Exploring the cross-cultural effects of transitioning to practice as an immigrant International Medical Graduate in Canada


This research project examines the experiences of immigrant international medical graduates (I-IMGs) in their first five years of practice after Canadian postgraduate training. We will conduct interviews with potential participants. In these interviews, we will explore how their immigrant status and identities influences their transition at work and in social settings. Our goal is to use these insights to improve professional development programs and better support I-IMGs during this period.


Currently recruiting participants: Yes

Eligible ages: 18 to 100

Accepts healthy participants: Yes

Inclusion criteria:

Eligible participants are I-IMGs who completed Canadian PGME between 2019 – 2024 and are currently transitioning within their first 5 years of independent practice.
Please note, the term 'I-IMG' relates to international medical graduates who were:
1) Born outside of Canada and
2) Studied medicine outside of Canada.

Exclusion criteria:

International medical graduates born in Canada who studied medicine abroad, before returning to complete Canadian PGME are not eligible.


Fill out the following form if you want to participate in this research

Method of contact

Additional information

Contact information

Dr Sarah Cook Sarah.cook@ucalgary.ca

Principal investigator:

Sarah Cook

Clinical trial:


