CP-Related Foot Biomechanics and AFO Impact Study
Arthritis is more common in individuals with CP, but we do not understand why. This study answers this question by looking at how foot and ankle bones move in individuals with CP and foot impairment. Additionally, we will begin to look at whether AFOs may change these foot and ankle bone movements.
Our research uses a special imaging system to look at how the foot and ankle move in healthy adults versus adults with CP and foot impairments. This will give us a better understanding of how OA might be linked to changes in joint movements in people with CP.
We will also use this technology to see if AFOs can improve mobility and foot function. This information will help us design better AFOs that can improve the lives of people with CP by reducing the effects of OA.
Eligible ages: 18 to 80
Accepts healthy participants: Yes
Inclusion criteria:
To ensure the study focuses on adults with CP, we have a specific criteria for who can take part:
1. Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy (CP)
2. Age 18 years or older
3. Presence of equinovarus, equinovalgus, or planovalgus in one or both feet
4. GMFCS Level I-III
Exclusion criteria:
The exclusion criteria is as follows:
1. Age below 18
2. Current pregnancy
3. GMFCS IV and V
4. Age above 80
5. Individuals with lower-limb trauma or surgery within the last 6 months
Additional information
Contact information
Dr. Koren Roach
Principal investigator:
Koren Roach
Clinical trial: