The Safety and Feasibility of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Combined with Conservative Treatment for Cervicogenic Headaches


Headaches, pain, and muscle soreness are common after a concussion or whiplash injury. These symptoms make life difficult and it can be hard to find treatments for them. One possible treatment for these symptoms is physiotherapy. Physiotherapy acts to strengthen the neck to reduce headaches and pain. Previous studies have found that physiotherapy has a limited effect for many patients. As such, electrical stimulation of the brain is being studied to reduce headaches and pain following concussion. These previous studies have shown good results, with reduced pain and headaches. In this study, we plan to use electrical stimulation and physiotherapy to treat pain and headaches.


Currently recruiting participants: Yes

Eligible ages: 18 to 65

Inclusion criteria:

1. Individuals with chronic cervicogenic headaches as diagnosed by a physician or physiotherapist
2. Between the ages of 18 and 65

Exclusion criteria:

1. Individuals who also have migraines or tension-type headaches
2. Individuals with spinal fractures or tumors
3. Individuals with nerve root pain
4. Individuals with muscle or joint inflammatory conditions
5. Individuals with neurological or psychiatric conditions
6. Individuals who have undergone spinal surgery within the past year


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Contact information

Please contact the study email or the phone number provided

Principal investigator:

Chantel Debert

Clinical trial:


