Vice-President (Research) Contacts
Reach the Office of the Vice-President (Research)
General Inquiries:
Vice-President (Research):
Communications and Marketing:
Phone 403.220.5460
Main Office Location & Mailing Address
A100, Administration Building
2500 University Drive NW
Calgary, AB, T2N 1N4
Participate in Research
For more information about participating in studies or trials, please visit:
Strategic Marketing & Communications Location & Mailing Address
Please mark mail Attn to: VPR Communications
MT 820, MacKimmie Tower, Main Campus
2500 University Drive NW
Calgary, AB, T2N 1N4
Letter of Support Requests
For signatures on VPR letters of support, please provide a draft to and allow for a minimum of 5 business days for internal review and finalization. Failure to meet this deadline may impact the VPR’s ability to provide a letter.
For programs managed by the Research Services Office (RSO), the request for letters of support must be routed through Research Services.
VPR Executive Team

William Ghali
Vice-President (Research)
Dr. Ghali is a world-class researcher and Professor in the Departments of Medicine and Community Health Sciences at the University of Calgary. Dr. Ghali is also a physician, specializing in General Internal Medicine (MD (1990) - University of Calgary, FRCP(C) (1994)) - Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario), and completed methodological training in health services research and epidemiology at the Boston University School of Public Health (MPH, 1995).
Contact Karen Pankraz for schedule requests

Malinda Smith
Associate Vice-President Research (Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion)
Dr. Smith holds a PhD in political science from the University of Alberta, an MA, MDA, and a BA magna cum laude in political science and criminal justice, from Western Michigan University. A member of the Senior Leadership Team at the UCalgary, Dr. Smith sits on the Vice President Research-Ops, serves as the Co-Chair, President's Task Force on EDIA, Chair, Dimensions EDI Executive and Steering Committees, and Lead on the One Child Every Child Equitable Pathways Accelerator and Equitable Pathways Council.
Contact Eudy Jumbo for schedule requests

Michael Hart
Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President Research (Indigenous Engagement)
Dr. Michael Hart is a proud citizen of Fisher River Cree Nation in central Turtle Island. In 2018 he moved to the University of Calgary to be the inaugural Vice-Provost of Indigenous Engagement, and professor in Faculty of Social Work. His research focuses on Indigenist helping perspectives, theories, and practices.
Contact Svetlana Vakanjac for schedule requests

Stephanie Borgland
Associate Vice-President (Research)
Dr. Borgland is an internationally recognized leader in the neurobiology of motivated behaviour. She is a Professor and a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in the Departments of Physiology & Pharmacology as well as Psychiatry at the University of Calgary. She is affiliated with the Hotchkiss Brain Institute, the Mathison Centre for Mental Health Research and Education and the Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute. Dr. Borgland's portfolio includes animal care, regulatory bodies, research stations, and other VP Research initiatives.
Contact Eudy Jumbo for schedule requests

Braden Manns
Associate Vice-President (Health Research)
Dr. Manns is a specialist in kidney diseases and a professor of medicine and health economics at UCalgary. He has a wealth of leadership experience, having served in many senior roles within Alberta Health Services. Dr. Manns has research expertise in applied health economics, pragmatic clinical trials, health-care policy, knowledge translation and patient-oriented research. He has led the development of national research networks including collaborations between physicians, researchers, decision makers, and patients and their families.
Contact Joan Keller for schedule requests

Rob Thompson
Associate Vice-President (Research)
Executive Director, Research Services
Dr. Thompson’s portfolio includes serving as Executive Director, Research Services. He is the co-chair of the GFC Research and Scholarship Committee and sits on the Dimensions Executive and Indigenous Research Steering Committees, Campus Strategic Initiatives Group, among others.
Contact Angelina Nair for schedule requests

Susan Skone
Associate Vice-President (Research)
Dr. Skone’s portfolio includes administration and oversight of the Urban Alliance Initiative, Canada Research Chair Program, and Strategic Research and Innovation Opportunities.
Contact Eudy Jumbo for schedule requests

Ian Gates
Associate Vice-President (Research & Innovation)
Ian Gates provides leadership for the innovation teams across UCalgary's innovation ecosystem and advances the research and innovation agenda for the University Innovation Quarter.
Contact Eudy Jumbo for schedule requests

Katrina Milaney
Associate Vice-President (Research)
Dr. Milaney prioritizes community-led research focused on health equity and vulnerability related to disability, homelessness, gender, culture, domestic violence, unsafe drug use and mental health. Her primary interests revolve around political ideology and how decision-makers impact policy, public systems, and service delivery.
Contact Angelina Nair for schedule requests

Lorna Very
Executive Director, Office of the Vice-President (Research)
Lorna Very was appointed Executive Director in the VPR office in April, 2019, following her tenure as Director, Grants, Awards and Ethics in Research Services. In her role, Lorna provides information and advice, builds relationships, plans and executes projects, to support UCalgary’s research goals. Lorna also led the development of the Research & Innovation Implementation Plan to advance Ahead of Tomorrow, the University of Calgary’s strategic plan.
Contact Angelina Nair for schedule requests

Pamela Roach
Director, Indigenous Engagement
Dr. Roach is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Family Medicine and Community Health Sciences, the Director of Indigenous Engagement in the Vice-President (Research) Office, and a citizen of the Métis Nation of Alberta. Dr. Roach is also Deputy Scientific Director of the O’Brien Institute for Public Health. She holds a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Health Systems Safety with a focus on dementia and brain health. Her program of research examines the intersection of health services, policy and upstream determinants of health in order to improve the health of individuals and populations.
VPR Operations & Administration

Marjorie Moreau
Senior Director, VPR Operations
(403) 220-2995
Marjorie plays an instrumental role in fulfilling the mandate of the VPR Office as well as the design, implementation and direction of administrative systems and structures. She provides leadership, direction and administrative oversight for matters related to the research portfolio.

Karen Pankraz
Executive Assistant to the Vice-President (Research)
(403) 220-7833
Karen provides dedicated administrative support to the Vice-President (Research). She is the primary point of contact for all internal and external stakeholders requiring VPR expertise, and facilitates his leadership efforts through diverse administrative duties.

Angelina Nair
Executive Assistant, Office of the Vice-President (Research)
Angelina provides dedicated administrative support to the Associate Vice-Presidents (Research) (AVPR).

Eudy Jumbo
Executive Assistant, Office of the Vice-President (Research)
Eudy provides dedicated administrative support to the Associate Vice-Presidents (Research) (AVPR).

Kerri Ermantrout (On Leave)
Executive Assistant, Office of the Vice-President (Research)
(403) 220-6958
Kerri provides dedicated administrative support to the Associate Vice-Presidents (Research) (AVPR).
VPR Social Innovation

Karen Benzies
Director, Social Innovation Initiative
Dr. Benzies leads the Social Innovation Initiative, to enable faculties to mobilize their academic experience and transdisciplinary expertise into solutions for complex social problems.

Tara Barnas
Manager, Social Innovation Initiative
Tara guides the Social Innovation Initiative, working closely with the AVPR Innovation, AVP Research, and the broader UCalgary social innovation community.

Charity Tsang
Administrator, Social Innovation
Charity provides dedicated administrative support to the Social Innovation Initiative team. She serves as the primary point of contact for all internal and external stakeholders seeking information about social innovation services, collaborations, and support.
VPR Strategic Marketing & Communications
For general requests to the VPR Strategic Marketing & Communications team, please contact us at
We are located at MT 820; be sure to contact a team member prior to visiting as the floor requires keycard access.

Pamela Hyde
Director, Strategic Marketing and Communications
(403) 210-3992
Pam leads the VP Research marcom team, and provides guidance for strategic initiatives and units across the VPR portfolio.

Ali Abel
Manager, Communications
Ali leads the development of institutional positioning and narrative around research and innovation at UCalgary, with a focus on VPR strategic initiatives.

Rand Al-Hashmy
Senior Specialist, Strategic Marketing and Communications
Rand is responsible for the development, implementation, and coordination of the Vice-President (Research) communications and marketing plan. As a leader in the VPR Strategic Marketing & Communications team, Rand delivers programs that include brand management, advertising, media relations, special events and internal communications.
Visit profile

Kimberley Vircoe
Senior Specialist, Strategic Marketing and Communications
Kimberley’s portfolio is focused on the IRISS and REB Exchange platforms, working with the project team on instructional design, product marketing, and communications.

Julia MacGregor
Senior Specialist, Strategic Marketing and Communications
Julia is responsible for the development, implementation, and coordination of the VPR Office communications and marketing plan. As a member of the VPR Strategic Marketing & Communications team, Julia supports the Innovation portfolio, working closely with the AVPR Innovation, AVP Research, and the broader UCalgary social innovation community.
Visit profile

Calla Spangelo
Senior Specialist, Strategic Marketing and Communications (Transdisciplinary Scholarship)
Calla is responsible for communication and engagement planning and implementation for the Transdisciplinary Scholarship initiative, and to help strengthen our focus on transdisciplinary scholarship by engaging existing units and teams to build awareness and increase collaboration across all disciplines.

Cody Coates
Technical Specialist, Digital Media/Videography
Cody is a digital marketing and media production specialist with a passion for creating engaging content and delivering effective campaigns, known for his collaborative approach and commitment to understanding each project's needs and goals to create content that not only looks great but also drives results.
Marta Cyperling
Senior Specialist, Communications and Engagement (Strategic Initiatives)
Marta provides communications support to a number of initiatives in the VPR portfolio. She has a wealth of experience in communications planning, media relations and storytelling.

Blessing Oduniyi
Coordinator, Communications and Events Operations
Blessing enables streamlined workflows across the VPR Strategic Marketing & Communications team, and supports the development and execution of strategic initiatives.
VPR Strategic Initiatives

Barry Phipps
Research Coordinator, Strategic Initiatives
(403) 220-8765
Barry contributes to the strategic planning and implementation of major initiatives within the VPR portfolio. Barry is responsible for the establishment of research and commercial collaborations with industry, government, and other external partners.

Carmen Rieder
Manager, Industry Engagement
Carmen leads the Industry Engagement portfolio in the office of the Vice-President (Research). The Industry Engagement (Research) team is tasked with strategic development and management of institutional research partnerships. Carmen responds to company requests for UCalgary research expertise, facilitates partnership building, and works closely with the VP Research, VPR leadership team, the Associate Deans (Research) and research services leaders across UCalgary.

Sana Tariq
Research Officer, Strategic Initiatives
Sana supports major strategic initiatives within the Vice-President (Research) portfolio, including the Advancing Canadian Water Assets (ACWA) research facility, the Urban Alliance partnership, and the Institutes of Transdisciplinary Scholarship’s Cities and Societies focus area, leveraging advisory and project management expertise.

Susan Sun
Industry Engagement Advisor, Energy & Advanced Technologies

Sid Gunamalai
Industry Engagement Advisor, Health & Life Sciences
Sid holds a graduate degree in Bioengineering from the University of Houston, Texas and in Life Science Entrepreneurship from the Jones Business School of Rice University, Houston, Texas. Sid's expertise lies in industry-academia research partnerships. He has experience navigating the system in Canada and in U.S, working with industries, grant agencies, government, and non-profits. He is widely experienced in neuroscience, oncology, bioengineering and biomedical engineering arenas. Sid works with Industry Engagement in Health & Life Sciences and enables life sciences companies and institutions, engage researchers at the university into various focussed and cross platform collaborative projects aiming to develop faster, more reliable advanced therapeutics and medical devices.

Michael Blough
Manager, Strategic Initiatives
Dr. Michael Blough leads the Strategic Initiatives and Research Intelligence (SIRI) team at UCalgary, where he oversees efforts to advance the university's research enterprise. His team specializes in identifying non-traditional funding opportunities, aligning them with faculty expertise, and guiding researchers through the application process. With an integrated data science unit, his team also provides cutting-edge research analytics, in addition to developing tools and dashboards to help leadership make data-informed decisions regarding UCalgary operations and activties.

Alexandra Wall
Project Manager, Strategic Initiatives
Alexandra has more than eight years of research experience with specific expertise in developing grant applications. She helps UCalgary faculty members pursue high-impact research funding opportunities.

Marcelo Suarez
Research Analyst, Strategic Initiatives
Marcelo is passionate about transforming data into information and information into knowledge. The insights derived from this knowledge-creation process contribute to the strategic analysis of UCalgary’s research activities.

Sara Hall
Data Scientist, Strategic Initiatives
Sara works with the SIRI team to create innovative data solutions that drive research intelligence. She brings expertise in data visualization, transformation, analysis, and organization, empowering impactful decision-making through data-driven insights.
Institutes, Hubs, and Strategic Initiatives
ACWA: Advancing Canadian Water Assets
A partnership between The City of Calgary and the University of Calgary that supports research and development, knowledge transfer, de-risking and piloting of leading-edge water, stormwater and wastewater treatment technologies.
Alberta Gambling Research Institute (AGRI)
A consortium of the University of Calgary, University of Alberta and the University of Lethbridge.
Arctic Institute of North America (AINA)
Advancing the study of the North American and circumpolar Arctic through the natural and social sciences, the arts and humanities and to acquire, preserve and disseminate information on physical, environmental and social conditions in the North.
- Kluane Lake Field Research Station
Azrieli Accelerator
Transforming neurodevelopment research across the lifespan.
A $25-million gift from the Azrieli Foundation will drive research that will change the lives of children, teens, and adults.
Biogeoscience Institute (BGI)
Science, research and education in the Canadian Rockies.
- Barrier Lake Field Research Station
- R.B. Miller Field Research Station
Global Research Initiative (GRI) in Sustainable Low Carbon Unconventional Resources
Focused on collaborative research between the world-class innovators from the University of Calgary and international partners, GRI creates a network of global hubs for discovery, creativity and innovation in unconventional energy research.
Innovate Calgary
Innovate Calgary is the tech transfer and business incubator centre for the University of Calgary, fostering entrepreneurship and bringing new technological discoveries to the world.
Institutes for Transdisciplinary Scholarship
The Institutes for Transdisciplinary Scholarship (ITS) at UCalgary provides resources and a collective approach to impact societal challenges and opportunities by facilitating collaboration, co-learning, and knowledge transformation informed by multiple perspectives.
One Child Every Child
A groundbreaking University of Calgary research initiative, funded by the Canada First Research Excellence Fund, with a vision for all Canadian children to be the healthiest, most empowered and thriving in the world.
Quantum City
The Quantum City initiative will establish quantum-focused fabrication infrastructure, new talent development programs and commercialization pathways to support the development of a vibrant economic and scientific hub based in Calgary.
Urban Alliance
Urban Alliance is a strategic partnership between The City of Calgary and University of Calgary to promote the seamless transfer of cutting-edge research between The City and the university, for the benefit of all our communities.