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Transdisciplinary Connector Grants

Deadlines: October 1, February 1, June 1

The Transdisciplinary Scholarship Connector Grants program is designed to promote initiatives that enable UCalgary teams to explore societal questions, challenges and opportunities that demand a transdisciplinary approach.

Connector funding is distinguished from other forms of support such as start-up, bridge or Catalyst funding by its focus on fostering new connections among scholars, trainees, and external partners. 

Transdisciplinary Connector Grants aim to support activities that help build new transdisciplinary connections. The proposed activities need to clearly show how they will result in lasting new connections as well as how they will benefit the area of scholarship being addressed.

Please note: As of August 6, 2024, the criteria for Consolidating Connector Grants have been updated to include a required in-kind or cash partner contribution. Please see the Terms of Reference for more details. 

The Office of the VP Research also offers the VPR Catalyst Grants for well-defined early-stage research activities. Compare the VPR Catalyst and Transdisciplinary Connector Grants.


Deadline | Start Date

June 1 | July 5  

Oct. 1 | Nov. 15

Feb. 1 | March 15

Value: up to $20,000

Initiating stream: up to $10,000

Consolidating stream: up to $20,000

Duration: 6-12 months

Initiating stream: 6 months

Consolidating stream: 12 months

Deadline: 3 per year

Oct. 1, Feb. 1, June 1
4 p.m. MT

The Calgary Institutes for the Humanities (CIH) led a consultative and deliberative process with the UCalgary community to further define what transdisciplinary scholarship means to the University of Calgary. Dr. Jim Ellis, Dr. Petra Dolata came to the following definition December 2023, which provides guidance in determining eligible activities under the Connector Grant program:

Transdisciplinary scholarship is directed towards a complex issue or problem, most often one with a social dimension. Because of the complexity of the issue or problem, it is best addressed by teams of researchers from multiple disciplines. To address the social dimension of the question, transdisciplinary scholarship incorporates knowledges from outside the university, through theoretical or creative approaches to societal issues, and ideally by including societal actors who are implicated in the issue or problem in question.

Definition by the Calgary Institute for the Humanities through a deliberative process, 2024

Characteristics of Transdisciplinary Scholarship:

  • Scholarship that transcends disciplinary boundaries, involving multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary academic research and non-academic community stakeholders using a process of collaboration, co-learning, and knowledge transformation.
  • A focus on specific, complex, societally relevant situations, challenges, and problems is present.
  • An orientation toward the common good and a humanistic reverence for life and human dignity is also evident.
  • Throughout a project, the broader context is contemplated consistently to ensure the project's compatibility fits within transdisciplinary approaches.

Transdisciplinary Connector Grants

Transdisciplinary Connector Grants are meant for activities that are typically brief in duration (requiring clear timelines for the activities described) with highly targeted aims (scholars identify how the proposed activities lead to or intersect with broader, longer term transdisciplinary collaborations). Connector Grants may build on current programs but are intended to support work that goes beyond the current scope of those programs.

Transdisciplinary activities are recognised as team-driven initiatives with equal importance and responsibility of each proposed team member. The team applying for Transdisciplinary Connector Grants should consist of a minimum of two (2) scholars with diverse backgrounds. For administrative purposes one member of the team is to be identified as the Project Holder. An individual academic staff member may participate in multiple teams simultaneously. However, any individual academic staff member may be a Project Holder on only one Transdisciplinary Connector Grant at a time over a 24 month period.

At the conclusion of the grant period, a team must submit a report outlining the outcomes of the Connector Grant. Team members who are prior recipients of a Connector Grant must have submitted the outcomes report for that Grant before requesting a new Connector Grant. Team members who hold a current Connector Grant must include an update on the progress and describe any overlap with the proposed Connector Grant.

Transdisciplinary Connector Grants are offered in two streams – Initiating and Consolidating.

Initiating stream

Initiating Connector Grants fund activities that support the building of new, transdisciplinary connections. Activities may include, but are not limited to: (research) symposia, meetings, travel to meet new (external) collaborators, stipends for student support, etc.

Value of the Award: up to $10,000

Partner contributions from other sources (including departments, faculties, institutes, and/or external partners) are not required but are welcome if they meaningfully advance the new connections.

Duration of the Award: 6 months

If delays are experienced, no-cost extensions may be granted up to an additional six (6) months. Any unspent funds remaining after twelve (12) months return automatically to the Office of the Vice-President (Research). No other extension requests will be granted without formal documentation of an interruption to duties.


The report on an Initiating Connector Grant should detail the new connections made and the ongoing (planned) interactions to further incorporate the transdisciplinary approach in their scholarship. Outcomes may, but are not required to, include (planned) external grant applications.

Consolidating stream

Consolidating Connector Grants offer the ability to build on and deepen existing transdisciplinary activities and connections. This phase continues to support meeting expenses and stipends for staff and/or students to develop and engage in transdisciplinary research and scholarship. However, Consolidating Connector Grants are intended to support defined research and scholarship activities that advance collaborations, positioning them for potential downstream success in future scholarship and funding applications. In many cases, Consolidating Connector Grants will be a stage 2 application, submitted by teams who have received and completed the work of an Initiating Connector Grant. Teams can apply directly to the Consolidating Connector Grants stream, without first pursuing an Initiating Connector Grant.       

Value of the Award: up to $20,000

Updated August 6, 2024: Partner contributions from other sources (including departments, faculties, institutes, and/or external partners), either cash or in-kind, are required. The partner contributions are critical to demonstrating commitment(s) being made to the team. In addition, applicants are required to articulate their plans to pursue additional funding, and specifically how the Consolidating Grant will serve as a springboard to subsequent external funding applications.

Duration of the Award: 12 months

The default length of Consolidating awards is twelve (12) months. If delays are experienced, no-cost extensions may be granted up to an additional six (6) months. Any unspent funds remaining after eighteen (18) months return automatically to the Office of the Vice-President (Research). No other extension requests will be granted without formal documentation of an interruption to duties.


The report on a Consolidating Connector Grant should detail the ongoing (planned) interactions to further incorporate the transdisciplinary approach in their scholarship, how the funds have led to an increased and embedded transdisciplinary approach to the topic of the application, as well as a clear pathway to external grant applications.


  • Individuals holding UCalgary continuing academic appointments (tenured and tenure-track) are eligible.
  • Individuals holding limited term, contingent term, or adjunct appointments are eligible.
  • Evidence of appointment terms may be requested.

Evaluation Criteria

Initiating stream:

1. The extent to which the proposed activity is being approached in a transdisciplinary manner.

2. The extent to which the proposed activity leads to new collaborations among UCalgary scholars and trainees, external scholars and trainees, external partners (community, non-profit, industry, international). Note – new collaborations can be in one or more of the categories listed.

3. The extent to which the proposed area of work is compelling, and how impactful a transdisciplinary approach to the topic will be (to the team’s career trajectory, to the university, to society).

4. The extent to which a concrete body of work or activity is being proposed for Connector Funding, as a logical progression to an (increasingly) transdisciplinary approach to the topic involved.

5. The extent to which the team includes the appropriate expertise and representation for the proposed work or activity. Is the proposed work or activity a fit for the team, and the other work that they do.

6. The extent to which the team is presenting a winning, transdisciplinary context (i.e. presence of mentorship, strong collaborators, knowledge engagement partnerships that will help advance the program).

Consolidating stream:

1. The extent to which the proposed activity is being approached in a transdisciplinary manner.

2. The extent to which the proposed activity leads to deeper collaborations among UCalgary scholars and trainees, external scholars and trainees, external partners (community, non-profit, industry, international). Note – collaborations can be in one or more of the categories listed.

3. The extent to which the proposed area of work is compelling, and how impactful a transdisciplinary approach to the topic will be (pathway to future funding applications, to the team’s career trajectory, to the university, to society).

4. The extent to which a concrete body of work or activity is being proposed for Connector Funding, as a logical progression to an (increasingly) transdisciplinary approach to the topic involved.

5. The extent to which the team includes the appropriate expertise and representation for the proposed work or activity. Is the proposed work or activity a fit for the team, and the other work that they do.

6. The extent to which the team is presenting a winning, transdisciplinary context (i.e. presence of mentorship, strong collaborators, knowledge engagement partnerships that will help advance the program).

Applications will be reviewed and adjudicated by an internal review committee established by the Office of the Vice-President (Research).

  • The evaluation process for both streams will be undertaken in a formative manner.

  • In cases where applications are not selected for funding, the Connector Grants secretariat will provide direction as to how resubmissions may be improved upon and research team(s) restructured such that their chances of success are greater in future competitions.

Connector Grant Awards are intended to establish transdisciplinary connections (Initiating) and to facilitate defining new, transdisciplinary approaches to topics (Consolidating).

Unspent funds will be recovered by the Office of the Vice-President (Research) after twelve (Initiating) or eighteen (Consolidating) months. Extensions requested on the basis of a formally documented leave where duties are interrupted (e.g., medical or family-related leave) may be granted for a period equal to the leave. Requests must be submitted no later than three months before the award end date.

Teams awarded a Connector Grant must complete an Outcomes report at the end of the grant period. The report should include the following information in the template provided:

  • Expenditures incurred
  • Outcomes of the Project, including the details described above, and next steps in the program of work
  • Any additional information on outputs and impacts associated with the funding (i.e., publications, presentations, funding applications, honours/recognition, trainees involved, partnerships established or strengthened, etc.)

Applicants who have not submitted an Outcomes Report for completed projects will not be eligible for further Connector Grant funding until a report is submitted.

Applicants must clearly demonstrate their commitment to EDI in their teams, including among students, postdoctoral fellows, and other team members as applicable. They must explain what actions they will take, the outcomes expected, and the assessment planned for each of the following three key areas:

  • Team composition and recruitment processes as applicable.
  • Training and development opportunities.
  • Inclusion.

Actions taken are expected to remove barriers and provide opportunities for the meaningful integration of individuals from all equity-seeking groups including, but not limited to, women, racialized minorities, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities and persons from LGBTQ2+ communities.

Applicants are strongly advised to consult resources and strategic guidance available through the Offices of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and Indigenous Engagement and through their faculties and departments.

Expense eligibility is generally governed by institutional policy and procedure (i.e. the Travel and Expense Reimbursement Handbook) and program aims.

Examples of eligible costs and activities include:

  • Personnel costs, including research assistants, undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, etc.
  • Expenses related to targeted transdisciplinary workshops, symposia and network meetings, including:
    • Event space rental
    • Meals and refreshments
    • Travel, meals and accommodation
    • Facilitators
  • Materials and supplies

The application package will include the endorsement of the relevant Department Head and Associate (Dean) Research. Applications will be submitted online.

Application Checklist

Note: This intake does not currently flow through RMS. We have new application forms, please download the templates before submitting.

  ✔ Project / Activity description:

  ✔ Biosketches of the team members of up to two pages total length each, describing the profile and project role of each team member

Application package

Required: Assemble your application items in a single, digitally generated and text-searchable PDF attachment with all items included in order as listed here

Application items must be typed single spaced, Arial font size 11 or equivalent.

Biosketches may be any format and there is no restriction on career period.

Please see the Terms of Reference for complete details:

Funded Connector Grants to date:

Compare Catalyst and Connector Grants

UCalgary is pleased to offer strong internal grant programs, including

  • VPR Catalyst Grants, launched in 2020
  • Transdisciplinary Connector Grants, launched in 2023

These programs have similar application processes and the same recurring intake dates, but each program has a different focus. They are intended to support UCalgary scholars along the continuum of their research programs, so please familiarize yourself with both programs so you can apply to the relevant program at the right time. 

  1. VPR Catalyst Grants


    • Catalyze research initiatives that will lead to substantial external funding
    • Intended to support well-defined early-stage research activities


    • $1,000 - $15,000 
    • up to $20,000 awarded in rare cases


    • 6 months 


  2. Transdisciplinary Connector Grants


    • Exploration of questions, challenges, and opportunities that demand a transdisciplinary approach
    • Foster new connections among scholars, trainees, and external partners 


    • up to $10,000 - Initiating stream
    • up to $20,000 - Consolidating stream


    • 6-12 months 

Frequently Asked Questions: Transdisciplinary Connector Grants

Please visit our Website to learn more about the Institutes for Transdisciplinary Scholarship, including the areas of focus, activities, current events, and to learn about the team.   

The staff at the Institutes for Transdisciplinary Scholarship can meet with applicant teams in person or virtually to discuss the Transdisciplinary Connector Grants. Please email to schedule a time. 

Learn more about the diverse array of current and past funded Transdisciplinary Connector Grants here.  

Yes, the application should be explicit on how it will become more transdisciplinary as a result of the grant. For example, a Transdisciplinary Connector Grant can be used to find additional team members from a diverse range of faculties or schools, along with external societal actors who will expand the scope and provide diverse perspectives as it relates to a complex issue or problem. Team members can be students, community partners, researchers in other faculties, industry partners, and more. 

The budget should include activities that are applicable to the proposed project and are relevant to advancing transdisciplinary scholarship. Please ensure the budget items consider the University of Calgary budget guidelines.   

The adjudication committee for the Transdisciplinary Connector Grants come from diverse backgrounds, thus it is most beneficial to use language that is accessible.  

Templates of research documents are not necessary for the Transdisciplinary Connector Grant application.   

While external actors or parties outside of the University are encouraged to be included in the list of team members for the Transdisciplinary Connector Grant applications, they are not necessary for a successful application. Where there will be outside contributors, it is strongly recommended that the applicants describe how the partners are included throughout the activity in a meaningful way. In addition, where the application clearly includes work that involves outside contributors, appropriate representation for the contributors needs to be present on the team. 

There are three application deadlines per year to the Transdisciplinary Connector Grants program (June 1, October 1, February 1). The intake typically opens approximately one month prior to the deadline.  

If a Transdisciplinary Connect Grant application deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, it will remain open until 4:00 PM MT, the following business day. 

The Transdisciplinary Connector Grant form requires the signature of the project holder, department head (where applicable), and the Associate Dean (Research) or Dean. It is expected that the team ensures all team members listed on the application are aware of, and agree to, their inclusion in the project. 

While an individual can be included on any number of applications as a team member, they can only be the project holder once any given round of Transdisciplinary Connector Grants. Individuals who are / were a project holder in the past, cannot apply to be a project holder until 24 months after their last successful application.  

It takes approximately four to six weeks after the application deadline to finalize and notify the teams of the outcome on their application.  

The approval page is required to be re-signed for all re-submissions for Transdisciplinary Connector Grants.   

One can only hold one Transdisciplinary Connector Grant, either Initiating or Consolidating, per 24-month period.  

Postdocs, graduate students, undergraduate students, and staff are currently not allowed to be the project holders for Transdisciplinary Connector Grants. However, they can be valuable team members and are encouraged to speak with potential project holders about their ideas. 

The Institutes for Transdisciplinary scholarship team will begin project set-up. In approximately three weeks following notification of the team grant, the project holder will receive a notification with the project number from the finance department at the University of Calgary, and the funds will be deposited.  Once funds are received, the team can begin to use the grant, in accordance with the University of Calgary Tri-Agency Financial Administration guidelines. Please note that each grant team is responsible for the full administration of their funds.  

The Senior Specialists at ITS can help successful teams make connections, promote activities, and support teams by sharing transdisciplinary scholarship resources and toolkits. Promotion also includes sharing the activity in the ITS Transdisciplinary Scholarship Email Bulletin, please email on the last Monday of the month to be included in the next release. If a Transdisciplinary Connect Grant team requires support beyond promotion, please connect ITS well in advance to allow for planning on availability and bandwidth from the Institutes.  

A one-time no-cost extension can  be granted  for up to six months for all Transdisciplinary Connector Grants. Please send an email to  

A template form is issued to each team following the end of the Transdisciplinary Connector Grant. The forms requires that each team provide as quick summary of the objective of the project, including project goals and if they were accomplished, the activities that have happened so far, the outcomes of the project, if there were any changes to the team and the next steps.