Field Research

COVID-19 Guidance for Researchers: Field Research

This page contains information about research operations during the University of Calgary's COVID-19 response.

Visit the Emergency Management website for general campus information.

Last updated: May 27, 2021

Field research is subject to compliance under Alberta's Occupational Health and Safety Code for hazard assessments and emergency preparedness. All researchers participating in field work at locations away from a UCalgary campus must complete and submit a Field Level Hazard Assessment and a Field Communications Plan that includes hazards and controls related to COVID-19, in addition to a Workspace Safety Plan.

COVID-19 hazard and control register for field research work has been developed that identifies typical hazards and recommended controls, and non-COVID-19 hazards and controls are identified on the FLHA template form.

Your FLHA and Field Communications Plan must be submitted for review and approval by the Department Head or Designate, prior to work beginning.

Interaction with small/remote communities should be strictly minimized. Indoor interaction should not be pursued. It is important that we consider the potential impact of field research on communities, and do everything we can to keep our communities safe.


Previous communications:

Note that restrictions/requirements stated in previous communications were relevant at the time of distribution; all UCalgary members are expected to follow current provincial restrictions.