Experiences of Immigrant Parents of Bilingual Children Facing Autism Inquiry


Bilingual children from immigrant families are reported mis- or miss- diagnosed in the Autism Spectrum Disorder assessment. Language assessment in the ASD diagnostic process is complicated for bilingual children.
This study aims at understanding immigrant parents' experiences and feelings about their children's communications in both home languages and English. Parents' perceptions and their children's communication practices will be analyzed in the environment of the family's life and immigration history. Parents' perspectives on their children's communication practices will be compared to descriptions of children's communications on the ASD diagnostic report. This study values immigrants' culture, language, and journey of settlement while raising children.


Currently recruiting participants: Yes

Eligible ages: 3 to 60

Accepts healthy participants: Yes

Inclusion criteria:

Immigrant children who:
1) are bilingual (speaks or learning both immigrant language and English).
2) have completed the ASD diagnostic process ( does not matter if the child is diagnosed as ASD or not).
3) between the age of 3 to 10.
And, one immigrant parent of each child participant.

Exclusion criteria:

You are not eligible to participate if you are
1) children who have not completed the ASD diagnostic process.
2) an English monolingual child.
3) children who are bilingual of English and French as an educational choice.
Parents of these children are also not eligible for the study.


Fill out the following form if you want to participate in this research

Method of contact

Additional information

Contact information

Yao Chen (Olivia)

Principal investigator:

Yan Guo

Clinical trial:


