Canadian Psychiatric Association Awards
Opportunity link:
Varies by award category. See category link for details:
- Member-in-Training Award of Excellence
- Early Career Achievement in Psychiatry Award
- Early Career Psychiatrist Research Award
- J.M. Cleghorn Award for Excellence and Leadership in Clinical Research
- C.A. Roberts Award for Clinical Leadership
- Paul Patterson Innovation in Education Leadership Award
Review and Adjudication
Award applications will be reviewed to ensure they are eligible, complete, and relevant. Applications will be reviewed by a peer review panel including a minimum of two CPA members from relevant CPA committees such as the Members-in-training Subcommittee, the Early Career Psychiatrists working group, the Research and/or the Education committees. The review panel members will be determined on an annual basis based on the pool of applications received. Reviewers will score applicants using a standardized framework. A short-list of applicants will then be presented to the Membership Affairs Committee (MAC) for a final online review and grading, followed by in camera discussion and final selection.
The MAC shall notify the Board of Directors of its decision. The committee has the option to not confer the award in a given year.
The CPA will notify the recipient in advance of the annual conference in order that they may attend.
Recognition and Benefits
The recipient will receive a suitably inscribed plaque in recognition of the accomplishment to be presented during the annual conference. The CPA will maintain an official record of recipients online and at head office.
March 1
Application deadlines
Program application deadline
Contact Details
Canadian Psychiatric Association Awards