VPR Catalyst Grant Awardees
Awards List
Name | Faculty | Project Title | Intake Round | List |
Adam Patrick Bell | Faculty of Arts | Accessible Musical Instrument Kits | 1 (November 15, 2020) | 1 |
Anne Marie McLaughlin | Faculty of Social Work | Regulatory reform among healthcare professionals: transdisciplinary implications | 1 (November 15, 2020) | 2 |
Chad Bousman | Cumming School of Medicine | Influence of Epigenetic Changes on Susceptibility to Drug-Induced Myocarditis | 1 (November 15, 2020) | 3 |
Eugene Beaulieu | Faculty of Arts | Canadian Economic Diplomacy, WTO Trade Disputes and Agri-Food Trade | 1 (November 15, 2020) | 4 |
Gerald Giesbrecht | Cumming School of Medicine | Infant Epigenetic Signatures of Stress Resilience | 1 (November 15, 2020) | 5 |
Graham McCaffrey | Faculty of Nursing | Trauma Informed Practice: Are Clinical Cultures Changing to Meet the Need? | 1 (November 15, 2020) | 6 |
Holly Sparks | Faculty of Veterinary Medicine | Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stromal Cell: Derived Exosomes for the Treatment of Acute Tendon Injury | 1 (November 15, 2020) | 7 |
Li-Fang (Jack) Chu | Faculty of Veterinary Medicine | In Vitro Modeling of Human Segmentation Clock and Vertebral Deformity | 1 (November 15, 2020) | 8 |
Milana Trifkovic | Schulich School of Engineering | Towards Rapid Detection and Diagnostics: Multi-scale Characterization of Cancer Cells | 1 (November 15, 2020) | 9 |
Patrick Whelan | Veterinary Medicine | Fragile X Syndrome - A New Therapeutic Target in the Spinal Cord | 1 (November 15, 2020) | 10 |
Patrina Duhaney | Faculty of Social Work | The Experiences of Anti-Black Racism at the University of Calgary | 1 (November 15, 2020) | 11 |
Pierre Kennepohl | Faculty of Science | Leveraging X-ray Spectroscopies in Quantum Nanoscience to Create and Support Partnerships with Emerging Industrial Partners | 1 (November 15, 2020) | 12 |
Ranita Manocha | Cumming School of Medicine | Development of a National Walking Aid Skills Training Program | 1 (November 15, 2020) | 13 |
Raylene Reimer | Faculty of Kinesiology | Harnessing the Power of the Gut Microbiota in Cancer Survivorship | 1 (November 15, 2020) | 14 |
Amir Sanati Nezhad | Schulich School of Engineering | Novel Saliva Collection and Processing Kit Automating the Preparation of Crude Saliva for Rapid Detection of SARS-Cov-2 | 2 (February 15, 2021) | 15 |
Brittany Harker Martin | Werklund School of Education | Investigating Art, Brain, and Mind to Promote Mental Health | 2 (February 15, 2021) | 16 |
Carly McMorris | Werklund School of Education | Collaborating for Care: Co-Creating a National Research Agenda for Suicidality in Youth with Autism | 2 (February 15, 2021) | 17 |
Colin Dalton | Schulich School of Engineering | Development of a Solid Microneedle Drug Delivery Platform | 2 (February 15, 2021) | 18 |
Derrick Rancourt | Cumming School of Medicine | Characterizing Epistatic Interactions with the iCasp9 Failsafe System | 2 (February 15, 2021) | 19 |
Jean-Francois Lemay | Cumming School of Medicine | A Virtual Behavioural Support Intervention for Children with ADHD | 2 (February 15, 2021) | 20 |
Joanna Rankin | Cumming School of Medicine | Upholding the Rights and Dignities of Mental Health Service Users: Applying the Radical Doula Model as an Innovative Framework of Support in Mental Health | 2 (February 15, 2021) | 21 |
Lin Yang | Cumming School of Medicine | Exercise Intervention for Prostate Cancer Men Managed by Active Surveillance: A Knowledge Survey | 2 (February 15, 2021) | 22 |
Mohammed Almekhlafi | Cumming School of Medicine | The Feasibility of Motor Weakness Detection Using Body Joints Tracking Technology in Stroke | 2 (February 15, 2021) | 23 |
Nader Mahinpey | Schulich School of Engineering | Development of Efficient Sensing Material for Methane (CH4) Emissions Detection | 2 (February 15, 2021) | 24 |
Patricia Samson | Faculty of Social Work | Building Social Work Capacity in Healthcare: A Provincial Partnership to Create a National Dialogue and Field Advancement | 2 (February 15, 2021) | 25 |
Paul Ronksley | Cumming School of Medicine | Development of a Care Pathway for Pediatric Hand Fractures: Identifying Barriers and Facilitators to Implementation | 2 (February 15, 2021) | 26 |
S. Nicole Culos-Reed | Faculty of Kinesiology | Implementing Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents Who Are Overweight or Obese: Project MOVE-Well (Movement for Children Who Are Overweight or Obese to Enhance Wellbeing) | 2 (February 15, 2021) | 27 |
Susan Kutz | Faculty of Veterinary Medicine | Establishing Methods to Analyze Microplastics in Environmental and Wildlife Samples | 2 (February 15, 2021) | 28 |
Susana Yoko Kimura-Hara | Faculty of Science | Development of a Nanobubble Generator Prototype | 2 (February 15, 2021) | 29 |
Tatiana Vashchilko | Haskayne School of Business | Pandemic Contingency Plans and Business Performance during COVID-19 | 2 (February 15, 2021) | 30 |
Aaron Goodarzi | Cumming School of Medicine | Work Towards a CIHR Project Grant on: Understanding and Engineering Out Canadian Radon Gas Exposure | 3 (May 15, 2021) | 31 |
Farnaz Sadeghpour | Schulich School of Engineering | Human Factors and Auto-Positioning: New Possibilities for Realt-Time Monitoring and Workplace Safety | 3 (May 15, 2021) | 32 |
Gareth Williams | Cumming School of Medicine | Cryo-Electron Microscopy Analysis of DNA Damage Response Proteins | 3 (May 15, 2021) | 33 |
Gregory Tweedie | Werklund School of Education | Technology For Language Skills Enhancement and Assessment | 3 (May 15, 2021) | 34 |
Heather Boynton | Faculty of Social Work | Project Heaven on Earth: Creating Positive Change, Growth, and Meaning in Addiction | 3 (May 15, 2021) | 35 |
Jennifer Eiserman | Faculty of Arts | YYC/LRT: Community Based Art as a Form of Community Engagement | 3 (May 15, 2021) | 36 |
Johnathan Canton | Faculty of Veterinary Medicine | Investigating Rho GTPase Control of Antigen Cross-Presentation | 3 (May 15, 2021) | 37 |
Karl Riabowol | Cumming School of Medicine | Epigenetic Regulation of Wound Healing | 3 (May 15, 2021) | 38 |
Laura Sycuro | Cumming School of Medicine | The Protea Pilot Study: Defining the Role of Proteolysis in Genital Tract Infections | 3 (May 15, 2021) | 39 |
Linda Duffett-Leger | Faculty of Nursing | Development of Enabling Quality Interactions with Parents (EQUIP): An Automated Software that Codes Parent Child Interaction Quality | 3 (May 15, 2021) | 40 |
Martin MacInnis | Faculty of Kinesiology | A Novel Stable Isotope Method to Assess Rates of Hemoglobin Synthesis in Humans | 3 (May 15, 2021) | 41 |
Matthew Ethan MacDonald | Schulich School of Engineering | Estimating Amyloid-Beta Position Emission Tomography (PET) Images from Standard Structural T1 Weighted Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI): An Image Translation Project | 3 (May 15, 2021) | 42 |
Qingrun Zhang | Faculty of Science | Representation Learning for High-Dimensional Genomic Data | 3 (May 15, 2021) | 43 |
Simon Li | Schulich School of Engineering | Engineering Solutions to Mitigate the Spread of Respiratory Diseases in Nursing Homes | 3 (May 15, 2021) | 44 |
Vanina Zaremberg | Faculty of Science | Genetic Engineering of The Human Ether-Lipid Biosynthetic Pathway in Yeast | 3 (May 15, 2021) | 45 |
Allison Brown | Cumming School of Medicine | A Radical Reform of Medical Education: Positioning Structural Competency, Health Equity, and Critical Pedagogy at the Heart of the Pre-Clerkship Curriculum | 4 (August 15, 2021) | 46 |
Brent Edwards | Faculty of Kinesiology | Bone Markers to Inform Zoledronic Acid Treatment Following Denosumab Discontinuation | 4 (August 15, 2021) | 47 |
Brent Winston | Cumming School of Medicine | Using Metabolomics for Early Detection and Prognosis of Patients With COVID-19 ARDS | 4 (August 15, 2021) | 48 |
Jennifer Jackson | Faculty of Nursing | Strategies for Addressing Needle Debris | 4 (August 15, 2021) | 49 |
Jinguang Hu | Schulich School of Engineering | The Co-processing of Biomass with Heavy Oil to Produce Activated Carbon | 4 (August 15, 2021) | 50 |
Kathryn Schneider | Faculty of Kinesiology | Understanding Cervicogenic Dizziness - The Unexplored Culprit | 4 (August 15, 2021) | 51 |
Michael Scott | Veterinary Medicine | Validation of a Model for Chronic Sampling of Cerebrospinal Fluid in the Conscious Horse | 4 (August 15, 2021) | 52 |
Tarah Lynch | Veterinary Medicine | Micro-Genomics Website Development to Manage Data for Multidisciplinary Teams | 4 (August 15, 2021) | 53 |
Anshula Ambasta | Cumming School of Medicine | Describing Laboratory Test Ordering Practices and Outcomes for Hospitalized Medical Patients | 5 (November 15, 2021) | 54 |
Beth Archer-Kuhn | Faculty of Social Work | Networking in Communities Across Canada to Support Meaningful Study Recruitment | 5 (November 15, 2021) | 55 |
Eleanor Stein | Cumming School of Medicine | Identifying Healthcare System Barriers Impacting the Care of Canadians with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome | 5 (November 15, 2021) | 56 |
Jeffrey Van Humbeck | Faculty of Science | How Can We Store a Gigaton of Carbon? | 5 (November 15, 2021) | 57 |
Juan Murias | Faculty of Kinesiology | The Critical Role of Metabolic Stress in Cardiac and Vascular Functional Adaptations to Endurance Exercise Training in The Elderly | 5 (November 15, 2021) | 58 |
Keekyoung Kim | Schulich School of Engineering | A Point of Care Device for Rapid Diagnosis of Various Infectious Diseases | 5 (November 15, 2021) | 59 |
May Choi | Cumming School of Medicine | SOAR UP: Sporadic Inclusion Body Myositis Novel Autoantibody and Biomarker Research Utilizing Proteome Microarray | 5 (November 15, 2021) | 60 |
Nader Mahinpey | Schulich School of Engineering | Application of 3D Printing for Process Intensification of CO2 Capture and Conversion Processes | 5 (November 15, 2021) | 61 |
Pierre-Yves von der Weid | Cumming School of Medicine | Ironing Out the Mincles Within Inflammatory Bowel Disease | 5 (November 15, 2021) | 62 |
Prism Schneider | Cumming School of Medicine | Hypercoagulability in Patients with Metastatic Bone Disease: A Pilot Study | 5 (November 15, 2021) | 63 |
Reed Ferber | Faculty of Kinesiology | Wearable Technology to Gain a Deeper Understanding of Activity Patterns | 5 (November 15, 2021) | 64 |
Roswita Dressler | Werklund School of Education | Rating Books and Digital Resources for Teaching German Reading | 5 (November 15, 2021) | 65 |
Saied Jalal Aboodarda | Faculty of Kinesiology | Is Electroencephalography a Valid and Reliable Method to Investigate Brain Responses to Exercise-Induced Pain? | 5 (November 15, 2021) | 66 |
Simon Lam | Cumming School of Medicine | Fn14 Is a Potential Therapeutic Target to Block Th1/17 Lymphocyte Polarization in Pediatric Onset PSC-IBD | 5 (November 15, 2021) | 67 |
Steve Drew | Schulich School of Engineering | An Efficient and Privacy-aware On-site Distributed Learning System in Oil and Gas Fields | 5 (November 15, 2021) | 68 |
Susana Yoko Kimura-Hara | Faculty of Science | Drinking Water Disinfection by-Products: Toxicity and Link to Bladder Cancer | 5 (November 15, 2021) | 69 |
Tanvir Turin Chowdhury | Cumming School of Medicine | Equitable and Empowered Involvement of Immigrant/Racialized Communities in Research | 5 (November 15, 2021) | 70 |
Trafford Crump | Cumming School of Medicine | Using Interpretable Deep Learning to Detect and Predict Risk for Uveal Melanoma | 5 (November 15, 2021) | 71 |
Aamir Jamal | Faculty of Social Work | Global Muslim Youth Identity Construction in Context of Nations, Religion, Gender and Global Conflicts | 6 (February 15, 2022) | 72 |
Amin Komeili | Schulich School of Engineering | On-Farm Prediction of Cattle Carcass Marbling Score | 6 (February 15, 2022) | 73 |
Eric Chan | Cumming School of Medicine | Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) for Family Medicine Residents | 6 (February 15, 2022) | 74 |
Fiona Schulte | Cumming School of Medicine | We Don't Know What We Don't Know | 6 (February 15, 2022) | 75 |
Gregory Welch | Faculty of Science | Applying New Paradigms in Organic Conjugated Materials Research to Asphaltenes | 6 (February 15, 2022) | 76 |
Marlon Simmons | Werklund School of Education | Exploring The Impact of Equity, Diversity, And Inclusion Strategies on Alberta's Public K-12 Education System | 6 (February 15, 2022) | 77 |
Mathieu Pruvot | Faculty of Veterinary Medicine | Preventing SARS-Cov2 Reservoirs: Identification of Interfaces Between Humans and Wildlife, And Potential Transmission Hotspots | 6 (February 15, 2022) | 78 |
Meredith Maroney | Werklund School of Education | Over the Overseas Rainbow: The Urgency of Intersectionality for LGBTQI Newcomers | 6 (February 15, 2022) | 79 |
Oluwatomilayo Daodu | Cumming School of Medicine | Redefining Medical Education: Developing and Implementing Anti-Racism Curricula for Post-Graduate Medical Education in Canada | 6 (February 15, 2022) | 80 |
Sylvia Sleep | Schulich School of Engineering | Life Cycle Assessment of CO2 Mineralization Technologies | 6 (February 15, 2022) | 81 |
Vaibhav Patel | Cumming School of Medicine | Establishing Nanoscale Flow Cytometry for Extracellular Vesicles and Detection of Cardiovascular Diseases | 6 (February 15, 2022) | 82 |
Vincent Gabriel | Cumming School of Medicine | Burn Wound Management in Austere Conditions | 6 (February 15, 2022) | 83 |
Zahra Abbasi | Schulich School of Engineering | Microwave Smart Sensors for Real-time Monitoring and Control in Vertical Farming | 6 (February 15, 2022) | 84 |
Aggrey Mwesigye | Schulich School of Engineering | Experimental Characterization and Optimization of a Solar Assisted Direct Expansion Heat Pump System for Space and Water Heating in Cold Climates | 7 (May 15, 2022) | 85 |
Amanda Black | Faculty of Kinesiology | National Injury and Health Surveillance for Varsity Athletes Pilot Project | 7 (May 15, 2022) | 86 |
Amir Sanati Nezhad | Schulich School of Engineering | Quantification Of Stress Levels in Patients with Persistent Post Concussional Syndrome Using a Novel Wearable Cortisol Biosensor | 7 (May 15, 2022) | 87 |
Aniela dela Cruz | Faculty of Nursing | Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Perspectives among Alberta Nurses: Knowledge, Attitudes, and Experiences | 7 (May 15, 2022) | 88 |
Brandy Callahan | Faculty of Arts | Factors Supporting Resilience in Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) | 7 (May 15, 2022) | 89 |
Colin Dalton | Schulich School of Engineering | Development Of a Blood-Sampling Dart for No-Handling Animal Health Monitoring | 7 (May 15, 2022) | 90 |
Emma Climie | Werklund School of Education | "You've Got a Friend in Me"- Friendship Building in Adolescents with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder | 7 (May 15, 2022) | 91 |
Ignacio Galiano Zurbriggen | Schulich School of Engineering | Improving Photovoltaic Power Performance in Residential Applications | 7 (May 15, 2022) | 92 |
Jocelyn Poissant | Veterinary Medicine | Development of a Low-Cost High-Resolution Microbiome Sequencing Approach to Inform Caribou Conservation and Management | 7 (May 15, 2022) | 93 |
Julie Jarand | Cumming School of Medicine | Development of a Comprehensive Canadian Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Infections Clinical Database | 7 (May 15, 2022) | 94 |
Maryam Badv | Schulich School of Engineering | Developing Multiphasic, Biofunctional Lubricant-Infused Bacterial Nanocellulose-Based Biointerfaces | 7 (May 15, 2022) | 95 |
Matthew Jordan | Faculty of Kinesiology | Longitudinal Analysis of Predictors of Knee Injury and Post-Injury Recovery in Athletes | 7 (May 15, 2022) | 96 |
Richa Pandey | Schulich School of Engineering | Proof-Of-Concept Study of Aptamer Integration on Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor Chip for Bacterial Contamination Monitoring for Cellular Therapy Product Manufacturing | 7 (May 15, 2022) | 97 |
Sheri Madigan | Faculty of Arts | An Innovative Response to the Increased Demand for Child Maltreatment Services: The Caregiver Online PsychoEducation (COPE) | 7 (May 15, 2022) | 98 |
Victoria Fast | Faculty of Arts | Automating Data Collection and Processing of Disabling Urban Barriers | 7 (May 15, 2022) | 99 |
Walter Herzog | Faculty of Kinesiology | Can Aerobic Capacity Protect the Musculoskeletal System from Degeneration in A Diet-Induced Pre-Clinical Model of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome? | 7 (May 15, 2022) | 100 |
Amanda Melin | Faculty of Arts | Refractive Status of Rhesus Macaques | 8 (August 15, 2022) | 101 |
Anne Benneker | Schulich School of Engineering | Electro-Dewatering Of FFT/Mfts Using a Novel Planar Electrode | 8 (August 15, 2022) | 102 |
Benjamin Tutolo | Faculty of Science | Two Birds, One Stone: CO2-Enhanced Li Mining from Saline Aquifers | 8 (August 15, 2022) | 103 |
Dongyan Niu | Faculty of Veterinary Medicine | Use of Bacteriophages in Combating Multidrug Resistant Escherichia Coli That Cause Urinary Tract Infections | 8 (August 15, 2022) | 104 |
John Conly | Cumming School of Medicine | Exploring SARS-Cov-2 Modes of Transmission with A Humanized Angiotensin I-Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2) Mouse (K18-Hace2) Model | 8 (August 15, 2022) | 105 |
Linda Duffett-Leger | Faculty of Nursing | Development of a Virtual Psychosocial Support Program (SENSE) to Mitigate Moral Injury Among Nurses and Social Workers | 8 (August 15, 2022) | 106 |
Maoliosa Donald | Cumming School of Medicine | Person-Centered Integrated Care Delivery for Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease and Multimorbidity in The Primary Care Setting and Primary-Nephrology Care Interface | 8 (August 15, 2022) | 107 |
Marie Charbonneau | Schulich School of Engineering | Dynamic Modeling and Control of a 3-Degrees-Of-Freedom Parallel Actuator | 8 (August 15, 2022) | 108 |
Nargis Khan | Cumming School of Medicine | The Effects of Trained Immunity on Neutrophil Responses | 8 (August 15, 2022) | 109 |
Nicole Letourneau | Faculty of Nursing | Impacts of a Parenting Intervention for Depressed Mothers on Children's Brain Structure and Function: Proof of Concept in Preparation for a Large CIHR Follow-Up Study | 8 (August 15, 2022) | 110 |
Sabrina Peric | Faculty of Arts | Storying the Oil Sands: Community, Innovation and Politics in Northern Alberta | 8 (August 15, 2022) | 111 |
Sana Ghaznavi | Cumming School of Medicine | Exploring Limitations in The Current Standard of Care for Thyroid Hormone Replacement Therapy in Post-Thyroidectomy Patients | 8 (August 15, 2022) | 112 |
Shannon Parker | Faculty of Nursing | Peripheral Intravenous Catheterization First Attempt Success Trial | 8 (August 15, 2022) | 113 |
Darren Derksen | Faculty of Science | Enhancing the Scope and Therapeutic Index of MCL1-targeing Compounds | 9 (November 15, 2022) | 114 |
Hongzhou Yang | Schulich School of Engineering | DEEP Learning Based GNSS Navigation in Urban Environment | 9 (November 15, 2022) | 115 |
Hossein Hejazi | Schulich School of Engineering | Hydrogen Embrittlement and Induced Cracking of Pipelines: Towards Hydrogen Transportation | 9 (November 15, 2022) | 116 |
Karl Riabowol | Cumming School of Medicine | Epigenetic Model of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma | 9 (November 15, 2022) | 117 |
Leigh Gabel | Faculty of Kinesiology | Strength Training for Osteoporosis Prevention in Early Menopause (STOP-EM): A Pilot Study | 9 (November 15, 2022) | 118 |
Martin MacInnis | Faculty of Kinesiology | Living for the Weekend (Warrior): The Importance of Exercise Duration and Frequency on Cardiorespiratory Fitness | 9 (November 15, 2022) | 119 |
Michelle (Shelly) Russell-Mayhew | Werklund School of Education | Teachers of Tomorrow: Development of a Funding Strategy to Support Research Aims | 9 (November 15, 2022) | 120 |
Prism Schneider | Cumming School of Medicine | Platelet-Mediated Thrombosis After Elective Arthroplasty | 9 (November 15, 2022) | 121 |
Rajiv Midha | Cumming School of Medicine | Development Of Preclinical Porcine Model of Autologous Cell Therapy for Peripheral Nerve Repair | 9 (November 15, 2022) | 122 |
Sarah Manske | Cumming School of Medicine | Understanding Bone Loss in Critical Care: Implications for Therapeutic Intervention | 9 (November 15, 2022) | 123 |
Tara Beattie | Cumming School of Medicine | Mechanism of Telomere Senescence Signaling | 9 (November 15, 2022) | 124 |
Usman Alim | Faculty of Science | Neural Volume Visualization | 9 (November 15, 2022) | 125 |
Ethan MacDonald | Schulich School of Engineering | Using Big Data and Machine Learning in the UK Biobank to Determine the Genetics Associated with Accelerated Brain Aging: A Pilot Study | 10 (February 15, 2023) | 126 |
John Soghigian | Faculty of Veterinary Medicine | The Invasive Vector of West Nile Virus in Alberta, Culex pipiens: Are Edmonton and Calgary mosquitoes from the same introduction? | 10 (February 15, 2023) | 127 |
Kathryn Reese-Taylor | Faculty of Arts | Assessing Long-Term Urban Sustainability at Calakmul, Campeche, Mexico | 10 (February 15, 2023) | 128 |
Kent Hecker | Veterinary Medicine | The Biology of Response Process Validity: Measuring How Neural (Cognitive) and Emotional (Affective) Processes Affect the Assessment of Student Learning and Performance. | 10 (February 15, 2023) | 129 |
Liza Lorenzetti | Faculty of Social Work | Enhancing Well-Being, Healthy Relationships and Violence Prevention Through a Culturally Relevant Practice Framework | 10 (February 15, 2023) | 130 |
Muntasir Billah | Schulich School of Engineering | High-Rise Timber Building with Innovative Dual Shear Wall-Moment Frame System | 10 (February 15, 2023) | 131 |
Raafat El-Hacha | Schulich School of Engineering | Merging Carbon Nano-Fibre Infused Ultra-High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete in Modular Construction: A New Approach: Proof-of-Concept | 10 (February 15, 2023) | 132 |
Vaarun Vijairaghavan | Haskayne School of Business | Fighting Digital Piracy Without Policy-maker's Intervention | 10 (February 15, 2023) | 133 |
XiaoHang Fang | Schulich School of Engineering | Computational Study of Deflagration to Detonation Transition for Hydrogen Safety | 10 (February 15, 2023) | 134 |
Ahmed A. Tiamiyu | Schulich School of Engineering | Development of Advanced Nanomaterials for Heterogenous Catalytic Applications | 11 (May 15, 2023) | 135 |
Alexandra Giancarlo | Faculty of Kinesiology | Siksika Resilience in Photos: Reclaiming Sports Images from the Residential School Era | 11 (May 15, 2023) | 136 |
Antoine Dufour | Cumming School of Medicine | Evaluating Transient Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion in Rats as a Model of Skeletal Muscle Degeneration in Chronic Stroke | 11 (May 15, 2023) | 137 |
Arshad Ayyaz | Faculty of Science | Elucidating Colorectal Cancer Development Through Mapping Chromatin Accessibility and Transcriptional Landscape At Single Cell Resolution | 11 (May 15, 2023) | 138 |
Cathy Ryan | Faculty of Science | Lead-210 As A Proxy for Subsurface Pathways for Rn in Indoor Air | 11 (May 15, 2023) | 139 |
Christine Walsh | Faculty of Social Work | Globalizing decolonization: A collaborative social work research initiative | 11 (May 15, 2023) | 140 |
Cindy Barha | Faculty of Kinesiology | Study of Menopause and Resistance Training for Brain Health (SMART Brain) | 11 (May 15, 2023) | 141 |
Craig Johansen | Schulich School of Engineering | Experimental Investigation of a Paraffin/Lox Hybrid Rocket Motor | 11 (May 15, 2023) | 142 |
Dora Tam | Faculty of Social Work | Collaborative Innovation for Change on Youth Mental Health | 11 (May 15, 2023) | 143 |
Emily Rogers-Bradley | Schulich School of Engineering | Development of a Biarticular Prosthesis for People with Transtibial Amputation | 11 (May 15, 2023) | 144 |
Jennifer Thompson | Cumming School of Medicine | Unbiased Single Cell Profiling of The Adipose Progenitor Landscape | 11 (May 15, 2023) | 145 |
Kartikeya Murari | Schulich School of Engineering | Instrumented Horseshoes for Kinetic Gait Analysis | 11 (May 15, 2023) | 146 |
Kathleen Chaput | Cumming School of Medicine | A Qualitative Needs-Assessment Study of The Perceptions of Healthcare Workers on a New Perinatal Mental Health Intervention: Building the Calgary: Cayman Islands Perinatal Research Collaborative | 11 (May 15, 2023) | 147 |
Kati Pasanen | Faculty of Kinesiology | Preventing Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries in Female Team Sports through In-depth Biomechanical Analyses and Tailored Exercises: Towards a Meaningful and Effective ACL Injury Prevention Approach in Female Athletes | 11 (May 15, 2023) | 148 |
Krista Reich | Cumming School of Medicine | Implementing Pre-Operative Comprehensive Geriatric Assessments of Older Patients Undergoing Surgery | 11 (May 15, 2023) | 149 |
Li-Fang (Jack) Chu | Faculty of Veterinary Medicine | Do Human Segmentation Clock Defects Underly the Pathogenesis of Spina Bifida? | 11 (May 15, 2023) | 150 |
Maria Bakardjieva | Faculty of Arts | Making Sense of The News in A Hybrid Media Environment: Exploring the Intersecting Dynamics of News Repertoires, Discursive Publics and Civic Engagement | 11 (May 15, 2023) | 151 |
Michael Nesbitt | Faculty of Law | Research Security, Autonomous Sanctions, and Import/Export Restrictions: Implications for Canadian Universities and Businesses | 11 (May 15, 2023) | 152 |
Mustafa Mohamad, Mustafa | Schulich School of Engineering | Investigation of Statistical Modelling Methods in Hydrogen Combustion | 11 (May 15, 2023) | 153 |
Sandra Dumanski | Cumming School of Medicine | The Effect of In-Vitro Fertilization on Vascular Health Outcomes | 11 (May 15, 2023) | 154 |
Sarah MacEachern | Cumming School of Medicine | Catalyzing The First Two Phases of the Co-Design of a Sleep Education Intervention for Youth with Neurodevelopmental Disorders who have Behaviours of Concern and their Caregivers | 11 (May 15, 2023) | 155 |
Shirley Steinberg | Werklund School of Education | Suicide Prevention Online: A Content Analysis of Canadian Website Resources | 11 (May 15, 2023) | 156 |
Stephen MacGregor | Werklund School of Education | Knowledge Brokerage in Canadian Universities: Mapping Connections and Measuring Impact | 11 (May 15, 2023) | 157 |
Vivek Venkataraman | Faculty of Arts | Historical Perspectives on Orang Asli Health | 11 (May 15, 2023) | 158 |
Aggrey Mwesigye | Schulich School of Engineering | Numerical Characterization of Foundation Heat Exchangers and Energy Piles Coupled with Ground Source Heat Pumps for Decarbonization of Space Heating and Cooling | 12 (August 15, 2023) | 159 |
Elizabeth Condliffe | Cumming School of Medicine | Exploration of the Effectiveness and Feasibility of a Personalized Power Training Program for Youth with Cerebral Palsy Through a Community-Tertiary Hospital Partnership | 12 (August 15, 2023) | 160 |
Jinmo Rhee | School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape | An Automated Deployable Camp Layout Technology for Rapid, Efficient, and Safer Refugee Settlement Design: Proof of Concept Stage | 12 (August 15, 2023) | 161 |
Koren Roach | Schulich School of Engineering | Accurate and Quantifiable Characterization of Foot and Ankle Biomechanics in Adults with Cerebral Palsy using Dual Fluoroscopy | 12 (August 15, 2023) | 162 |
Kristina Rinker | Schulich School of Engineering | Investigation of Breast Development Using Cell-Based Models and Implications to Post-Partem Breast Cancer | 12 (August 15, 2023) | 163 |
Patricia Doyle-Baker | Faculty of Kinesiology | Building Capacity to Optimize Female Athlete Centred Research and Recruitment | 12 (August 15, 2023) | 164 |
Raynell Lang | Cumming School of Medicine | The Effect of Cytomegalovirus Coinfection on Immune Function and Aging in People with HIV | 12 (August 15, 2023) | 165 |
W. Schuyler Hinman | Schulich School of Engineering | Enhancing Aerial Wildfire Suppression: Advanced Development and Validation of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Performance Models | 12 (August 15, 2023) | 166 |
Wei Cai | Faculty of Arts | Exploring Patterns and Impact of AI-Enhanced Interactions in Chinese Language Learning | 12 (August 15, 2023) | 167 |
Marie Charbonneau | Schulich School of Engineering | Energy-based Control for Active Direct Physical Human-robot Interaction | 14 (February 15, 2024) | 168 |
Tammie Dewan | Cumming School of Medicine | Improving Inpatient Care of Children with Medical Complexity: Co-creation of a Core Outcome Set as the First Step | 14 (February 15, 2024) | 169 |
Ke Du | Schulich School of Engineering | Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Urban Airborne Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) | 14 (February 15, 2024) | 170 |
XiaoHang Fang | Schulich School of Engineering | Computational Study of Liquid Ammonia Spray Injection Characteristics | 14 (February 15, 2024) | 171 |
Omid Haji | Science | Using cryo-EM to Dissect the Regulatory Mechanisms of a Cancer Target called L-plastin | 14 (February 15, 2024) | 172 |
Patricia Johnston | Social Work | Arctic Collaboration: Towards an Inuit Network of Unique Knowledge [INUK] Research Center | 14 (February 15, 2024) | 173 |
Matthew Jordan | Kinesiology | Building Blocks for Pediatric Knee Health: A Catalyst for Specialist Care | 14 (February 15, 2024) | 174 |
Ron Kneebone | School of Public Policy | Linking Administrative Data Sets to Understand the Potential for Interventions Designed to Prevent Homelessness | 14 (February 15, 2024) | 175 |
Artem Korobenko | Schulich School of Engineering | Wake Steering Techniques for Wind Farm | 14 (February 15, 2024) | 176 |
Braedon McDonald | Cumming School of Medicine | Bringing the Lab to the Bedside: A Novel Point-of-Care (PoC) Microbiome Sequencing Test to Advance Microbial Therapeutics Precision Medicine | 14 (February 15, 2024) | 177 |
Meghan McDonough | Kinesiology | Development of a Golf Program for People Living with Dementia and their Care Partners: Resilience and Community Capacity Building | 14 (February 15, 2024) | 178 |
Thomas O'Neill | Arts | Reducing Serious Incidents and Fatalities (SIFs) in Alberta Oilsands: Leveraging the Power of Data Analytics to Assess and Manage Social Factors | 14 (February 15, 2024) | 179 |
Roland Roesler | Science | Polyethylene Recycling for a Circular Economy of Plastics | 14 (February 15, 2024) | 180 |
Leslie Skeith | Cumming School of Medicine | The PARTUM (Postpartum Aspirin to Reduce Thromboembolism Undue Morbidity) Trial | 14 (February 15, 2024) | 181 |
Neil White | Cumming School of Medicine | The Canadian Prospective Pragmatic Perilunate Outcomes Trial (C3PO) | 14 (February 15, 2024) | 182 |
Jeremy Wong | Kinesiology | Assessing Whole-body Functional Mobility in Older Adults | 14 (February 15, 2024) | 183 |
Lindsay Amundsen-Meyer | Arts | Re-contextualizing Alberta's Ranching History: Investigating the Life of John Ware | 15 (May 15, 2024) | 184 |
Arshad Ayyaz | Science | Metabolic Control of Epithelial Regeneration in The Gut | 15 (May 15, 2024) | 185 |
Tyler Cluff | Kinesiology | Development of a Novel Tool for the Remote Assessment and Treatment of Motor Learning Impairments in Stroke Recovery | 15 (May 15, 2024) | 186 |
Julie Drolet | Social Work | Wildfire Evacuations: The lived Experience of Evacuees in Alberta | 15 (May 15, 2024) | 187 |
Mostafa Farrokhabadi | Schulich School of Engineering | Campus Intelligent Virtual Power Plant Integration and Control (CIVIC) | 15 (May 15, 2024) | 188 |
Juergen Gailer | Science | Probing the Fate of Gold Nanoparticles in Human Plasma to Assess their Full Therapeutic Potential | 15 (May 15, 2024) | 189 |
Amanda Grant-Orser | Cumming School of Medicine | Interstitial Lung Abnormalities Care Pathway | 15 (May 15, 2024) | 190 |
Philippe Gray | Schulich School of Engineering | Next-Generation Transformer Technologies: Advanced Power Electronics Converters to Replace Legacy Distribution Transformers | 15 (May 15, 2024) | 191 |
Ann Gregory | Science | Systematic Isolation and Characterization of a Key Gut Phage-host Model System | 15 (May 15, 2024) | 192 |
Nancy Janovicek | Arts | Creating Archival, Activist, and Historical Partnerships for Oral History Collection and Preservation | 15 (May 15, 2024) | 193 |
Sule Nur Kutlu | Haskayne School of Business | Detection of Fraudulent Cryptocurrency Investment Websites | 15 (May 15, 2024) | 194 |
Kelsey Lucas | Science | New Tools to Enhance the Study of Fish Pectoral Fin Swimming Mechanics and Biological Convergence | 15 (May 15, 2024) | 195 |
Adam Murry | Arts | To Build a Network for Indigenous Employment: Identifying Stakeholders, Partners, Collaborators, and their Priorities. | 15 (May 15, 2024) | 196 |
Carrie Shemanko | Science | Molecular Characterization of Preclinical Models for Bone Metastasis | 15 (May 15, 2024) | 197 |
Jonathan Smirl | Kinesiology | Blood Processing for Multimodal Imaging Study across Menstrual Cycle and Contraception Use | 15 (May 15, 2024) | 198 |
Gareth Williams | Cumming School of Medicine | Structural & Proteomics Mass Spectrometry of the Hells Chromatin Remodeller | 15 (May 15, 2024) | 199 |
Vanina Zaremberg | Science | Unveiling Basic Quantum Biology Mechanisms in Yeast | 15 (May 15, 2024) | 200 |
Adam Kirton | Cumming School of Medicine | Sourcing potential: Characterizing the unique brain circuitry of locked in children | 16 (November 15, 2024) | 201 |
Danielle Whittier | Cumming School of Medicine | Investigation of fracture healing in adolescents using advanced 3D imaging | 16 (November 15, 2024) | 202 |
Elmar Prenner | Faculty of Science | Potential effects of magnetic field on biological membranes | 16 (November 15, 2024) | 203 |
Emily Rogers-Bradley | Schulich School of Engineering | Development of a variable-stiffness actuator for wearable robotics | 16 (November 15, 2024) | 204 |
Emma Climie | Werklund School of Education | ADHD in Girls & Women: What Have We Missed? | 16 (November 15, 2024) | 205 |
Eric Limacher | Schulich School of Engineering | Advancing the Theory of Accelerating Wings | 16 (November 15, 2024) | 206 |
Farhad Maleki | Faculty of Science | Innovative Self-Supervised Learning for 3D Biomedical Imaging: Enhancing Segmentation Accuracy with Minimal Labeled Data | 16 (November 15, 2024) | 207 |
Gabriel Zamudio | Werklund School of Education | Mental Health Needs and Treatment Barriers among Ethnic-Racial Minorities in Canada | 16 (November 15, 2024) | 208 |
Gerald Giesbrecht | Cumming School of Medicine | Exploring a novel gut-brain pathway for improving prenatal mental health | 16 (November 15, 2024) | 209 |
Gregory Welch | Faculty of Science | New Chemistry for Smart Food Packing | 16 (November 15, 2024) | 210 |
Hatem Abou-Zeid | Schulich School of Engineering | Passive Bistatic Sensing for 6G Integrated Sensing and Communication Networks: | 16 (November 15, 2024) | 211 |
Jason Hawkins | Schulich School of Engineering | Modernizing Fuel Tax Revenue Forecasting in Canada | 16 (November 15, 2024) | 212 |
John Wannop | Faculty of Kinesiology | Investiging the optimal surface stiffness to improve performance and reduce injury risk of female athletes | 16 (November 15, 2024) | 213 |
Julia Hews-Girard | Faculty of Nursing | Generating Understanding in Interactions about Difficult Experiences (GUIDE): Exploring how post-secondary students want to be asked about self-harm and suicide thoughts and behaviours | 16 (November 15, 2024) | 214 |
Karen Benzies | Faculty of Nursing | Rapid Adaptation of Alberta Family Integrated Care (FICare) for Adult Intensive Care Units | 16 (November 15, 2024) | 215 |
Lisa Gieg | Faculty of Science | Microbial-based approaches to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from abandoned and orphaned oil and gas wells - a proof-of-concept study | 16 (November 15, 2024) | 216 |
Mary Dunbar | Cumming School of Medicine | The FRUITION study: Family centeRed oUtcome prediction In feTal braIn cONditions | 16 (November 15, 2024) | 217 |
Nicolas Jacquelot | Cumming School of Medicine | Unbiased Single Cell Profiling of The Breast Cancer Microenvironment | 16 (November 15, 2024) | 218 |
Philip Egberts | Schulich School of Engineering | Linking mechanical properties of lubricants with roughness | 16 (November 15, 2024) | 219 |
Pierre-Yves von der Weid | Cumming School of Medicine | Development of aptamer-based reagents to investigate the role of mechanosensitive TRP-channels in lymphatic contractility | 16 (November 15, 2024) | 220 |
Ping-Yee Billie Au | Cumming School of Medicine | Identification of RNA binding targets affected by variants associated with HNRNPK-related neurodevelopmental disorders | 16 (November 15, 2024) | 221 |
Prism Schneider | Cumming School of Medicine | Proteomic Analysis of Accelerated Fracture Healing in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury | 16 (November 15, 2024) | 222 |
Raafat El-Hacha | Schulich School of Engineering | Experimental Investigation of CNF-UHPFRC Structural Components for Modular Housing Construction | 16 (November 15, 2024) | 223 |
Rachel Lauer | Faculty of Science | AI-Driven Seamount Mapping for Biodiversity and Resource Conservation | 16 (November 15, 2024) | 224 |
Ronnie de Souza Santos | Schulich School of Engineering | Transforming ADHD Care with LLMS | 16 (November 15, 2024) | 225 |
V Wee Yong | Cumming School of Medicine | Characterizing the extracellular matrix landscape in chronic active multiple sclerosis lesions: a springboard to understanding disability progression | 16 (November 15, 2024) | 226 |
Yang Gao | Schulich School of Engineering | LEO Augmented Precise and Resilient GNSS | 16 (November 15, 2024) | 227 |
Yoshiyuki Takano | Werklund School of Education | Using Shame in the Process of Change for Offenders of Intimate Partner Violence | 16 (November 15, 2024) | 228 |