Co-Constructing the Coronavirus: Understanding Families’ Relational Experiences of a Global Pandemic


The aim of this research is to establish a greater understanding of how Canadian families experience the COVID-19 pandemic, and whether these experiences are informed by their established interaction patterns. Findings will be distributed to researchers and mental health practitioners to better support disaster survivors, and contribute to a children’s book for family survivors of disaster. This research project is to meet the dissertation requirements of the researcher’s PhD program in counselling psychology.


Currently recruiting participants: No

Eligible ages: 10 to 90

Accepts healthy participants: Yes

Inclusion criteria:

1) Families that lived in Canada between the months of March and August 2020
2) At least one child (between the age of 10-18) and one parent are available to participate together. Additional family members (children or adults) of any age (0-90) may volunteer to participate as well.
3) Fluent in English

Exclusion criteria:

Families who do not have at least one child between the age of 10-18, who is willing and able to participate, will not be eligible.


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Additional information

Contact information

Jezz Stone, M.Sc., Doctoral Candidate

Principal investigator:

Tanya Mudry

Clinical trial:


