VPR Catalyst Grant Awardees

Awards List

NameFacultyProject TitleIntake RoundList
Adam Patrick BellFaculty of ArtsAccessible Musical Instrument Kits1 (November 15, 2020)1
Anne Marie McLaughlinFaculty of Social WorkRegulatory reform among healthcare professionals: transdisciplinary implications1 (November 15, 2020)2
Chad BousmanCumming School of MedicineInfluence of Epigenetic Changes on Susceptibility to Drug-Induced Myocarditis1 (November 15, 2020)3
Eugene BeaulieuFaculty of ArtsCanadian Economic Diplomacy, WTO Trade Disputes and Agri-Food Trade1 (November 15, 2020)4
Gerald GiesbrechtCumming School of MedicineInfant Epigenetic Signatures of Stress Resilience1 (November 15, 2020)5
Graham McCaffreyFaculty of NursingTrauma Informed Practice: Are Clinical Cultures Changing to Meet the Need?1 (November 15, 2020)6
Holly SparksFaculty of Veterinary MedicineBone Marrow Mesenchymal Stromal Cell: Derived Exosomes for the Treatment of Acute Tendon Injury1 (November 15, 2020)7
Li-Fang (Jack) ChuFaculty of Veterinary MedicineIn Vitro Modeling of Human Segmentation Clock and Vertebral Deformity1 (November 15, 2020)8
Milana TrifkovicSchulich School of EngineeringTowards Rapid Detection and Diagnostics: Multi-scale Characterization of Cancer Cells1 (November 15, 2020)9
Patrick WhelanVeterinary MedicineFragile X Syndrome - A New Therapeutic Target in the Spinal Cord1 (November 15, 2020)10
Patrina DuhaneyFaculty of Social WorkThe Experiences of Anti-Black Racism at the University of Calgary1 (November 15, 2020)11
Pierre KennepohlFaculty of ScienceLeveraging X-ray Spectroscopies in Quantum Nanoscience to Create and Support Partnerships with Emerging Industrial Partners1 (November 15, 2020)12
Ranita ManochaCumming School of MedicineDevelopment of a National Walking Aid Skills Training Program1 (November 15, 2020)13
Raylene ReimerFaculty of KinesiologyHarnessing the Power of the Gut Microbiota in Cancer Survivorship1 (November 15, 2020)14
Amir Sanati NezhadSchulich School of EngineeringNovel Saliva Collection and Processing Kit Automating the Preparation of Crude Saliva for Rapid Detection of SARS-Cov-22 (February 15, 2021)15
Brittany Harker MartinWerklund School of EducationInvestigating Art, Brain, and Mind to Promote Mental Health2 (February 15, 2021)16
Carly McMorrisWerklund School of EducationCollaborating for Care: Co-Creating a National Research Agenda for Suicidality in Youth with Autism2 (February 15, 2021)17
Colin DaltonSchulich School of EngineeringDevelopment of a Solid Microneedle Drug Delivery Platform2 (February 15, 2021)18
Derrick RancourtCumming School of MedicineCharacterizing Epistatic Interactions with the iCasp9 Failsafe System2 (February 15, 2021)19
Jean-Francois LemayCumming School of MedicineA Virtual Behavioural Support Intervention for Children with ADHD2 (February 15, 2021)20
Joanna RankinCumming School of MedicineUpholding the Rights and Dignities of Mental Health Service Users: Applying the Radical Doula Model as an Innovative Framework of Support in Mental Health2 (February 15, 2021)21
Lin YangCumming School of MedicineExercise Intervention for Prostate Cancer Men Managed by Active Surveillance: A Knowledge Survey2 (February 15, 2021)22
Mohammed AlmekhlafiCumming School of MedicineThe Feasibility of Motor Weakness Detection Using Body Joints Tracking Technology in Stroke2 (February 15, 2021)23
Nader MahinpeySchulich School of EngineeringDevelopment of Efficient Sensing Material for Methane (CH4) Emissions Detection2 (February 15, 2021)24
Patricia SamsonFaculty of Social WorkBuilding Social Work Capacity in Healthcare: A Provincial Partnership to Create a National Dialogue and Field Advancement2 (February 15, 2021)25
Paul RonksleyCumming School of MedicineDevelopment of a Care Pathway for Pediatric Hand Fractures: Identifying Barriers and Facilitators to Implementation2 (February 15, 2021)26
S. Nicole Culos-ReedFaculty of KinesiologyImplementing Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents Who Are Overweight or Obese: Project MOVE-Well (Movement for Children Who Are Overweight or Obese to Enhance Wellbeing)2 (February 15, 2021)27
Susan KutzFaculty of Veterinary MedicineEstablishing Methods to Analyze Microplastics in Environmental and Wildlife Samples2 (February 15, 2021)28
Susana Yoko Kimura-HaraFaculty of ScienceDevelopment of a Nanobubble Generator Prototype2 (February 15, 2021)29
Tatiana VashchilkoHaskayne School of BusinessPandemic Contingency Plans and Business Performance during COVID-192 (February 15, 2021)30
Aaron GoodarziCumming School of MedicineWork Towards a CIHR Project Grant on: Understanding and Engineering Out Canadian Radon Gas Exposure3 (May 15, 2021)31
Farnaz SadeghpourSchulich School of EngineeringHuman Factors and Auto-Positioning: New Possibilities for Realt-Time Monitoring and Workplace Safety3 (May 15, 2021)32
Gareth WilliamsCumming School of MedicineCryo-Electron Microscopy Analysis of DNA Damage Response Proteins3 (May 15, 2021)33
Gregory TweedieWerklund School of EducationTechnology For Language Skills Enhancement and Assessment3 (May 15, 2021)34
Heather BoyntonFaculty of Social WorkProject Heaven on Earth: Creating Positive Change, Growth, and Meaning in Addiction3 (May 15, 2021)35
Jennifer EisermanFaculty of ArtsYYC/LRT: Community Based Art as a Form of Community Engagement3 (May 15, 2021)36
Johnathan CantonFaculty of Veterinary MedicineInvestigating Rho GTPase Control of Antigen Cross-Presentation3 (May 15, 2021)37
Karl RiabowolCumming School of MedicineEpigenetic Regulation of Wound Healing3 (May 15, 2021)38
Laura SycuroCumming School of MedicineThe Protea Pilot Study: Defining the Role of Proteolysis in Genital Tract Infections3 (May 15, 2021)39
Linda Duffett-LegerFaculty of NursingDevelopment of Enabling Quality Interactions with Parents (EQUIP): An Automated Software that Codes Parent Child Interaction Quality3 (May 15, 2021)40
Martin MacInnisFaculty of KinesiologyA Novel Stable Isotope Method to Assess Rates of Hemoglobin Synthesis in Humans3 (May 15, 2021)41
Matthew Ethan MacDonaldSchulich School of EngineeringEstimating Amyloid-Beta Position Emission Tomography (PET) Images from Standard Structural T1 Weighted Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI): An Image Translation Project3 (May 15, 2021)42
Qingrun ZhangFaculty of ScienceRepresentation Learning for High-Dimensional Genomic Data3 (May 15, 2021)43
Simon LiSchulich School of EngineeringEngineering Solutions to Mitigate the Spread of Respiratory Diseases in Nursing Homes3 (May 15, 2021)44
Vanina ZarembergFaculty of ScienceGenetic Engineering of The Human Ether-Lipid Biosynthetic Pathway in Yeast3 (May 15, 2021)45
Allison BrownCumming School of MedicineA Radical Reform of Medical Education: Positioning Structural Competency, Health Equity, and Critical Pedagogy at the Heart of the Pre-Clerkship Curriculum4 (August 15, 2021)46
Brent EdwardsFaculty of KinesiologyBone Markers to Inform Zoledronic Acid Treatment Following Denosumab Discontinuation4 (August 15, 2021)47
Brent WinstonCumming School of MedicineUsing Metabolomics for Early Detection and Prognosis of Patients With COVID-19 ARDS4 (August 15, 2021)48
Jennifer JacksonFaculty of NursingStrategies for Addressing Needle Debris4 (August 15, 2021)49
Jinguang HuSchulich School of EngineeringThe Co-processing of Biomass with Heavy Oil to Produce Activated Carbon4 (August 15, 2021)50
Kathryn SchneiderFaculty of KinesiologyUnderstanding Cervicogenic Dizziness - The Unexplored Culprit4 (August 15, 2021)51
Michael ScottVeterinary MedicineValidation of a Model for Chronic Sampling of Cerebrospinal Fluid in the Conscious Horse4 (August 15, 2021)52
Tarah LynchVeterinary MedicineMicro-Genomics Website Development to Manage Data for Multidisciplinary Teams4 (August 15, 2021)53
Anshula AmbastaCumming School of MedicineDescribing Laboratory Test Ordering Practices and Outcomes for Hospitalized Medical Patients5 (November 15, 2021)54
Beth Archer-KuhnFaculty of Social WorkNetworking in Communities Across Canada to Support Meaningful Study Recruitment5 (November 15, 2021)55
Eleanor SteinCumming School of MedicineIdentifying Healthcare System Barriers Impacting the Care of Canadians with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome5 (November 15, 2021)56
Jeffrey Van HumbeckFaculty of ScienceHow Can We Store a Gigaton of Carbon?5 (November 15, 2021)57
Juan MuriasFaculty of KinesiologyThe Critical Role of Metabolic Stress in Cardiac and Vascular Functional Adaptations to Endurance Exercise Training in The Elderly5 (November 15, 2021)58
Keekyoung KimSchulich School of EngineeringA Point of Care Device for Rapid Diagnosis of Various Infectious Diseases5 (November 15, 2021)59
May ChoiCumming School of MedicineSOAR UP: Sporadic Inclusion Body Myositis Novel Autoantibody and Biomarker Research Utilizing Proteome Microarray5 (November 15, 2021)60
Nader MahinpeySchulich School of EngineeringApplication of 3D Printing for Process Intensification of CO2 Capture and Conversion Processes5 (November 15, 2021)61
Pierre-Yves von der WeidCumming School of MedicineIroning Out the Mincles Within Inflammatory Bowel Disease5 (November 15, 2021)62
Prism SchneiderCumming School of MedicineHypercoagulability in Patients with Metastatic Bone Disease: A Pilot Study5 (November 15, 2021)63
Reed FerberFaculty of KinesiologyWearable Technology to Gain a Deeper Understanding of Activity Patterns5 (November 15, 2021)64
Roswita DresslerWerklund School of EducationRating Books and Digital Resources for Teaching German Reading5 (November 15, 2021)65
Saied Jalal AboodardaFaculty of KinesiologyIs Electroencephalography a Valid and Reliable Method to Investigate Brain Responses to Exercise-Induced Pain?5 (November 15, 2021)66
Simon LamCumming School of MedicineFn14 Is a Potential Therapeutic Target to Block Th1/17 Lymphocyte Polarization in Pediatric Onset PSC-IBD5 (November 15, 2021)67
Steve DrewSchulich School of EngineeringAn Efficient and Privacy-aware On-site Distributed Learning System in Oil and Gas Fields5 (November 15, 2021)68
Susana Yoko Kimura-HaraFaculty of ScienceDrinking Water Disinfection by-Products: Toxicity and Link to Bladder Cancer5 (November 15, 2021)69
Tanvir Turin ChowdhuryCumming School of MedicineEquitable and Empowered Involvement of Immigrant/Racialized Communities in Research5 (November 15, 2021)70
Trafford CrumpCumming School of MedicineUsing Interpretable Deep Learning to Detect and Predict Risk for Uveal Melanoma5 (November 15, 2021)71
Aamir JamalFaculty of Social WorkGlobal Muslim Youth Identity Construction in Context of Nations, Religion, Gender and Global Conflicts6 (February 15, 2022)72
Amin KomeiliSchulich School of EngineeringOn-Farm Prediction of Cattle Carcass Marbling Score6 (February 15, 2022)73
Eric ChanCumming School of MedicineApplied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) for Family Medicine Residents6 (February 15, 2022)74
Fiona SchulteCumming School of MedicineWe Don't Know What We Don't Know6 (February 15, 2022)75
Gregory WelchFaculty of ScienceApplying New Paradigms in Organic Conjugated Materials Research to Asphaltenes6 (February 15, 2022)76
Marlon SimmonsWerklund School of EducationExploring The Impact of Equity, Diversity, And Inclusion Strategies on Alberta's Public K-12 Education System6 (February 15, 2022)77
Mathieu PruvotFaculty of Veterinary MedicinePreventing SARS-Cov2 Reservoirs: Identification of Interfaces Between Humans and Wildlife, And Potential Transmission Hotspots6 (February 15, 2022)78
Meredith MaroneyWerklund School of EducationOver the Overseas Rainbow: The Urgency of Intersectionality for LGBTQI Newcomers6 (February 15, 2022)79
Oluwatomilayo DaoduCumming School of MedicineRedefining Medical Education: Developing and Implementing Anti-Racism Curricula for Post-Graduate Medical Education in Canada6 (February 15, 2022)80
Sylvia SleepSchulich School of EngineeringLife Cycle Assessment of CO2 Mineralization Technologies6 (February 15, 2022)81
Vaibhav PatelCumming School of MedicineEstablishing Nanoscale Flow Cytometry for Extracellular Vesicles and Detection of Cardiovascular Diseases6 (February 15, 2022)82
Vincent GabrielCumming School of MedicineBurn Wound Management in Austere Conditions6 (February 15, 2022)83
Zahra AbbasiSchulich School of EngineeringMicrowave Smart Sensors for Real-time Monitoring and Control in Vertical Farming6 (February 15, 2022)84
Aggrey MwesigyeSchulich School of EngineeringExperimental Characterization and Optimization of a Solar Assisted Direct Expansion Heat Pump System for Space and Water Heating in Cold Climates7 (May 15, 2022)85
Amanda BlackFaculty of KinesiologyNational Injury and Health Surveillance for Varsity Athletes Pilot Project7 (May 15, 2022)86
Amir Sanati NezhadSchulich School of EngineeringQuantification Of Stress Levels in Patients with Persistent Post Concussional Syndrome Using a Novel Wearable Cortisol Biosensor7 (May 15, 2022)87
Aniela dela CruzFaculty of NursingEquity, Diversity, and Inclusion Perspectives among Alberta Nurses: Knowledge, Attitudes, and Experiences7 (May 15, 2022)88
Brandy CallahanFaculty of ArtsFactors Supporting Resilience in Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)7 (May 15, 2022)89
Colin DaltonSchulich School of EngineeringDevelopment Of a Blood-Sampling Dart for No-Handling Animal Health Monitoring7 (May 15, 2022)90
Emma ClimieWerklund School of Education"You've Got a Friend in Me"- Friendship Building in Adolescents with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder7 (May 15, 2022)91
Ignacio Galiano ZurbriggenSchulich School of EngineeringImproving Photovoltaic Power Performance in Residential Applications7 (May 15, 2022)92
Jocelyn PoissantVeterinary MedicineDevelopment of a Low-Cost High-Resolution Microbiome Sequencing Approach to Inform Caribou Conservation and Management7 (May 15, 2022)93
Julie JarandCumming School of MedicineDevelopment of a Comprehensive Canadian Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Infections Clinical Database7 (May 15, 2022)94
Maryam BadvSchulich School of EngineeringDeveloping Multiphasic, Biofunctional Lubricant-Infused Bacterial Nanocellulose-Based Biointerfaces7 (May 15, 2022)95
Matthew JordanFaculty of KinesiologyLongitudinal Analysis of Predictors of Knee Injury and Post-Injury Recovery in Athletes7 (May 15, 2022)96
Richa PandeySchulich School of EngineeringProof-Of-Concept Study of Aptamer Integration on Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor Chip for Bacterial Contamination Monitoring for Cellular Therapy Product Manufacturing7 (May 15, 2022)97
Sheri MadiganFaculty of ArtsAn Innovative Response to the Increased Demand for Child Maltreatment Services: The Caregiver Online PsychoEducation (COPE)7 (May 15, 2022)98
Victoria FastFaculty of ArtsAutomating Data Collection and Processing of Disabling Urban Barriers7 (May 15, 2022)99
Walter HerzogFaculty of KinesiologyCan Aerobic Capacity Protect the Musculoskeletal System from Degeneration in A Diet-Induced Pre-Clinical Model of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome?7 (May 15, 2022)100
Amanda MelinFaculty of ArtsRefractive Status of Rhesus Macaques8 (August 15, 2022)101
Anne BennekerSchulich School of EngineeringElectro-Dewatering Of FFT/Mfts Using a Novel Planar Electrode8 (August 15, 2022)102
Benjamin TutoloFaculty of ScienceTwo Birds, One Stone: CO2-Enhanced Li Mining from Saline Aquifers8 (August 15, 2022)103
Dongyan NiuFaculty of Veterinary MedicineUse of Bacteriophages in Combating Multidrug Resistant Escherichia Coli That Cause Urinary Tract Infections8 (August 15, 2022)104
John ConlyCumming School of MedicineExploring SARS-Cov-2 Modes of Transmission with A Humanized Angiotensin I-Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2) Mouse (K18-Hace2) Model8 (August 15, 2022)105
Linda Duffett-LegerFaculty of NursingDevelopment of a Virtual Psychosocial Support Program (SENSE) to Mitigate Moral Injury Among Nurses and Social Workers8 (August 15, 2022)106
Maoliosa DonaldCumming School of MedicinePerson-Centered Integrated Care Delivery for Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease and Multimorbidity in The Primary Care Setting and Primary-Nephrology Care Interface8 (August 15, 2022)107
Marie CharbonneauSchulich School of EngineeringDynamic Modeling and Control of a 3-Degrees-Of-Freedom Parallel Actuator8 (August 15, 2022)108
Nargis KhanCumming School of MedicineThe Effects of Trained Immunity on Neutrophil Responses8 (August 15, 2022)109
Nicole LetourneauFaculty of NursingImpacts of a Parenting Intervention for Depressed Mothers on Children's Brain Structure and Function: Proof of Concept in Preparation for a Large CIHR Follow-Up Study8 (August 15, 2022)110
Sabrina PericFaculty of ArtsStorying the Oil Sands: Community, Innovation and Politics in Northern Alberta8 (August 15, 2022)111
Sana GhaznaviCumming School of MedicineExploring Limitations in The Current Standard of Care for Thyroid Hormone Replacement Therapy in Post-Thyroidectomy Patients8 (August 15, 2022)112
Shannon ParkerFaculty of NursingPeripheral Intravenous Catheterization First Attempt Success Trial8 (August 15, 2022)113
Darren DerksenFaculty of ScienceEnhancing the Scope and Therapeutic Index of MCL1-targeing Compounds9 (November 15, 2022)114
Hongzhou YangSchulich School of EngineeringDEEP Learning Based GNSS Navigation in Urban Environment9 (November 15, 2022)115
Hossein HejaziSchulich School of EngineeringHydrogen Embrittlement and Induced Cracking of Pipelines: Towards Hydrogen Transportation9 (November 15, 2022)116
Karl RiabowolCumming School of MedicineEpigenetic Model of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma9 (November 15, 2022)117
Leigh GabelFaculty of KinesiologyStrength Training for Osteoporosis Prevention in Early Menopause (STOP-EM): A Pilot Study9 (November 15, 2022)118
Martin MacInnisFaculty of KinesiologyLiving for the Weekend (Warrior): The Importance of Exercise Duration and Frequency on Cardiorespiratory Fitness9 (November 15, 2022)119
Michelle (Shelly) Russell-MayhewWerklund School of EducationTeachers of Tomorrow: Development of a Funding Strategy to Support Research Aims9 (November 15, 2022)120
Prism SchneiderCumming School of MedicinePlatelet-Mediated Thrombosis After Elective Arthroplasty9 (November 15, 2022)121
Rajiv MidhaCumming School of MedicineDevelopment Of Preclinical Porcine Model of Autologous Cell Therapy for Peripheral Nerve Repair9 (November 15, 2022)122
Sarah ManskeCumming School of MedicineUnderstanding Bone Loss in Critical Care: Implications for Therapeutic Intervention9 (November 15, 2022)123
Tara BeattieCumming School of MedicineMechanism of Telomere Senescence Signaling9 (November 15, 2022)124
Usman AlimFaculty of ScienceNeural Volume Visualization9 (November 15, 2022)125
Ethan MacDonaldSchulich School of EngineeringUsing Big Data and Machine Learning in the UK Biobank to Determine the Genetics Associated with Accelerated Brain Aging: A Pilot Study10 (February 15, 2023)126
John SoghigianFaculty of Veterinary MedicineThe Invasive Vector of West Nile Virus in Alberta, Culex pipiens: Are Edmonton and Calgary mosquitoes from the same introduction?10 (February 15, 2023)127
Kathryn Reese-TaylorFaculty of ArtsAssessing Long-Term Urban Sustainability at Calakmul, Campeche, Mexico10 (February 15, 2023)128
Kent HeckerVeterinary MedicineThe Biology of Response Process Validity: Measuring How Neural (Cognitive) and Emotional (Affective) Processes Affect the Assessment of Student Learning and Performance.10 (February 15, 2023)129
Liza LorenzettiFaculty of Social WorkEnhancing Well-Being, Healthy Relationships and Violence Prevention Through a Culturally Relevant Practice Framework10 (February 15, 2023)130
Muntasir BillahSchulich School of EngineeringHigh-Rise Timber Building with Innovative Dual Shear Wall-Moment Frame System10 (February 15, 2023)131
Raafat El-HachaSchulich School of EngineeringMerging Carbon Nano-Fibre Infused Ultra-High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete in Modular Construction: A New Approach: Proof-of-Concept10 (February 15, 2023)132
Vaarun VijairaghavanHaskayne School of BusinessFighting Digital Piracy Without Policy-maker's Intervention10 (February 15, 2023)133
XiaoHang FangSchulich School of EngineeringComputational Study of Deflagration to Detonation Transition for Hydrogen Safety10 (February 15, 2023)134
Ahmed A. TiamiyuSchulich School of EngineeringDevelopment of Advanced Nanomaterials for Heterogenous Catalytic Applications11 (May 15, 2023)135
Alexandra GiancarloFaculty of KinesiologySiksika Resilience in Photos: Reclaiming Sports Images from the Residential School Era11 (May 15, 2023)136
Antoine DufourCumming School of MedicineEvaluating Transient Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion in Rats as a Model of Skeletal Muscle Degeneration in Chronic Stroke11 (May 15, 2023)137
Arshad AyyazFaculty of ScienceElucidating Colorectal Cancer Development Through Mapping Chromatin Accessibility and Transcriptional Landscape At Single Cell Resolution11 (May 15, 2023)138
Cathy RyanFaculty of ScienceLead-210 As A Proxy for Subsurface Pathways for Rn in Indoor Air11 (May 15, 2023)139
Christine WalshFaculty of Social WorkGlobalizing decolonization: A collaborative social work research initiative11 (May 15, 2023)140
Cindy BarhaFaculty of KinesiologyStudy of Menopause and Resistance Training for Brain Health (SMART Brain)11 (May 15, 2023)141
Craig JohansenSchulich School of EngineeringExperimental Investigation of a Paraffin/Lox Hybrid Rocket Motor11 (May 15, 2023)142
Dora TamFaculty of Social WorkCollaborative Innovation for Change on Youth Mental Health11 (May 15, 2023)143
Emily Rogers-BradleySchulich School of EngineeringDevelopment of a Biarticular Prosthesis for People with Transtibial Amputation11 (May 15, 2023)144
Jennifer ThompsonCumming School of MedicineUnbiased Single Cell Profiling of The Adipose Progenitor Landscape11 (May 15, 2023)145
Kartikeya MurariSchulich School of EngineeringInstrumented Horseshoes for Kinetic Gait Analysis11 (May 15, 2023)146
Kathleen ChaputCumming School of MedicineA Qualitative Needs-Assessment Study of The Perceptions of Healthcare Workers on a New Perinatal Mental Health Intervention: Building the Calgary: Cayman Islands Perinatal Research Collaborative11 (May 15, 2023)147
Kati PasanenFaculty of KinesiologyPreventing Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries in Female Team Sports through In-depth Biomechanical Analyses and Tailored Exercises: Towards a Meaningful and Effective ACL Injury Prevention Approach in Female Athletes11 (May 15, 2023)148
Krista ReichCumming School of MedicineImplementing Pre-Operative Comprehensive Geriatric Assessments of Older Patients Undergoing Surgery11 (May 15, 2023)149
Li-Fang (Jack) ChuFaculty of Veterinary MedicineDo Human Segmentation Clock Defects Underly the Pathogenesis of Spina Bifida?11 (May 15, 2023)150
Maria BakardjievaFaculty of ArtsMaking Sense of The News in A Hybrid Media Environment: Exploring the Intersecting Dynamics of News Repertoires, Discursive Publics and Civic Engagement11 (May 15, 2023)151
Michael NesbittFaculty of LawResearch Security, Autonomous Sanctions, and Import/Export Restrictions: Implications for Canadian Universities and Businesses11 (May 15, 2023)152
Mustafa Mohamad, MustafaSchulich School of EngineeringInvestigation of Statistical Modelling Methods in Hydrogen Combustion11 (May 15, 2023)153
Sandra DumanskiCumming School of MedicineThe Effect of In-Vitro Fertilization on Vascular Health Outcomes11 (May 15, 2023)154
Sarah MacEachernCumming School of MedicineCatalyzing The First Two Phases of the Co-Design of a Sleep Education Intervention for Youth with Neurodevelopmental Disorders who have Behaviours of Concern and their Caregivers11 (May 15, 2023)155
Shirley SteinbergWerklund School of EducationSuicide Prevention Online: A Content Analysis of Canadian Website Resources11 (May 15, 2023)156
Stephen MacGregorWerklund School of EducationKnowledge Brokerage in Canadian Universities: Mapping Connections and Measuring Impact11 (May 15, 2023)157
Vivek VenkataramanFaculty of ArtsHistorical Perspectives on Orang Asli Health11 (May 15, 2023)158
Aggrey MwesigyeSchulich School of EngineeringNumerical Characterization of Foundation Heat Exchangers and Energy Piles Coupled with Ground Source Heat Pumps for Decarbonization of Space Heating and Cooling12 (August 15, 2023)159
Elizabeth CondliffeCumming School of MedicineExploration of the Effectiveness and Feasibility of a Personalized Power Training Program for Youth with Cerebral Palsy Through a Community-Tertiary Hospital Partnership12 (August 15, 2023)160
Jinmo RheeSchool of Architecture, Planning and LandscapeAn Automated Deployable Camp Layout Technology for Rapid, Efficient, and Safer Refugee Settlement Design: Proof of Concept Stage12 (August 15, 2023)161
Koren RoachSchulich School of EngineeringAccurate and Quantifiable Characterization of Foot and Ankle Biomechanics in Adults with Cerebral Palsy using Dual Fluoroscopy12 (August 15, 2023)162
Kristina RinkerSchulich School of EngineeringInvestigation of Breast Development Using Cell-Based Models and Implications to Post-Partem Breast Cancer12 (August 15, 2023)163
Patricia Doyle-BakerFaculty of KinesiologyBuilding Capacity to Optimize Female Athlete Centred Research and Recruitment12 (August 15, 2023)164
Raynell LangCumming School of MedicineThe Effect of Cytomegalovirus Coinfection on Immune Function and Aging in People with HIV12 (August 15, 2023)165
W. Schuyler HinmanSchulich School of EngineeringEnhancing Aerial Wildfire Suppression: Advanced Development and Validation of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Performance Models12 (August 15, 2023)166
Wei CaiFaculty of ArtsExploring Patterns and Impact of AI-Enhanced Interactions in Chinese Language Learning12 (August 15, 2023)167
Marie CharbonneauSchulich School of EngineeringEnergy-based Control for Active Direct Physical Human-robot Interaction14 (February 15, 2024)168
Tammie DewanCumming School of MedicineImproving Inpatient Care of Children with Medical Complexity: Co-creation of a Core Outcome Set as the First Step14 (February 15, 2024)169
Ke DuSchulich School of EngineeringPer- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Urban Airborne Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5)14 (February 15, 2024)170
XiaoHang FangSchulich School of EngineeringComputational Study of Liquid Ammonia Spray Injection Characteristics14 (February 15, 2024)171
Omid HajiScienceUsing cryo-EM to Dissect the Regulatory Mechanisms of a Cancer Target called L-plastin 14 (February 15, 2024)172
Patricia JohnstonSocial WorkArctic Collaboration: Towards an Inuit Network of Unique Knowledge [INUK] Research Center14 (February 15, 2024)173
Matthew JordanKinesiologyBuilding Blocks for Pediatric Knee Health: A Catalyst for Specialist Care14 (February 15, 2024)174
Ron KneeboneSchool of Public PolicyLinking Administrative Data Sets to Understand the Potential for Interventions Designed to Prevent Homelessness14 (February 15, 2024)175
Artem KorobenkoSchulich School of EngineeringWake Steering Techniques for Wind Farm14 (February 15, 2024)176
Braedon McDonaldCumming School of MedicineBringing the Lab to the Bedside: A Novel Point-of-Care (PoC) Microbiome Sequencing Test to Advance Microbial Therapeutics Precision Medicine14 (February 15, 2024)177
Meghan McDonoughKinesiologyDevelopment of a Golf Program for People Living with Dementia and their Care Partners: Resilience and Community Capacity Building14 (February 15, 2024)178
Thomas O'NeillArtsReducing Serious Incidents and Fatalities (SIFs) in Alberta Oilsands: Leveraging the Power of Data Analytics to Assess and Manage Social Factors14 (February 15, 2024)179
Roland RoeslerSciencePolyethylene Recycling for a Circular Economy of Plastics14 (February 15, 2024)180
Leslie SkeithCumming School of MedicineThe PARTUM (Postpartum Aspirin to Reduce Thromboembolism Undue Morbidity) Trial14 (February 15, 2024)181
Neil WhiteCumming School of MedicineThe Canadian Prospective Pragmatic Perilunate Outcomes Trial (C3PO)14 (February 15, 2024)182
Jeremy WongKinesiologyAssessing Whole-body Functional Mobility in Older Adults14 (February 15, 2024)183
Lindsay Amundsen-MeyerArtsRe-contextualizing Alberta's Ranching History: Investigating the Life of John Ware15 (May 15, 2024)184
Arshad AyyazScienceMetabolic Control of Epithelial Regeneration in The Gut15 (May 15, 2024)185
Tyler CluffKinesiologyDevelopment of a Novel Tool for the Remote Assessment and Treatment of Motor Learning Impairments in Stroke Recovery15 (May 15, 2024)186
Julie DroletSocial WorkWildfire Evacuations: The lived Experience of Evacuees in Alberta15 (May 15, 2024)187
Mostafa FarrokhabadiSchulich School of EngineeringCampus Intelligent Virtual Power Plant Integration and Control (CIVIC)15 (May 15, 2024)188
Juergen GailerScienceProbing the Fate of Gold Nanoparticles in Human Plasma to Assess their Full Therapeutic Potential15 (May 15, 2024)189
Amanda Grant-OrserCumming School of MedicineInterstitial Lung Abnormalities Care Pathway15 (May 15, 2024)190
Philippe GraySchulich School of EngineeringNext-Generation Transformer Technologies: Advanced Power Electronics Converters to Replace Legacy Distribution Transformers15 (May 15, 2024)191
Ann GregoryScienceSystematic Isolation and Characterization of a Key Gut Phage-host Model System15 (May 15, 2024)192
Nancy JanovicekArtsCreating Archival, Activist, and Historical Partnerships for Oral History Collection and Preservation15 (May 15, 2024)193
Sule Nur KutluHaskayne School of BusinessDetection of Fraudulent Cryptocurrency Investment Websites15 (May 15, 2024)194
Kelsey LucasScienceNew Tools to Enhance the Study of Fish Pectoral Fin Swimming Mechanics and Biological Convergence15 (May 15, 2024)195
Adam MurryArtsTo Build a Network for Indigenous Employment: Identifying Stakeholders, Partners, Collaborators, and their Priorities.15 (May 15, 2024)196
Carrie ShemankoScienceMolecular Characterization of Preclinical Models for Bone Metastasis15 (May 15, 2024)197
Jonathan SmirlKinesiologyBlood Processing for Multimodal Imaging Study across Menstrual Cycle and Contraception Use15 (May 15, 2024)198
Gareth WilliamsCumming School of MedicineStructural & Proteomics Mass Spectrometry of the Hells Chromatin Remodeller15 (May 15, 2024)199
Vanina ZarembergScienceUnveiling Basic Quantum Biology Mechanisms in Yeast15 (May 15, 2024)200
Adam KirtonCumming School of MedicineSourcing potential: Characterizing the unique brain circuitry of locked in children16 (November 15, 2024)201
Danielle WhittierCumming School of MedicineInvestigation of fracture healing in adolescents using advanced 3D imaging16 (November 15, 2024)202
Elmar PrennerFaculty of SciencePotential effects of magnetic field on biological membranes16 (November 15, 2024)203
Emily Rogers-BradleySchulich School of EngineeringDevelopment of a variable-stiffness actuator for wearable robotics16 (November 15, 2024)204
Emma ClimieWerklund School of EducationADHD in Girls & Women: What Have We Missed?16 (November 15, 2024)205
Eric LimacherSchulich School of EngineeringAdvancing the Theory of Accelerating Wings16 (November 15, 2024)206
Farhad MalekiFaculty of ScienceInnovative Self-Supervised Learning for 3D Biomedical Imaging: Enhancing Segmentation Accuracy with Minimal Labeled Data16 (November 15, 2024)207
Gabriel ZamudioWerklund School of EducationMental Health Needs and Treatment Barriers among Ethnic-Racial Minorities in Canada16 (November 15, 2024)208
Gerald GiesbrechtCumming School of MedicineExploring a novel gut-brain pathway for improving prenatal mental health16 (November 15, 2024)209
Gregory WelchFaculty of ScienceNew Chemistry for Smart Food Packing16 (November 15, 2024)210
Hatem Abou-ZeidSchulich School of EngineeringPassive Bistatic Sensing for 6G Integrated Sensing and Communication Networks:16 (November 15, 2024)211
Jason HawkinsSchulich School of EngineeringModernizing Fuel Tax Revenue Forecasting in Canada16 (November 15, 2024)212
John WannopFaculty of KinesiologyInvestiging the optimal surface stiffness to improve performance and reduce injury risk of female athletes16 (November 15, 2024)213
Julia Hews-GirardFaculty of NursingGenerating Understanding in Interactions about Difficult Experiences (GUIDE): Exploring how post-secondary students want to be asked about self-harm and suicide thoughts and behaviours16 (November 15, 2024)214
Karen BenziesFaculty of NursingRapid Adaptation of Alberta Family Integrated Care (FICare) for Adult Intensive Care Units16 (November 15, 2024)215
Lisa GiegFaculty of ScienceMicrobial-based approaches to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from abandoned and orphaned oil and gas wells - a proof-of-concept study16 (November 15, 2024)216
Mary DunbarCumming School of MedicineThe FRUITION study: Family centeRed oUtcome prediction In feTal braIn cONditions16 (November 15, 2024)217
Nicolas JacquelotCumming School of MedicineUnbiased Single Cell Profiling of The Breast Cancer Microenvironment16 (November 15, 2024)218
Philip EgbertsSchulich School of EngineeringLinking mechanical properties of lubricants with roughness16 (November 15, 2024)219
Pierre-Yves von der WeidCumming School of MedicineDevelopment of aptamer-based reagents to investigate the role of mechanosensitive TRP-channels in lymphatic contractility16 (November 15, 2024)220
Ping-Yee Billie AuCumming School of MedicineIdentification of RNA binding targets affected by variants associated with HNRNPK-related neurodevelopmental disorders16 (November 15, 2024)221
Prism SchneiderCumming School of MedicineProteomic Analysis of Accelerated Fracture Healing in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury16 (November 15, 2024)222
Raafat El-HachaSchulich School of EngineeringExperimental Investigation of CNF-UHPFRC Structural Components for Modular Housing Construction16 (November 15, 2024)223
Rachel LauerFaculty of ScienceAI-Driven Seamount Mapping for Biodiversity and Resource Conservation16 (November 15, 2024)224
Ronnie de Souza SantosSchulich School of EngineeringTransforming ADHD Care with LLMS16 (November 15, 2024)225
V Wee YongCumming School of MedicineCharacterizing the extracellular matrix landscape in chronic active multiple sclerosis lesions: a springboard to understanding disability progression16 (November 15, 2024)226
Yang GaoSchulich School of EngineeringLEO Augmented Precise and Resilient GNSS16 (November 15, 2024)227
Yoshiyuki TakanoWerklund School of EducationUsing Shame in the Process of Change for Offenders of Intimate Partner Violence16 (November 15, 2024)228