: Francophone Linguistic Minority Students’ Experiences with Open Educational Resources (OER) in a Post-Secondary Educational Setting


This research study will use semi-structured interviews to capture the unique experiences and personal reflections of those participants who are Francophone students using French language Open Education Resources (OER) in their university courses. OER have been used for several years in post-secondary education. The formats of OER range from open textbooks to open journals and a variety of other open learning materials. Broadly, OER can be defined as learning and research materials that are freely available and that have been created and distributed under an open license Participants who are currently using, or who have used French language OER in the past two years in their courses are eligible to participate in the study.

The objectives of this research are to capture the experiences of Francophone students using French language OER in their courses, and to analyse the main themes to better understand the benefits and challenges of using French language open learning materials. The findings are expected to inform policy, curriculum development, and the creation of learning resources.


Currently recruiting participants: Yes

Eligible ages: 18 to 99

Accepts healthy participants: Yes

Inclusion criteria:

Participants are elligible to participate if they:
1) Self-identfy as a Francophone
2) Are a current or former student at the University of Ottawa
3) Have used a French language OER in their courses during the last two years


Fill out the following form if you want to participate in this research

Method of contact

Additional information

Contact information

Michelle Brown michelle.brown@ucalgary.ca

Principal investigator:

Colleen Kawalilak

Clinical trial:


