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Office of the Vice-President (Research)
Office of the Vice-President (Research)
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Research Services Office
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Postdoctoral Office
- Postdoctoral appointments
- Resources and funding opportunities
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Innovation at UCalgary
- Innovation @ UCalgary
- Social Inovation Initiative
- Now Innovating podcast
Associate Deans (Research)
Institutes, Hubs, and Strategic Initiatives
ACWA: Advancing Canadian Water Assets
A partnership between The City of Calgary and the University of Calgary that supports research and development, knowledge transfer, de-risking and piloting of leading-edge water, stormwater and wastewater treatment technologies.
Alberta Gambling Research Institute (AGRI)
A consortium of the University of Calgary, University of Alberta and the University of Lethbridge.
Arctic Institute of North America (AINA)
Advancing the study of the North American and circumpolar Arctic through the natural and social sciences, the arts and humanities and to acquire, preserve and disseminate information on physical, environmental and social conditions in the North.
- Kluane Lake Field Research Station
Azrieli Accelerator
Transforming neurodevelopment research across the lifespan.
A $25-million gift from the Azrieli Foundation will drive research that will change the lives of children, teens, and adults.
Biogeoscience Institute (BGI)
Science, research and education in the Canadian Rockies.
- Barrier Lake Field Research Station
- R.B. Miller Field Research Station
Global Research Initiative (GRI) in Sustainable Low Carbon Unconventional Resources
Focused on collaborative research between the world-class innovators from the University of Calgary and international partners, GRI creates a network of global hubs for discovery, creativity and innovation in unconventional energy research.
Innovate Calgary
Innovate Calgary is the tech transfer and business incubator centre for the University of Calgary, fostering entrepreneurship and bringing new technological discoveries to the world.
Institutes for Transdisciplinary Scholarship
The Institutes for Transdisciplinary Scholarship (ITS) at UCalgary provides resources and a collective approach to impact societal challenges and opportunities by facilitating collaboration, co-learning, and knowledge transformation informed by multiple perspectives.
One Child Every Child
A groundbreaking University of Calgary research initiative, funded by the Canada First Research Excellence Fund, with a vision for all Canadian children to be the healthiest, most empowered and thriving in the world.
Quantum City
The Quantum City initiative will establish quantum-focused fabrication infrastructure, new talent development programs and commercialization pathways to support the development of a vibrant economic and scientific hub based in Calgary.
Urban Alliance
Urban Alliance is a strategic partnership between The City of Calgary and University of Calgary to promote the seamless transfer of cutting-edge research between The City and the university, for the benefit of all our communities.