Boisvenue

Melissa Boisvenue

Communications Advisor


HMRB 272


Catherine Crabtree

Catherine Crabtree

Human Resources Advisor



Lisa Korolyk

Lisa Korolyk

Senior Events Specialist

HMRB 272


Damilola Bamidele-Abegunde

Damilola Bamidele-Abegunde

Administrative Coordinator


HMRB 290



Stephanie Hawes

Stephanie Hawes

Executive Administrator


HMRB 290



Research and Accelerator Teams

  1. Co-leads

  2. Staff

    Tian Renton
    Project Manager

    Vichy Liyanage
    Research Associate

  3. Grand Challenge

    Address key challenges impacting the health and wellbeing of pregnant people and infants


    • Identify and address determinants of fetal growth and optimal development for life-long health
    • Deliver evidence-informed biomarkers, tools and transformational care models to enable early recognition and prevention of adverse outcomes


    • Provide tangible support to facilitate the ongoing operations of Alberta-based longitudinal pregnancy cohorts
    • Develop and validate artificial intelligence (AI) based models for fetal imaging
    • Establish an international consortium to map the early beginnings ecosystem
    • Invest in discovery science as it relates to understanding key mechanisms related to fetal growth, development, and parturition
  1. Co-leads

  2. Staff

    Jacinda Larson
    Project Manager
    HMRB 213

    Dori-Ann Martin
    Clinical Trials Specialist

    Alex Beaudet
    Deep Phenotyping Program, Genetics Research Coordinator

  3. Grand Challenge

    Address key challenges impacting children with chronic or complex medical conditions


    • Reduce the burden of medical complexity through precision health-informed biomedical and social approaches to genetic and chronic disease
    • Deliver risk reduction strategies to address co-morbidities to achieve optimal trajectories


    • Leverage existing chronic disease cohorts – and enhance with prospective recruitment
    • Evaluate the role of compounding determinants for children with chronic illness
    • Assess prevalence and challenges for Indigenous children
    • Design interventions focused on addressing health, social and systemic challenges
  1. Co-leads

  2. Staff

    Shannon Wowk
    Project Manager

  3. Grand Challenge

    Address key challenges experienced by those living with neurodiversity and mental health challenges


    • Advance understanding of neurodiversity and brain and mental health conditions
    • Translate knowledge into actionable tools, evidence-based care pathways and effective interventions to achieve optimal outcomes


    • Determine burden in Indigenous communities via nation-specific indicators
    • Support early prediction, diagnosis, and pathways for medical interventions
    • Develop culturally based interventions that meet the needs of Indigenous children (i.e. traditional circle-based programs)
  1. Lead

  2. Staff

    Sage Runner
    Project Manager, Indigenous Research & Training
    HMRB 269

  3. Grand Challenge

    Ensure that work on Indigenous child health relies on relationships with community, intergenerational engagement, Indigenous knowledge and practices, and works towards decolonization to produce transformative impact for Indigenous communities


    • Ensure meaningful and appropriate representation of Indigenous peoples, communities, and perspectives in research studies
    • Ensure research recognizes Indigenous self-determination
      • Work directly with Indigenous communities, organizations, and people to identify issues, research goals, methods, and actions
    • Initiate and support projects critical to Indigenous child and youth health that do not fit within the three themes
      • Projects are based in the holistic and relational foundations of Indigenous ways of knowing and address structural and upstream factors
  1. Co-leads

  2. Staff

    Sulyn Bodnaresko
    Indigenous Ways of Knowing Manager
    HMRB 269

    Lorina Rigaux
    Indigenous Ways of Knowing Research and Training Advisor
    HMRB 269

  3. Mandate

    Ensure that work on Indigenous child health relies on relationships with community, intergenerational engagement, Indigenous knowledge and practices, and works towards decolonization to produce transformative impact for Indigenous communities


    • Ensure meaningful and appropriate representation of Indigenous peoples, communities, and perspectives in research studies
    • Ensure research recognizes Indigenous self-determination
      • Work directly with Indigenous communities, organizations, and people to identify issues, research goals, methods, and actions
    • Initiate and support projects critical to Indigenous child and youth health that do not fit within the three themes
      • Projects are based in the holistic and relational foundations of Indigenous ways of knowing and address structural and upstream factors
  1. Lead

    Dr. Malinda Smith

  2. Staff

    Olajumoke Oyebode
    Research Associate
    HMRB 262

  3. Mandate

    Take a committed approach to dismantle and disrupt inequities through equitable research practices and inclusive governance


    • Accountable for the development of the Equitable Pathways Action Plan (year 1 deliverable)
    • Provide guidance in addressing barriers to participation and career advancement in underrepresented groups
    • Support CFREF activities around:
      • Integrating Equitable Pathways in health research
      • Incorporating Equitable Pathways in Child Health and Wellness
      • Mitigating barriers, mitigating equity tax, and engaging stakeholders
    • Equitable Pathways Action Plan and lessons learned from development, implementation, and real-life performance will be shared with our wider community
  1. Co-leads

  2. Staff

    Vanessa Bélanger-Marceau
    Awards Advisor
    HMRB 206

  3. Mandate

    Foster a new generation of researchers with transdisciplinary understanding of child health and wellness


    • Recruit, train and retain research trainees and early career researchers (ECRs) with partnering universities
    • Provide training across universities and partners of One Child Every Child
    • Create certification pathways to guide learners towards tailored curricular content for issues unique to child health and wellness
    • Build and sustain inclusive, interdisciplinary communities of trainees, ECRs and mentors to provide advanced training and personalized mentorship
    • Increase the number of Indigenous trainees at all levels
    • Increase the representation of equity-deserving groups among trainees
    • Foster networking from mentorship, collaborations, and partnerships
  1. Co-leads

  2. Staff

    Matthew Adams
    Program Manager, Data Science
    HMRB 282

    Kirsty Roberston
    Research Database Scientist

    Lindsay Whelan
    Data Analyst

  3. Mandate

    Integrate and harness multipronged data sources using cutting-edge data science, develop equitable and inclusive data standards and support the build of a comprehensive data infrastructure


    • Use digital health data to drive discovery and innovation
    • Leverage digital health resource for insights and health and economic innovations
    • Develop advanced computer-aided diagnosis and treatment guidance tools for disease diagnosis and outcome prediction in sick children – enabling a data-driven precision health approach
    • Grow our existing digital data footprint into a significant national and international data health research data integration and analysis resource
  1. Co-leads

  2. Staff

    Kingsley Ibhazehiebo
    Clinical Commercialization Specialist

    Raman Koul
    Technology Solutions Project Coordinator

  3. Mandate

    Develop accessible, distributed, wearable and culturally acceptable precision health interventions


    • Co-develop novel health and related technologies with potential for substantial health, social, and economic value
    • Ensure inventions are commercialized and diffused for maximum benefit
    • Act as a catalyst for new hardware, software and integrated solutions, coordinate activities with the data accelerator and engage with thematic researchers to plan solutions and drive innovations
  1. Lead

  2. Staff

    Btissam (Sam) El Hassar
    Project Manager
    HMRB 279

    Fiona Mackenzie
    Impact and Knowledge Mobilization Facilitator 
    HMRB 279

    Rachel Ratz Lubashevsky
    Measurement & Evaluation Specialist
    HMRB 279

  3. Mandate

    Co-develop a national framework for child health with UNICEF and advance and deploy effective knowledge mobilization strategies to maximize impact


    • Create an Impact, Value and Knowledge Mobilization Framework specific to child health and wellness
    • Embed and Align Impact and KM into all CFREF Funded Projects and Activities
    • Assess Economic Impact of One Child, Every Child Research initiatives
    • Provide oversight to PMP Measurement and Reporting

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To make a difference for children, families and communities through new discoveries, better treatments and public health policies.

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