Aga Khan Award for Architecture


Opportunity type:



Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN)



The Award seeks nominations that represent the broadest possible range of architectural interventions, but for the 16th cycle (2023-2025), we encourage the submission of projects in rural landscapes, urban peripheries and those that deal with public space at all scales.

To be eligible for consideration in the 2025 Award cycle, projects must have been completed between 1 January 2018 and 31 December 2023 and should have been in use for at least one full year.

All types of building projects that affect today’s environment may be submitted. These include architectural projects ranging from modest, small-scale buildings to sizable complexes; from single homes, bus stops and rural school buildings to skyscrapers, infrastructure and transportation undertakings, housing initiatives, educational and health campuses, new towns, urban conservation projects and the re-use of brownfield sites. All forms of planning practice in urban as well as rural contexts are encouraged. Large projects and long-term initiatives that are not yet fully completed – such as master plans, area preservation projects, and community upgrading schemes, among others – are eligible so long as a tangible portion of the project has been completed in a manner that demonstrates its long-term potential success and viability.

For the 16th cycle (2023-2025), the Award particularly encourages the submission of projects in rural landscapes, urban peripheries and those that deal with public space at all scales.

Architecture that reflects the pluralism that has characterised Muslim societies and communities around the world is encouraged. There are no fixed criteria for the type, nature, location, or cost of projects to be considered, although eligible projects must be designed for or used by Muslims, in part or in whole, wherever they are located.

To ensure the continuing impartiality of the Award procedures, projects affiliated with or commissioned by His Highness the Aga Khan or the agencies of the Aga Khan Development Network cannot be considered, including those undertaken by current members of the Award Steering Committee and Master Jury, or by the Boards or staff of the Aga Khan Trust for Culture and Aga Khan Development Network.


The Aga Khan Award for Architecture is given every three years to projects that set new standards of excellence in architecture, planning practices, historic preservation and landscape architecture. The Award seeks to identify and encourage building concepts that successfully address the needs and aspirations of societies across the world, in which Muslims have a significant presence.


Application deadlines

Program application deadline

September 15, 2024 - 11:59 PM

Additional Information

Submission Procedures

Each Award cycle follows a seven-step process from the identification and submission of projects to the final announcement of the winning projects. Please see the calendar for the timeline of each stage of the Award procedures.

Identification and Nomination

A programme called “Nomination” is conducted by the Award Office and draws on the suggestions provided by a network of dedicated contacts that includes architects, professionals, scholars and others who are familiar with current architectural developments in Muslim societies.

A parallel programme called “Identification” invites all individuals, organisations and firms to submit projects to be considered for nomination directly to the Award by completing a simple form that is available online.

All projects must meet the eligibility criteria established for the 2025 Award cycle. Architects and other team members are welcome to submit their own projects. Projects submitted to the Award are sent to the Award's "nominators", a network of dedicated contacts including architects, professionals, scholars and others who are familiar with current architectural developments. The nominators are responsible for confirming that the submitted projects comply with the Award's eligibility criteria before they are officially nominated for review by the master jury.

Please complete the submission form (English) to identify a project. This PDF form should be filled out and emailed to

The form can also be posted to the following address:

The Aga Khan Award for Architecture
P.O. Box 2049
1211 Geneva 2


The architects of projects enrolled through the nomination programme receive an Award documentation package that describes the standardised presentation requirements. In addition to submitting photographs, slides and architectural drawings, architects are asked to complete a detailed questionnaire pertaining to use, cost, environmental and climatic factors, construction materials, building schedule, structural integrity and ongoing maintenance, and, more importantly, design concepts and each project's significance within its own context.

2023-2025 Cycle: Calendar

1 October 2023 – 15 September 2024 Identification and nomination of projects

1 June 2024 – 15 November 2024 Submission of project documentation

January 2025 Master Jury meeting I

February-May 2025 On-site project reviews

June 2025 Shortlisted projects announced

July 2025 Master Jury meeting II

Autumn 2025 Announcement of Awards and Award ceremony

Contact Details


Aga Khan Award for Architecture