Clinical Impact of Multiple Sclerosis (CIMS) Study


This is a long-term study to determine factors that are associated with outcomes in MS.

We expect this study to help us better predict the impact of MS on different groups of people, to better understand factors that influence disease outcomes, help determine the best methods of care delivery, and determine when and how to start treatment. Finally, we hope it will improve our understanding of some of the biological processes important in MS. In these ways, this study may contribute to the development of new and better therapies for MS.


Currently recruiting participants: Yes

Eligible ages: 18 to 99

Inclusion criteria:

People with MS, suspected MS or related conditions, who have been seen at the Calgary MS Clinic will be invited to participate. We wish to include people with all types of MS, even those with the mildest forms, and people with MS-like diseases who are followed in our clinic. This study will last for several years.


Fill out the following form if you want to participate in this research

Method of contact

Additional information

Contact information

Investigator: Dr. Luanne Metz

Principal investigator:

Luanne Marie Metz

Clinical trial:


