Parenting, Brain Development, and Risk for Depression and Anxiety
We are looking at how parents shape brain development in their teenage children, and how parenting and brain functioning relate to mental health in teens.
For TMS add-on:
We are looking for healthy individuals who are willing stay for an additional portion of the study to receive brain stimulation while we simultaneously record brain activity around the site of stimulation using an electroencephalograph (EEG).
We believe that stimulating brain regions at different intensities allow us to achieve better understanding of how activity in the prefrontal cortex coordinates with other brain regions. We expected distinctive patterns of brain activation following different stimulus intensities and that these components are uniquely sensitive to stimulation. If we are correct, this can be used to develop biomarkers for future treatment studies.
For Parent TMS add-on:
Same as above.
Eligible ages: 12 to 19
Accepts healthy participants: Yes
Inclusion criteria:
1. Healthy children aged 12-17
2. One parent has a likely history of mood or anxiety difficulties
3. Able to speak and understand English
4. Live in the Calgary area and able to commute to the Foothills Medical Centre
5. Able to tolerate ~1 hour MRI scan, ~1 hour EEG scan, and ~3 hours of interviews and questionnaires.
For TMS add-on:
1. Healthy individuals without chronic medical conditions
2. Ages 12 - 19
For Parent TMS add-on:
1. Healthy individuals without chronic medical conditions
2. Parent participating with child in the main portion of our study
Exclusion criteria:
1. Your child has braces or metal implants anywhere on their body
2. Your child must not have a diagnosed history of developmental (e.g., Autism, ADHD, etc) or neurological (e.g., epilepsy, cerebral palsy) disorders or a diagnosed history of depression or anxiety disorders (e.g., Major Depression, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Phobia).
For TMS add-on:
1. Pregnancy
2. Lactation (breastfeeding)
3. Epilepsy or history of seizures
ui Previous Stroke
5. Substance use disorder
6. Have a concomitant major unstable medical illness
7. Have an intracranial implant (e.g., aneurysm clips, shunts, stimulators, cochlear implants, or electrodes) or any other metal object within or near the head
8. Have active suicidal intent
For Parent TMS add-on:
1. Pregnancy
2. Lactation (breastfeeding)
3. Epilepsy or history of seizures
ui Previous Stroke
5. Substance use disorder
6. Have a concomitant major unstable medical illness
7. Have an intracranial implant (e.g., aneurysm clips, shunts, stimulators, cochlear implants, or electrodes) or any other metal object within or near the head
8. Have active suicidal intent
Fill out the following form if you want to participate in this research
Collection of personal information
Your personal information is collected under
the authority of section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If
you have any questions about the collection or use of this information, please visit our
Access to Information page.
Additional information
Contact information
Hayley Schmidtler
Principal investigator:
Daniel Kopala Sibley
Clinical trial: