Networks of Centres of Excellence

Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE)

Networks of Centres of Excellence was established in 1989 as a new approach to research.This made-in-Canada model has been acknowledged around the world as a highly effective way to strengthen a country's research capacity, build partnerships, and translate discoveries and advances into economic prosperity and a better quality of life for all citizens. The NCE programs are narrowing the gap between research and commercialization and producing research that is applicable to Canadians.

Various NCEs provide funding opportunities that are available to Researchers at the University of Calgary.

Calls for proposal have been recently sent out by BioFuelNet, Canada Water Network, Marine Environmental, Observation, Prediction and Response Network (MEOPAR) and NeuroDevNet. Current research-driven NCEs.

AUTO21 offers four-six month internship programs for graduate and postdoctoral scholars.


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