
Killam Postdoctoral Fellowship

2025 Competition Now Open. 
Application Deadline: Monday, May 5, 2025

Program Overview

The Killam Postdoctoral Fellowship, awarded annually from the Killam Memorial Fund, provides an exceptional opportunity for one outstanding postdoctoral scholar to conduct advanced research at the University of Calgary. 

Established in memory of Izaak Walton Killam, through the Will of his wife, Dorothy Johnston Killam, this prestigious fellowship is granted to an outstanding postdoctoral scholar, chosen by a specialized, multi-disciplinary committee. The fellowship provides the postdoctoral scholar with the opportunity to pursue advanced training at the University of Calgary, engage in innovative research, and contribute to the activities of the host unit. The program promotes interdisciplinary collaboration and helps fellows establish leadership roles within academia and beyond. The fellowship is open to all faculties and research areas. 

  • Applicants must have a current or prospective faculty supervisor at the University of Calgary. Applicants without a supervisor should contact the relevant Department Head to find an available faculty member.
  • Postdoctoral scholars with a PhD from the University of Calgary are not eligible.
  • Applicants must have completed their PhD within three years (36 months) preceding the expected fellowship start date. For instance, if an applicant plans to begin their fellowship on January 1, 2026, they must have completed their PhD requirements no earlier than January 1, 2023.
  • Applicants whose careers were interrupted or delayed (due to childrearing, illness, or health-related family responsibilities) must provide justification for an eligibility extension. The extension will be equal to the duration of the interruption. 
  • There are no citizenship restrictions. Non-Canadian applicants are responsible for securing the necessary visa or work permit.
  • The 2025 fellowship is for two years, starting between August 1, 2025 and January 1, 2026. Second-year funding is contingent upon the submission and approval of a Renewal Report. 
  • The Killam Fellowship cannot be combined with another fellowship of equal or greater value. If the fellow receives another award, the Killam Fellowship becomes honorary, with research support and a small top-up potentially retained at the university's discretion.
  1. Submission of Application: Ensure that application is submitted by the deadline. Ensure that all required items are included as outlined in the Application Guidelines. Incomplete or late submissions will not be considered. Please refer to the Application Submission section below for more information.
  2. Eligibility Verification: The Postdoctoral Office will confirm candidates’ eligibility, compile all applications, and then forward applications to the appropriate faculty or school Associate Dean for the first review stage.
  3. Faculty Review and Ranking: Each faculty will review all the applications and provide a complete ranking of all applicants in their faculty against the established Assessment Criteria. Faculties may recommend a maximum number as per the quota given below. The Postdoctoral Office will forward all top ranked applications per faculty, as per the quota, to the University Selection Committee for adjudication:


  • Cumming School of Medicine - 7
  • Faculty of Science - 4
  • Faculty of Arts - 4
  • Schulich School of Engineering - 3
  • Faculty of Kinesiology - 2
  • Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - 2
  • School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape - 1
  • Haskayne School of Business - 1
  • Faculty of Law - 1
  • Faculty of Nursing - 1
  • Faculty of Social Work - 1
  • Werklund School of Education - 1
    Total - 28

The University Selection Committee, appointed by the Postdoctoral Program Director, will evaluate all forwarded applications. They will assess each application based on the Assessment Criteria, providing numeric scores. A committee meeting will be held to finalize the shortlist of fellowship recipients. The candidate with the top score will be selected and submitted to the Killam Trustees for approvals.

killam logo

Award Details

Award Value: $50,000 per year for up to two years, plus a one-time $6,000 research allowance. 
Includes health and dental benefits, subject to CPP, EI, and the PDAC Collective Agreement.

Number of Awards: One

Application Deadline: Monday, May 5, 2025

Competition Timeline

March 17, 2025

Competition Opens

May 5, 2025

Application Deadline

June 9, 2025

Deadline for Faculties/Schools to complete nominations

July, 2025

University Selection Committee Adjudication

July, 2025

Killam Trustees Approval and Fellowship Recipient Announcement

Application Submission

Please follow the steps below to ensure your application is complete and submitted correctly:

Assemble All Required Components

  • Ensure all application items are prepared and organized in the specified order in a single PDF file. 
  • The applicant’s name and faculty must be clearly indicated in the PDF file name using the following format: 
    Name Surname, Faculty 2025 Killam Application.pdf

Killam Postdoctoral Fellowship Application Guidelines

Complete the Application Form

  • Submit your application by completing the Application Form
  • Before starting the application form, make sure you have all required documents on hand. 
  • The form must be submitted in a single session, as Qualtrics does not save progress.
  • Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted and will result in disqualification. 


  • Once your application is submitted, an automatic email will be triggered to notify the referees, who will have three days to submit their references. This three-day period is separate from the application deadline.
  • Your proposed supervisor cannot be a referee in your application.
  • The letters must include the referee’s name, title, signature, and should be on the letterhead of their institution. 
  • Please inform your referees in advance so they are prepared to fulfill the request promptly.

Contact Us

Direct any inquiries to fellowships@ucalgary.ca