Post-Secondary Student Homelessness (PSSH) in Canada: Informing Prevention Through Qualitative Analysis


This is the Calgary-based component of a national project dedicated to finding solutions for post-secondary student homelessness. Unfortunately, 100,000 students in Canada experience some form of homelessness every day. Past research has shown that housing insecurity negatively affects students’ academics and mental health, but students are reluctant to seek help and often conceal housing issues. Institutions have indicated that they want to help but are not sure where to start. In this project, we will interview students at the UNiversity of Calgary, asking about their experiences and needs. Similarly, we will interview key administrators iat U of Calgary with the aim of developing solutions informed by students with lived experience. We are seeking who have experienced homelessness or housing precarity and would be will to be involved in this project both as research assistance and as interviewrs and members of focus groups examining this issue.


Currently recruiting participants: Yes

Eligible ages: 18 to 65

Accepts healthy participants: Yes

Inclusion criteria:

Any post-secondary student at the University of Calgary,over the age of 18 who has experienced homelessness or has been vulnerable to housing loss, either currently or previously.

Exclusion criteria:

1. If you are a youth under age 18.
2. Do not cuurently, and have never attended a post-secondary school


Fill out the following form if you want to participate in this research

Method of contact

Additional information

Contact information

Please contact the PI, Dr. Jeannette Waegmakers Schiff

Principal investigator:

Johanna Waegemakers Schiff

Clinical trial:


