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How We Can Help:

Facilitating Partnered Research

Knowledge to Impact supports the matching of University of Calgary researchers with community partners to facilitate partnered research. Community partnered research includes projects or programs co-led by researchers and community organizations and involves shared decision-making, equitable power, results that are relevant to the community, capacity building, and sustainable work after funding ends. Knowledge to Impact works with service agencies, clubs, faith groups, not-for-profits, grassroots organizations, and more!

Looking for a NEW research partner?

Every partnership is unique, but if you are ready to involve partners early on in your research, explore and consider different perspectives, dedicate time and resources, and share authorship, then let’s get you matched! Book a Consult

Need support with an EXISTING partnership?

Knowledge to Impact can support your research collaboration including partnership coaching, wayfinding to additional university resources and funding opportunities, and knowledge mobilization planning and activities. Book a KI consult with us to discuss your project and current needs. Book a Consult

Looking for Additional Partnership Resources?

We have compiled additional resources from Knowledge to Impact and our partners to support partnership matching, potential funding sources, and connection and learning opportunities across Canada. 
Visit: Additional Resources

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Impact assessment toolkit icon

KE Impact Assessment Toolkit

Plan for and assess the impact of community-engaged research.

The Knowledge Engagement Impact Assessment Toolkit has been developed to provide UCalgary researchers with tools and skills training necessary to assist them in evaluating their own work, generating data and reporting on the impact of their KI activities.

The toolkit is made up of two main components:

  1. a matrix that helps measure the quantitative data of knowledge engagement activities,
  2. a portrait that helps tell the story of knowledge engagement impact

The toolkit uses the REAP Self-Assessment Model (originally developed at the University of Bradford) as a framework to measure impact, with the addition of strategic context.

REAP Self Assessment Model

  • Reciprocity
    Multi-directional flow of knowledge, information and benefits between the University and community partners.
  • Externalities
    Benefits extend beyond those created for the partners, assisting in generating social trust and relationships that contribute to building a learning and knowledge-based society.
  • Access
    Partners have ongoing access to facilities, resources and knowledge instead of receiving a one-time provision of goods or services.
  • Partnership
    Partnerships develop and are strengthened through extended reciprocity and access.

Markers of a Good Partnership

Makings of a partnership table

Carnegie Community Engagement 
Classification – Canadian Pilot

Get Started

1. Understand the Goals

Watch the following 3-minute video to learn about UCalgary’s commitment to research impact and why it’s important.

Research Impact at UCalgary

Dr. William Ghali, Vice-President (Research) shares UCalgary’s commitment to research impact and the importance of engaging with the community for research.

2. Download the Toolkit

Fill out the form on this page to receive a copy of the toolkit, which includes a usage guide, the assessment matrix, assessment portrait, and a training video.

This resource was funded by The Conference Board of Canada through the Government of Canada’s Future Skills Centre.

Supported by Research Impact Canada.

Any omissions in fact or interpretation remain the sole responsibility of the authors. The findings do not necessarily reflect the views of Research Impact Canada, its funder, or its partners.

Research Impact Canada | Future Skills Centre logos

3. Connect with Us

After watching the training video, work through the components of the toolkit and begin creating your knowledge engagement impact story. Once the self-assessment is complete, book a consult with the KI team to go over your findings and get feedback.