CARRA Registry
Childhood arthritis is one of the top causes of acquired musculoskeletal disability in children. Many children suffer from a form of arthritis or rheumatic disease, and while we have many new treatments that work well for many children, there are still unanswered questions.
The CARRA (Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance) Registry is a North American organization of pediatric rheumatologists and other healthcare professionals working to answer critical questions about arthritis and rheumatic diseases by collecting information about children with pediatric rheumatic diseases. Using this information, researchers are able to study how children do over the long term and better understand the safety of the treatments they receive.
By participating, you and your child will contribute to a better understanding of pediatric rheumatic disease and improved outcomes for children and young adults with arthritis and rheumatic diseases.
Eligible ages: 0 to 16
Inclusion criteria:
The CARRA Registry is an observational cohort registry study of children with pediatric rheumatic diseases. All patients with pediatric rheumatic diseases who are seen at a participating CARRA site for medical care will be considered for enrollment into the study.
Your child may be eligible if they developed a rheumatic disease prior to age 16.
Additional information
Contact information
Recruitment for this study is only through referral.
Principal investigator:
Marinka Twilt
Clinical trial: