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Get Involved with Research and Innovation at UCalgary

Community, industry and government engagement

Engaging with UCalgary is all about impact. Together, we can design an engagement strategy tailored for you, based on the change your organization wants to make in the world.

Our community, industry, and government partners provide valuable insight into areas of societal need, and help create pathways for us to translate discoveries into real-world impact.

Engaging with UCalgary is:


We work with our partners to identify shared ambitions, and determine how we can best team up to bridge the gap between discovery and innovation.


We capitalize on our research capacity, subject-matter expertise, and understanding of the funding landscape, to compliment the strengths of our partners.

Mutually beneficial

Outcomes can include development of products or processes, training highly-qualified personnel, knowledge translation, tech transfer, or knowledge translation.


We prioritize creative solutions that cross disciplinary boundaries. Strong partnerships include multiple perspectives that ensure research reflects our dynamic and complex world.

Questions? Contact the Office of the Vice-President (Research) at research@ucalgary.ca

Global Petrolum Show 2018

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