Development and evaluation of a patient-centered electronic outcome assessment (strokePRO) system for acute stroke trials
In this project, we aim to design an electronic tool, called strokePRO, which will allow for easier collection of stroke outcome assessments for patients participating in stroke clinical trials. The first step of our research involves meaningfully engaging with stroke patients and/or caregivers to understand patients' experiences and priorities regarding outcome assessment after a stroke.
Thus, we are recruiting up to 60 ischemic stroke patients and/or stroke patient caregivers, to participate in this research study. Participation in this study would involve two parts:
1) First, you would be asked to attend an online one-on-one meeting with a member of our research team, where you would be presented with findings of previous stroke research priorities and outcomes of an electronic clinical outcome assessment tool. We would also ask you if there are any additional priorities or outcomes you feel are missing, and then have you rank them. This interview would be conducted through a digital format (i.e. Zoom video conferencing).
2) Second, you would be asked to attend an online focus group with up to 5 stroke patients and caregivers. In these focus groups, we will ask our participants about their thoughts on how they are being assessed after a stroke, their experiences with participating in previous stroke trials, and their preferences for being assessed for stroke outcomes. These focus groups will be conducted using semi-structured interview guides through a digital format (i.e. Zoom video conferencing).
All participants will be compensated for their time and contributions.
Eligible ages: 18 to 100
Inclusion criteria:
The inclusion criteria are defined as:
1. Lived experience with ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack OR previous or current caregiving experience for someone with a stroke
2. ability to provide informed consent
3. ability to read and communicate in English or French
Exclusion criteria:
Individuals will be considered ineligible for this study if they have significant impairment and are without a caregiver, or they are unable to read or communicate in English or French.
Fill out the following form if you want to participate in this research
Collection of personal information
Your personal information is collected under
the authority of section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If
you have any questions about the collection or use of this information, please visit our
Access to Information page.
Additional information
Contact information
Dr. Tolulope Sajobi
Principal investigator:
Tolulope Sajobi
Clinical trial: