Intermittent fasting intervention in Crohn’s disease (CD-FAST)


We want to test if fasting for a certain number of hours each day can help with weight loss and improve inflammation. We are asking patients with Crohn’s disease who struggle with their weight to be involved in this 12-week study.

If you join this study you could be put into two different groups. The first group does not fast and eats as usual. The second group is the group that will fast.

The fasting group fasts for a certain number of hours, 6 days of the week. They will eat their regular diet during their eating window. They will also meet with a dietitian (RD) online. The RD will teach the patient how to fast and help answer questions. The research assistant will all call patients every two weeks to discuss changes in medications, disease symptoms and how well the patient is doing with the fasting.

The other group will be asked to eat their regular diet over the 12-week study. At the end of the study, they will get their chance to meet with the RD and do the fast as well. The research assistant will call patients every two weeks to discuss medication changes and disease symptoms.

Both groups will complete surveys at the start and end of the study. These surveys will ask questions about your quality of life and your physical activity levels.


Currently recruiting participants: No

Eligible ages: 18 to 75

Accepts healthy participants: Yes

Inclusion criteria:

Inclusion Criteria:

1) ≥ 18 to ≤ 75 years of age
2) ileocolonic or colonic CD in clinical remission diagnosed through conventional definitions with a Harvey Bradshaw Index (HBI) < 7 within 3 months of recruitment
3) presence of inflammation using an FCP ≥ 200 µg/g or a CRP ≥ 8 mg/L
4) stable dosing of biologic agents and/or immunomodulators and/or oral or rectal 5-ASA, and no changes to medical management (including corticosteroid exposure) for at least 3 months prior to recruitment
5) presence of overweight or obesity with BMI > 25 and a patient-generated subjective global assessment of class A
6) able to attend in-person appointments in the Calgary, Thunder Bay, or Kelowna areas

Exclusion criteria:

Exclusion Criteria:

1) upper gastrointestinal involvement CD, fistulizing disease
2) documented strictures based on sonographic findings or colonoscopy within the last year
3) > 1 small bowel resection
4) colectomy
5) presence of an ostomy
6) antibiotic use in the past 3-months
7) pregnancy
8) corticosteroids in the last 3 months
9) type 1 or type 2 diabetes


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Additional information

Contact information

Research coordinator: 403-592-5231 or

Principal investigator:

Maitreyi Kothandaraman

Clinical trial:




External links

Ascend Website