MRI of Brain Structure and Function


We are seeking healthy adults to participate in a brain imaging study. Your participation will contribute to research that aims to advance the scientific community by contributing to the development of techniques to track brain function and brain physiology noninvasively with MRI. Eventually, these techniques could be applied to improve triage, diagnosis, and treatment selection for neurological diseases such as stroke. Time Commitment for this study requires at least one 2-3 hour visit to the Seaman Family MR Research Centre at Foothills Hospital.


Currently recruiting participants: No

Eligible ages: 18 to 80

Accepts healthy participants: Yes

Inclusion criteria:

- Healthy men and women between the ages of 18-80

Exclusion criteria:

- Contraindications to MRIs (i.e. incompatible pacemakers, stimulators, certain metal implants, etc)
- Severe Asthma
- History of stroke or cardiovascular disease
- Pregnancy


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Contact information

Please contact Courtney Collins at or 403-210-6739 for more information.

Principal investigator:

G. Bruce Pike

Clinical trial:


