Canada Research Chairs | UCalgary

Canada Research Chairs Program (CRCP)

Inclusive Excellence, Public Accountability and Transparency

Chairholders aim to achieve research excellence in engineering and the natural sciences, health sciences, humanities, and social sciences.


Welcome to the University of Calgary’s public accountability and transparency site for the Canada Research Chairs Program (CRCP). The CRCP is an initiative of Canada's Tri-Agency Program Secretariat (TIPs) and includes the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), and the Canadian Institute for Health Research (CIHR). The CRCP Secretariat is housed in SSHRC.

About the CRCP

The CRCP initiative was launched in 2000. The federal budget 2019-2000 allocated up to Canadian $295 million dollars to establish 2000 research chairs with the aim of attracting and retaining world-leading researchers to Canada. The CRCs aims to enhance Canada’s international competitiveness by advancing research excellence in all disciplines, deepening the depth of knowledge, creativity, and innovation, and mentoring and training the next generation of leading-edge researchers.

There are two types of Canada Research Chairs (CRCs)

  • Tier 1 CRCs: These are tenable for seven years, and are renewable once, for up to 24 years. Tier 1 CRCs are for outstanding researchers who are recognized by their peers as world leaders in their fields. For each Tier 1 Chair, the institution receives $200,000 annually for seven years, for a total of approximately $1,400,000-$2,800,000.
  • Tier 2 CRCs: Tenable for five years, and renewable once, Tier 2 CRCs are for outstanding emerging researchers who are recognized by their peers as having the potential to lead in their field. For teach Tier 2 CRC, the university receives $100,000 annually for five years, for a total of approximately $500,000 to one million dollars.

Currently, the CRCP allocates 2,285 research chairs to Canadian higher education institutions to attract and retain a diverse composition of talented researchers to Canada’s degree-granting institutions. 

Regular Allocation Type of Chairs Tri-Agency
837 (39%) CRC Tier 1 and Tier 2 NSERC
837 (39%) CRC Tier 1 and Tier 2 CIHR
474 (23%) CRC Tier 1 and Tier 2 SSHRC

Special Allocation

(small institutions)

Type of Chairs Tri-Agency
137 (6%) CRC Tier 1 and Tier 2




About the CRCP at UCalgary

The UCalgary is committed to research excellence and embedding equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility in the research ecosystem. On this page, you will find important information about the CRCP a the University of Calgary. This includes UCalgary’s CRC EDI Action Plan, the CRC EDI Awareness Strategy, and CRC update reports. You will find the federal CRC requirements, the CRC utilization spreadsheets, equity targets, and all current CRC opportunities and archived advertisements/job postings.

Below you will also find two databases, one of all current UCalgary CRCs, and another of former UCalgary CRCs. Learn more about the institution’s commitment to human rights and equity in the CRCP, institutional strategies, resources for EDI, Indigenous engagement, accommodation, EDI data, and EDI workshops and online modules to combat bias and discrimination in hiring and selection committees, and for embedding EDI in the research ecosystem more broadly.

Please direct any questions or concerns regarding the implementation of UCalgary’s EDI Action Plan to the University of Calgary’s CRC Institutional Equity Officer, Associate Vice President Research (EDI), Dr. Malinda Smith at

The UCalgary's CRC EDI Action Plan approval followed the institutional governance process.

Canada Research Chair Requirements

Canada Research Chair Requirements

All Canada Research Chair positions must be filled using requirements for recruitment and nomination, which are based on the principles of openness, transparency and accountability. The University of Calgary invites nominee applications from all qualified individuals.

UCalgary Canada Research Chair Utilization

UCalgary Canada Research Chair Utilization

The University of Calgary's Canada Research Chair utilization spreadsheet is maintained by the Canada Research Chair Program and includes the number of Canada Research Chairs allocated to UCalgary, how many are filled and by whom, and types of “flex” moves. 

Canada Research Chair Advertisements/Job Postings

Canada Research Chair Advertisements/Job Postings

All University of Calgary Canada Research Chair advertisements for all active and archived positions can be found on the current Canada Research Opportunites page. 

ResearcherChair TitleTierFacultyDepartmentAgency
Adams, JenniferCreativity in STEM Education2Faculty of ScienceDepartment of ChemistrySSHRC
Barha, CindyNeuroscience, Brain Health and Exercise2Faculty of KinesiologyFaculty of KinesiologyCIHR
Barnabe, CherylRheumatoid Arthritis and Autoimmune Diseases2Cumming School of MedicineDepartments of Medicine and Community Health SciencesCIHR
Beck, PaulPrecision Medicine1Cumming School of MedicineDepartment of Medicine - Division of GastroenterologyCIHR
Belostotski, LeonidHigh-Sensitivity Radiometers & Receivers (HI RAD)2Schulich School of EngineeringDepartment of Electrical and Software EngineeringNSERC
Bennett, MarlynIndigenous Children’s Well-Being2Faculty of Social Work and the Werklund School of EducationIndigenous Children's WellbeingSSHRC
Bergerson, JouleEnergy Technology Assessment2Schulich School of EngineeringDepartment of Chemical and Petroleum EngineeringNSERC
Bezdek, KarolyComputational and Discrete Geometry1Faculty of ScienceMathematics & StatisticsNSERC
Black, KerryIntegrated Knowledge, Engineering and Sustainable Communities2Schulich School of EngineeringDepartment of Civil EngineeringNSERC
Borgland, StephanieMolecular Physiology of Addiction1Cumming School of MedicineHotchkiss Brain InstituteCIHR
Brockway, Merilee (Meredith)Early Life Exposures and Child Health Outcomes 2Faculty of NursingFaculty of NursingCIHR
Callahan, BrandyNeuropsychology of Adult Brain Disorders2Faculty of ArtsDepartment of PsychologyCIHR
Chintoh, ArabaChild and Adolescent Mental Health2Cumming School of MedicineDepartment of PsychiatryCIHR
Chu, Li-FangCellular Reprogramming2Faculty of Veterinary MedicineComparative Biology and Experimental MedicineCIHR
Cone, JacksonComputational Behavioural Neuroscience 2Faculty of ArtsDepartment of PsychologyNSERC
Cuthbert, ColleenPatient and Family Centered Cancer Survivorship2Faculty of NursingFaculty of NursingCIHR
Deniset, JustinTranslational Immuno-Cardiology 2Cumming School of MedicineDepartment of Cardiac Sciences and Physiology & PharmacologyCIHR
El-Sheimy, NaserGeomatics Multi-Sensor Systems1Schulich School of EngineeringDepartment of Geomatics EngineeringNSERC
Emery, CarolynConcussion1Faculty of KinesiologySports Injury Prevention Research Centre (SIPRC)CIHR
Exner-Cortens, DeineraChild Health Promotion2Faculty of ArtsDepartment of PsychologyCIHR
Forkert, NilsMedical Image Analysis2Cumming School of MedicineDepartments of Radiology and Clinical NeurosciencesNSERC
Gallo, MarcoBrain Cancer Epigenomics2Cumming School of MedicineDepartment of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Department of Physiology & PharmacologyCIHR
Gilch, SabinePrion Disease Research2Faculty of Veterinary MedicineComparative Biology and Experimental MedicineNSERC
Gregory, AnnViromics and One Health2Faculty of ScienceDepartment of Biological SciencesNSERC
Harris, AshleyMagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Brain Injury2Cumming School of MedicineDepartment of RadiologyCIHR
Harrison, JoeBiofilm Microbiology and Genomics2Faculty of ScienceDepartment of Biological SciencesCIHR
Hemberger, MyriamDevelopmental Genetics and Epigenetics1Cumming School of MedicineDepartment of Medical GeneticsCIHR
Hirota, SimonHost-microbe Interactions and Chronic Disease2Cumming School of MedicineSnyder Institute for Chronic DiseasesCIHR
Jenne, CraigImaging Approaches Towards Studying Infections2Cumming School of MedicineDepartment of Microbiology-Immunology and Infectious DiseasesCIHR
Kaplan, JedGlobal Geospatial Intelligence for Earth Systems Modelling1Faculty of ScienceDepartment of Earth, Energy, and Environment and Department of Computer ScienceNSERC
Karimi, AliRace, Social Justice and Digital Media2Faculty of ArtsDepartment of Communication, Media and FilmSSHRC
Karimipour, HadisSecure and Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems2Schulich School of EngineeringDepartment of Electrical and Software EngineeringNSERC
Kattan, LinaIntegrative Transportation Systems through Automation and Connectivity1Schulich School of EngineeringDepartment of Civil EngineeringNSERC
Khan, NargisTuberculosis and Other Highly Infectious Respiratory Pathogens2Cumming School of MedicineDepartment of Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious DiseasesCIHR
Kim, Seonghwan (Sam)Nano Sensing Systems2Schulich School of EngineeringDepartment of Mechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringNSERC
Kimura-Hara, SusanaAquatic Analytical Chemistry2Faculty of ScienceDepartment of ChemistryNSERC
Krawetz, RomanBone and Joint Stem Cell Biology2Cumming School of MedicineCell Biology & AnatomyCIHR
Kuo, Arthur (Art)Neuromuscular Biomechanics1Faculty of KinesiologyHuman Performance LabNSERC
Kutz, SusanArctic One Health1Faculty of Veterinary MedicineDept of Ecosystem and Public HealthNSERC
Lai, LarissaCreative Writing2Faculty of ArtsDepartment of EnglishSSHRC
Laidlaw, EmilyCybersecurity Law2Faculty of LawFaculty of LawSSHRC
Leason, JenniferIndigenous Maternal-Child Wellness2Faculty of ArtsDepartment of Anthropology and ArchaeologyCIHR
Lebel, CatherinePediatric Neuroimaging2Cumming School of MedicineDepartment of RadiologyCIHR
Lee, JongbokCancer Immunology2Cumming School of MedicineDepartment of Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyCIHR
Lenters, KimberlyLanguage and Literacy Education2Werklund School of EducationSpecialization, Language and LiteracySSHRC
MacCallum, JustinBiomolecular Structure and Design2Faculty of ScienceDepartment of ChemistryCIHR
Madigan, SheriDeterminants of Child Development2Faculty of ArtsDepartment of PsychologySSHRC
Markides, JenniferIndigenous Youth Wellbeing and Education2Faculty of Social Work and the Werklund School of EducationSpecialization, Curriculum and LearningSSHRC
Melin Meachem, AmandaPrimate Genomics and Dietary Ecology2Faculty of ArtsDepartment of Anthropology and Archaeology, Department of Medical GeneticsNSERC
Morrissy, SoranaPrecision Oncology2Cumming School of MedicineDepartment of Biochemistry & Molecular BiologyCIHR
Myers, EricaEnvironmental, Energy and Resource Economics2Faculty of ArtsDepartment of EconomicsSSHRC
Nguyen, Dang KhoaNumber Theory and Arithmetic Geometry2Faculty of ScienceMathematics & StatisticsNSERC
Nicola, WiltenComputational Neuroscience2Cumming School of MedicineCell Biology & AnatomyCIHR
Nobrega, DiegoAntimicrobial Resistance and One Health 2Faculty of Veterinary MedicineFaculty of Veterinary MedicineNSERC
Orlandi, JavierComplex Neural Systems2Faculty of ScienceDepartment of Physics and AstronomyNSERC
Piers, WarrenThe Mechanisms of Homogeneous Catalytic Reactions1Faculty of ScienceDepartment of ChemistryNSERC
Pietroniro, AlainSustainable Water Systems in a Changing Climate1Schulich School of EngineeringDepartment of Civil EngineeringNSERC
Priest, JeffreyGeomechanics of Gas Hydrates2Schulich School of EngineeringDepartment of Civil EngineeringNSERC
Proud, DavidInflammatory Airway Diseases1Cumming School of MedicineSnyder Institute for Chronic DiseasesCIHR
Roach, PamelaIndigenous Health Systems Safety 2Cumming School of MedicineDepartment of Departments of Family Medicine and Community Health SciencesCIHR
Salami, Bukola Black and Racialized Peoples’ Health 1Cumming School of Medicine and Faculty of Nursing CIHR
Samuel, SusanPrecision Medicine and Data Science1Cumming School of MedicineDepartments of Pediatrics and Community Health Sciences CIHR
Sanati-Nezhad, AmirBio-microelectromechanical systems (BioMEMS)2Schulich School of EngineeringDepartment of Mechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringNSERC
Sitter, Kathleen CMulti-Sensory Storytelling in Research and Knowledge Translation2Faculty of Social WorkDepartment of Social WorkSSHRC
Spanswick, EmmaGeospace Dynamics and Space Plasma Physics2Faculty of ScienceDepartment of Physics and AstronomyNSERC
Sparks, HollyEquine Regenerative Medicine2Faculty of Veterinary MedicineVeterinary Clinical & Diagnostic SciencesNSERC
Srivistava, AnupAccounting, Decision-making and Capital Markets2Haskayne School of BusinessHaskayne School of BusinessSSHRC
Stadnyk, Tricia AHydrological Modelling2Faculty of ArtsDepartment of GeographyNSERC
Strous, MarcGeomicrobiology1Faculty of ScienceDepartment of GeoscienceNSERC
Surewaard, BasWild Microbiome and Infections 2Cumming School of MedicineMicrobiology, Immunology and Infectious DiseaseCIHR
Tait, CarolineIndigenous Health Equity and Inclusion1Faculty of Social Work and Cumming School of MedicineDepartment of Community Health SciencesCIHR
Tieleman, PeterMolecular Simulation1Faculty of ScienceDepartment of Biological SciencesNSERC
Vijayan, Mathilakath MEnvironmental Physiology and Toxicology1Faculty of ScienceDepartment of Biological SciencesNSERC
Voth, Daniel Inter-Indigenous Politics2Faculty of ArtsDepartment of Political Science and International Indigenous StudiesSSHRC
Waters, C KennethLogic and the Philosophy of Science1Faculty of ArtsDepartment of PhilosophySSHRC
Whittier, Danielle Pediatric Musculoskeletal Imaging2Cumming School of Medicine and Faculty of NursingDepartment of Cell Biology and AnatomyCIHR
Willett, WesleyVisual Analytics2Faculty of ScienceDepartment of Computer ScienceNSERC
Yang, GuangRegulatory Genomics2Cumming School of MedicineDepartment of Medical GeneticsNSERC
Yipp, BryanPulmonary Immunology, Inflammation and Host Defense2Cumming School of MedicineDepartment of Critical Care MedicineCIHR
Zamponi, GeraldMolecular Neuroscience1Cumming School of MedicineHotchkiss Brain InstituteCIHR
Zardini-Buzatto, AdrianaLipidomics2Faculty of ScienceDepartment of Biological SciencesNSERC
Zwicker, JenniferDisability Policy for Children and Youth2School of Public PolicyHealth PolicyCIHR
Name Start Date End Date Chair Title Tier Faculty Department Agency
Altier, Christopher 2012 2022 Inflammatory Pain Tier 2 Medicine Snyder Institute for Chronic Diseases CIHR
Arthur, Nancy 2004 2014 Tri-Faculty Chair in Professional Education Tier 2 Education Division of Applied Psychology SSHRC
Behie, Leo A. 2001 2015 Biomedical and Biochemical Engineering Tier 1 Engineering - NSERC
Berlinguette, Curtis P 2008 2010 Energy Conversion Tier 2 Science Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering NSERC
Birss, Viola I. 2004 2010 Electrochemistry of fuel cells and related systems Tier 1 Science Department of Chemistry NSERC
Carpendale, Sheelagh MST 2004 2010 Information Visualization Tier 2 Science Department of Computer Science NSERC
Carpendale, Sheelagh MST 2010 2015 Information Visualization Tier 1 Science Department of Computer Science NSERC
Carroll, Susanne 2005 2015 Second Language Studies Tier 1 Arts School of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Culture SSHRC
Chaconas, George 2003 2011 Molecular Biology of Lyme Disease Tier 1 Medicine Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology CIHR
Chadee, Khrisendath 2005 2021 Gastrointestinal Inflammation Tier 1 Medicine Department of Microbiology-Immunology and Infectious Diseases CIHR
Cheng, Frank 2005 2015 Pipeline Engineering Tier 2 Engineering Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering NSERC
Childs, Sarah 2003 2010 Angiogenesis and Genetics Tier 2 Medicine Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology CIHR
Cook, Linda S 2004 2010 Cancer Epidemiology Tier 2 Medicine Department of Internal Medicine CIHR
De Visscher, Alex 2005 2010 Air Quality and Pollution Control Engineering Tier 2 Engineering Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering NSERC
Dolata, Petra 2014 2011 History of Energy Tier 2 Arts Department of History SSHRC
Dong, Tao 2014 2011 Molecular Ecology of Waterborne Microbes Tier 2 Veterinary Medicine Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology NSERC
Donovan, Eric F 2014 2014 Auroral Studies Tier 2 Science Department of Physics and Astronomy NSERC
Duncan, Neil 2002 2009 Orthopedic Bioengineering Tier 2 Engineering Department of Civil Engineering NSERC
Dunn, Jeffrey F 2004 2004 Biomedical Imaging Tier 1 Medicine Department of Radiology CIHR
El-Sheimy, Naser M 2003 2013 Mobile Multi-Sensor Geomatics (M2G) Systems Tier 2 Engineering Department of Geomatics Engineering NSERC
Exner, Derek V 2011 2018 Cardiovascular Clinical Trials Tier 1 Medicine Department of Cardiac Sciences and Community Health Sciences CIHR
Facchini, Peter J 2002 2012 Plant Metabolic Processes Tier 2 Science Department of Biological Sciences NSERC
Fedigan, Linda Marie 2002 2015 Primatology and Bio-anthropology Tier 1 Arts Department of Anthropology and Archaeology NSERC
Fields, Kenneth 2008 2013 Creative Performance and New Technologies Tier 2 Arts Department of Music SSHRC
Fong, Philip W. L. 2009 2019 Software Security Tier 2 Science Department of Computer Science NSERC
Frayne, Richard 2003 2013 Image Science Tier 2 Medicine Departments of Radiology and Clinical Neuroscience CIHR
Gaudet, Jeffrey 2007 2013 Developmental Genetics Tier 2 Medicine Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Department of Medical Genetics CIHR
Gauthier, Anne H. 2001 2010 Comparative Public Policy Tier 2 Arts Department of Sociology SSHRC
Ghali, William 2001 2010 Health Services Research Tier 2 Medicine Departments of Community Health Sciences and General Internal Medicine CIHR
Ghannouchi, Fadhel M 2005 2019 Intelligent RF Radio Technology Tier 1 Engineering Department of Electrical and Software Engineering NSERC
Gibson, John J 2006 2006 Water Resources Tier 2 Science Department of Civil Engineering NSERC
Giembycz, Mark 2010 2016 Pulmonary Pharmacology Tier 1 Medicine Snyder Institute for Chronic Diseases CIHR
Glannon, Walter P 2006 2010 Medical Bioethics & Ethical Theory Tier 2 Arts Department of Philosophy CIHR
Gordon, Grant 2011 2021 Cellular Mechanisms of Cerebral Blood Flow Control Tier 2 Medicine Hotchkiss Brain Institute CIHR
Graham, Susan 2003 2015 Language and Cognitive Development Tier 2 Arts Department of Psychology SSHRC
Hawkins, Richard 2005 2012 Social Contexts for Technology Tier 1 Arts Department of Communication and Culture SSHRC
Hayashi, Masaki 2007 2017 Physical Hydrology Tier 2 Science Department of Geoscience NSERC
Herwig, Holger H. 2001 2010 Military and Strategic Studies Tier 1 Arts Department of History SSHRC
Hildebrand, Alan R. 2001 2010 Planetary Science Tier 2 Science Department of Geoscience NSERC
Hill, Josephine 2007 2017 Hydrogen and Catalysis Tier 2 Engineering Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering NSERC
Hill, Matthew N 2012 2022 Neurobiology of Stress Tier 2 Medicine Hotchkiss Brain Institute CIHR
Hoskin, Paul W. O. 2007 2009 Solid Earth Geochemistry of Orogenic Belts Tier 2 Science Department of Geological Sciences NSERC
Jette, Nathalie 2010 2017 Neurological Health Services and Population Health Research Tier 2 Medicine Department of Clinical Neurosciences CIHR
Jirik, Frank R 2001 2015 Molecular Medicine and Transgenic Research Tier 1 Medicine Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology CIHR
Kantzas, Apostolos 2001 2011 Energy and Imaging Tier 2 Engineering Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering NSERC
Keith, David W 2004 2011 Energy and the Environment Tier 1 Engineering Department of Physics and Astronomy NSERC
Keren, Michael 2002 2016 Communication, Culture and Civil Society Tier 1 Arts Department of Communication, Media and Film SSHRC
Kim, Sung-Woo 2007 2012 Cancer Research Tier 2 Medicine Department of Physiology and Pharmacology CIHR
Kubes, Paul 2001 2021 Leukocyte Recruitment in Inflammatory Disease Tier 1 Medicine Snyder Institute for Chronic Diseases CIHR
Kwok, Daniel Y. 2006 2009 Interfacial Phenomena Tier 2 Engineering Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering NSERC
Lachapelle, Gérard 2001 2015 Wireless Location Tier 1 Engineering Department of Geomatics Engineering NSERC
Larter, Stephen 2004 2018 Petroleum Geology Tier 1 Engineering Department of Geosciences NSERC
Lvovsky, Alexander I 2005 2015 Experimental Quantum Information Tier 2 Science Department of Physics and Astronomy NSERC
Lytton, Jonathan 2007 2014 Molecular Cardiovascular Biology Tier 1 Medicine Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology CIHR
MacDonald, Justin A 2004 2014 Smooth Muscle Pathophysiology Tier 2 Medicine Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology CIHR
Marshall, Deborah 2008 2018 Health Systems and Services Research Tier 2 Medicine McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health CIHR
Marshall, Shawn J 2007 2017 Climate Change Tier 2 Arts Department of Geography NSERC
Martin, Renée H. 2002 2009 Genetics Tier 1 Medicine Department of Medical Genetics CIHR
McCauley, Edward F 2001 2010 Population Ecology Tier 1 Science Department of Biological Sciences NSERC
McFarlane, Sarah 2002 2012 Developmental Neurobiology Tier 2 Medicine Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy CIHR
McGhee, James 2002 2012 Developmental Biology Tier 1 Medicine Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology CIHR
McKay, Derek M 2006 2020 Intestinal Immunophysiology in Health and Disease Tier 1 Medicine Department of Physiology and Pharmacology CIHR
Mercader, Julio 2003 2013 Tropical Forest Archaeology Tier 2 Arts Department of Anthropology and Archaeology SSHRC
Monchi, Oury 2015 2021 Non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease Tier 1 Medicine Departments of Clinical Neurosciences and Radiology CIHR
Muruve, Daniel 2009 2019 Innate Immunity, Inflammation and Kidney Disease Tier 2 Medicine Snyder Institute for Chronic Disease CIHR
Okoniewski, Michal 2002 2012 Applied Electromagnetics Tier 2 Engineering Department of Electrical and Software Engineering NSERC
Patel, Kamala 2001 2010 Leukocyte Trafficking Tier 2 Medicine Department of Physiology & Pharmacology CIHR
Policzer, Pablo 2005 2015 Latin American Politics Tier 2 Arts Department of Political Science SSHRC
Ro, Dae-Kyun 2006 2016 Plant Bioproducts Tier 2 Science Department of Biological Sciences NSERC
Robbins, Stephen M. 2001 2010 Molecular Genetics of Cancer Tier 2 Medicine Departments of Oncology and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology CIHR
Roberts, Joanne 2009 2014 Economics of Organizations Tier 2 Arts Department of Economics SSHRC
Ronsky, Janet L. 2001 2011 Biomedical Engineering Tier 2 Engineering Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering NSERC
Ruwanpura, Janaka 2007 2013 Project Management Systems Tier 2 Science Department of Civil Engineering NSERC
Schmidt, Tannin A 2014 2017 Biomaterials Tier 2 Kinesiology Centre for Bioengineering Research and Education NSERC
Schriemer, David C 2014 2014 Pharmaceutical Proteomics Tier 2 Medicine Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology CIHR
Shi, Yan 2014 2011 Immune Regulation Tier 2 Medicine Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology CIHR
Starblanket, Gina GS 2019 2022 Politics of Decolonization Tier 2 Arts Department of Political Science SSHRC
Storek, Jan 2005 2009 Molecular Medicine Tier 2 Medicine Department of Microbiology Immunology and Infectious Diseases CIHR
Straus, Sharon 2007 2008 Knowledge Translation and Quality of Care Tier 2 Medicine Department of Community Health Sciences CIHR
Stys, Peter 2007 2021 Axo-glial Biology Tier 1 Medicine Hotchkiss Brain Institute CIHR
Surette, Michael 2002 2010 Microbial Gene Expression Tier 2 Medicine Department of Microbiology Immunology and Infectious Diseases CIHR
Tay, Joo-Hwa 2013 2019 Wastewater Engineering Tier 1 Engineering - NSERC
Taylor, Michael Scott 2004 2018 International Energy and Environmental Economics Tier 1 Arts Department of Economics SSHRC
Verhoef, Marja 2001 2011 Complementary Medicine Tier 2 Medicine Department of Community Health Sciences CIHR
Wallace, John L 2004 2009 Inflammation Research Tier 1 Medicine Department of Physiology and Pharmacology CIHR
Walsh, Michael 2001 2014 Vascular Smooth Muscle Research Tier 1 Medicine Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology CIHR
Watrous, John H 2002 2006 Quantum Computing Tier 2 Science Department of Computer Science NSERC
Welch, Gregory C 2015 2020 Solar Energy Materials and Devices Tier 2 Science Department of Chemistry NSERC
Welsh, Donald 2003 2013 Gap Junction Regulation and Vascular Control Tier 2 Medicine Hotchkiss Brain and Libin Cardiovascular Research Institutes and Department of Physiology and Pharmacology CIHR
Woods, Donald E 2001 2009 Microbiology Tier 1 Medicine Department of Microbiology Immunology and Infectious Diseases CIHR
Yong, Voon Wee 2004 2018 Neuroimmunology Tier 1 Medicine Departments of Oncology and Clinical Neurosciences CIHR
Yoon, Ji-Won 2001 2004 Diabetes Tier 1 Medicine Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases CIHR
Ziegler, Tom 2002 2015 Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry Tier 1 Science - NSERC

CRC EDI Requirements

CRC EDI Requirements

A diverse and inclusive Canadian research enterprise is also essential to developing excellent, innovative and impactful research that may help seize opportunities and address global challenges.

CRC Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Practices

CRC Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Practices

This guide is a tool to determine how best to address areas for improvement identified when assessing their recruitment practices and work environment.

Tri-Agency Indigenous Research Statement

Tri-Agency Indigenous Research Statement

The Canada Research Coordinating Committee co-developed with the Indigenous Peoples Assembly to develop an interdisciplinary research and learning model that contributes to reconciliation.

Human Rights, Equity, and the Canada Research Chairs Program

In 2006, eight women academics – Dr. Marjorie Griffin Cohen, Dr. Louise Forsyth, Dr. Glenis Joyce, Dr. Audrey Kobayashi, Dr. Shree Mulay, Dr. Michele Ollivier, Dr. Susan Prentice, and Dr. Wendy Robbins launched a human rights complaint against the Canada Research Chairs Program (CRCP). The complaint was resolved with the 2006 Canadian Human Rights Settlement Agreement.

Six of the surviving women academics' petitions for compliance gave rise to the 2019 Addendum to the Canada Research Chairs Program. The CRCP’s commitment to human rights, equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) and the new terms of the 2019 Addendum are outlined in an open letter from the Chairs of the Steering and Management Committees of the Canada Research Chairs Program (CRCP), Ted Hewitt, PhD, Chair, CRCP Steering Committee and President, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, and Dr. Dominique Bérubé, PhD, Chair, CRCP Management Committee, and Vice-president, Research Programs, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

In 2021, a second Canadian Human Rights Settlement Agreement was reached between Dr. Amir Attaran and the Tri-Agency Institutional Program Secretariat (TIPs).

2006 Canadian Human Rights Settlement Agreement

2006 Canadian Human Rights Settlement Agreement

2019 Addendum to the 2006 Settlement Agreement

2019 Addendum to the 2006 Settlement Agreement

2021 Canadian Human Rights Settlement Agreement

2021 Canadian Human Rights Settlement Agreement

Table 2: Current representation and equity targets

Representation in the program

The program requires all participating institutions to set and meet equity targets in recognition of the persistent systemic barriers faced by researchers who are women, gender minorities, racialized minorities, persons with disabilities and Indigenous Peoples in accessing the program, which has led to their historical underrepresentation.

Table 2: Tier distribution of active chairs as of June 1, 2021

Canada Research Chairs Program: Equity Target-Setting Exercise (2021-2029)

This document outlines the target percentages set by the institution in alignment with the methodology specified by the Canada Research Chairs Program (CRCP) for the 2021-2029 period and the equity targets in the number of chairs for the December 2022 deadline.

Table 1: June 2021 representation in the program vs. 2029 targets

Establishing equity and diversity targets page on the Canada Research Chairs

All participating institutions are required to establish equity targets, using the program’s methodology, to address systemic barriers to participation in the program for individuals from the four designated groups: racialized minorities, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, and women and gender minorities.

National Representation in the Canada Research Chair Program: 2009 - 2029

CRCP representation and target graph

Upcoming Canada Research Chair Equity Targets – August 2024

Research demonstrates that achieving an equitable, diverse and inclusive work environment leads to increased excellence, innovation and impact. As the Canada Research Chairs Program is founded on the principles of excellence, it is imperative that its design and implementation be exemplary and that it not perpetuate the systemic barriers that exist in academia and the research environment for members of racialized individuals, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, and women and gender equity-seeking groups.1

In 2021, the CRC program announced the timelines for phasing in new equity targets principally based on Canada’s population for each of the four designated groups in the program. The table below indicates the interim targets for 2022, 2025 and 2027, final targets for 2029, and current representation among UCalgary’s active chairs. Note that as a large institution, UCalgary must now reach these targets for both Tier 1 and Tier 2.

1 Canada Research Chairs Program - Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Upcoming equity targets for Canada Research Chairs
Employment Equity Policy

Employment Equity Policy

This policy aims to establish the terms under which the University of Calgary implements employment equity under the Government of Canada Federal Contractors Program. This policy applies to all faculty and staff at the University of Calgary.

Workplace Accommodation Policy

Workplace Accommodation Policy

This policy applies to the Accommodation of Academic Staff Members, Postdoctoral Scholars, Graduate Student Staff Members and Employees at the University. It facilitates arrangements that eliminate barriers to ensure that those who are otherwise able to work are not excluded from doing so based on a Protected Ground.

Protected Disclosure and Research Integrity Office

Protected Disclosure and Research Integrity Office

The Protected Disclosure and Research Integrity Office (PDRI Office) serves as a centralized resource for all members of the university community and the central point of contact for dealing with Protected Disclosures and Research Integrity issues.  Reports on formal complaints are conveyed to senior leadership through the Protected Disclosure and Research Integrity Office; reports on informal complaints are prepared for senior leadership by the Office of EDI.

University Legal Services is responsible for facilitating the coordination of policy development and consultation for all institutional policies and procedures - University Policies and Procedures

UCalgary Strategies and Plans

UCalgary Strategies and Plans

See our roadmaps and progress reports, and get a look at how we're doing at reaching our goals.

ii' taa'poh'to'p - the Strategy

ii' taa'poh'to'p

Launched in 2017, ii' taa'poh'to'p guides the University of Calgary on its path to truth and reconciliation.

Framework for Growth

Framework for Growth

The framework will serve as the formal definition of the University’s intent, provide a common understanding of our approach and set the parameters under which future initiatives for growth will be considered. Individual initiatives for growth must still follow routing and approval stages set out in the University of Calgary’s governance processes.



Frequently asked questions on the program’s equity, diversity and inclusion requirements and practices.

Frequently asked questions

UCalgary EDI workshops

UCalgary EDI workshops

Literacy and education are crucial mechanisms used to ignite change and foster inclusion. The impact of training and education depends on community members' understanding and committing to lifelong learning, practicing mindfulness and taking responsibility for building an inclusive university.

EDI Workshops

Research Involving First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples

Research Involving First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples

Upon completion of Module 9 you will be able to:

  • understand that there are diverse perspectives on research involving First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities;
  • interpret the Ethics framework in the context of First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities;
  • recognize and respect the cultural norms, governance structures and needs of different Aboriginal communities involved in research

TCPS 2 (2018) – Chapter 9: Research Involving the First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples of Canada

Bias in Peer Review – A Training Module

Bias in Peer Review – A Training Module

This interactive module is designed to promote an understanding of unconscious bias and its effect on the peer-review process. It will also provide strategies for mitigating bias during the review process.

Bias in Peer Review – A Training Module

Project Implicit

Project Implicit

The mission of Project Implicit is to educate the public about bias and provide a “virtual laboratory” for collecting data on the internet. Project Implicit scientists produce high-impact research that forms the basis of our scientific knowledge about bias and disparities.

Harvard Implicit Association Test

Implicit Bias and Microaggression Module

Implicit Bias and Microaggression Module

It can be difficult to identify our own implicit biases or even to admit that we have them. But research has shown that everyone has implicit biases. However, this does not mean that everyone has the same implicit biases or that it’s impossible to change one’s implicit biases.

Implicit Bias and Microaggression Module

Understanding and Overcoming Implicit Bias Module

Understanding and Overcoming Implicit Bias Module

Blind spots and snap judgements can impact our interactions with others. Brain science can help us understand why we have biases. We all draw upon our personal beliefs and experiences when interacting with others. Our highly personalized set of filters that we carry with us wherever we go shape our perceptions and prepare us to navigate interactions.

Understanding and Overcoming Implicit Bias Module (NACUBO)

Implicit Bias Modules

Implicit Bias Modules

This course will introduce insights into how our minds operate and help you understand the origins of implicit associations. You will also uncover some of your own biases and learn strategies for addressing them.

Implicit Bias Modules (Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity) 

LGBTQ2S+ Guide to Resources and Information

LGBTQ2S+ Guide to Resources and Information

This guide provides information on navigating the UCalgary procedures and campuses, LGBTQ2S+ terms, resources and educational opportunities, and campus and community support.

LGBTQ2S+ Guide

Dr. Malinda Smith
Institutional CRC EDI Advisor

Associate Vice-President Research - EDI | Professor, Political Science

Dr. Susan Skone
Institutional CRC Advisor

Associate Vice-President (Research) | Professor, Department of Geomatics Engineering

Dr. Kirsten Exall

Director, Institutional Programs | Research Services

Dr. Ovo Adagha

Senior Analyst - Research Chairs | Institutional Programs | Research Services

Ms. Jaya Dixit

Manager, EDI in Research, Institutional Programs Division | Office of Research Services

Alberta’s top employers (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024)
Canada's best diversity employers  (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024)