2023 SFARI Human Cognitive and Behavioral Science RFA
Opportunity link:
Opportunity type:
Award amount and duration:
- All applicants and key collaborators must hold a Ph.D., M.D. or equivalent degree and have a faculty position or the equivalent at a college, university, medical school or other research facility.
- Applications may be submitted by domestic and foreign nonprofit organizations; public and private institutions, such as colleges, universities, hospitals, laboratories and units of state and local government; and eligible agencies of the federal government.
- There are no citizenship or country requirements.
- Unsuccessful applications submitted to previous SFARI RFAs may be resubmitted to this RFA, if relevant. For all resubmissions, PIs must submit a statement of changes describing substantive changes to the application since the previous submission.
- Investigators may submit multiple applications on different topics. However, it is highly unlikely that two awards will be made to the same PI within one RFA cycle.
Scientific Priorities and Scope
The Human Cognitive and Behavioral Science RFA prioritizes research that produces foundational knowledge about the neurobehavioral differences associated with ASD. These projects are expected to inform or relate to the development and refinement of tools needed for translational efforts, such as biomarkers and outcome measures. Special emphasis is placed on objective, quantitative measures that may be used in conjunction with standardized clinical measures and genomic information to better characterize phenotypic and neurobiological variability within and across individuals with ASD.
The program encourages studies that capitalize on approaches that are informed by recent advances in computer vision, machine learning and speech processing, as well as psychophysics and non-invasive neuroscience techniques (e.g., EEG and MRI). SFARI has a strong interest in developmentally focused studies in areas that include, but are not limited to, communicative, social and ritualistic/stereotyped behavior, as well as sensory and motor function. SFARI also recognizes the importance of domains of function, such as attention, learning and memory, and sleep, in influencing core ASD diagnostic domains. While applications may propose laboratory-based measures, SFARI is especially interested in real-world, scalable and quantitative measures of behavior (e.g., wearable devices and other methods of digital phenotyping).
SFARI also encourages proposals that not only quantify specific phenotypes, but also may contribute to the development of scalable innovative technologies for improving interventions and supports in humans. Successful applications would include a clear rationale for how the digital technology could be deployed to increase, maintain, or improve quantifiable functional outcomes in individuals with autism; for example, machine learning approaches that could amplify measurable gains from intensive behavioral interventions would be of interest.
Level and Duration of Funding
To enhance support of projects all along the continuum of translation, SFARI now offers three tracks within this RFA solicitation: Explorer, Expansion and Collaboration tracks. Applicants should select which track best matches the maturity and goals of their research proposal, as review criteria will be appropriately tailored for each track.
Explorer track
This track is appropriate for early-stage projects in which establishing feasibility and proof-of-concept are the most relevant outcomes of the grant period. The total budget is $500,000 or less, inclusive of 20 percent indirect costs, over a period of up to two (2) years. Allowable indirect costs to the primary institution for subcontracts are not included in the $500,000 total budget threshold (see grant policies).
Expansion track
This track is appropriate for more mature projects with evidence of feasibility and preliminary validity, for which goals such as scalability, generalizability and/or more complete measure validation are now the most relevant translational outcomes. The total budget is $900,000 or less, inclusive of 20 percent indirect costs, over a period of up to three (3) years. Allowable indirect costs to the primary institution for subcontracts are not included in the $900,000 total budget threshold.
As with all SFARI-funded projects, it is at the foundation’s discretion to modify final budgets and scientific scope as needed. Grant progress will be critically evaluated at the end of each annual funding period before support for the upcoming year will be approved.
Collaboration track
This track is appropriate for multi-lab, cross-institutional collaborative projects. Collaborative proposals should be built around transdisciplinary teams tackling a critical issue in the neurobehavioral differences of autism with clear translational implications. Collaborations among different institutions are strongly encouraged. As stated above, SFARI will consider funding a limited number of Collaboration proposals. As such, the proposal must provide a strong rationale for how synergies across multiple disciplines will be leveraged. The total budget per collaborating lab is $750,000 or less inclusive of 20 percent indirect costs, for up to four (4) labs, over a period of up to three (3) years. Allowable indirect costs to the primary institution for subcontracts are not included in the $750,000 total budget threshold (see grant policies). We welcome applications from up to four collaborating PIs. As with all SFARI-funded projects, it is at the foundation’s discretion to modify final budgets and scientific scope as needed. Grant progress will be critically evaluated at the end of each annual funding period before support for the upcoming year will be approved.
Application deadlines
RSO detailed review deadline
RSO final internal review deadline
Program application deadline
NOTE: Consult your Faculty Associate Dean (Research) (ADR) regarding Faculty-specific deadlines and submission processes.
Principal Investigators: Complete a Research Management System (RMS) record, including a copy of your complete application, and submit this for approvals in RMS.
Postdocs, students, and trainees: For fellowships and externally-sponsored research training awards or opportunities, you must complete the Research Funding Application Approval (RFAA) Trainee PDF form, and submit it, along with a complete copy of the application, to Research Services at rsotrainee@ucalgary.ca. Trainees should not use RMS at this time.
Approvals: The University of Calgary requires that all funding applications be approved prior to submission. Approval requires signatures via either RMS or the RFAA Trainee form, in the following order:
- Principal Investigator
- Department Head
- Faculty ADR/Dean
- Research Services (on behalf of the Vice-President Research)
Read the Meaning of Grant Signatures policy to understand what your approval means. Please see the agency guidelines for details about which signatures are required on your application, as it may differ from internal requirements.
Late submissions: Late submissions will only be accepted in cases of medical or family emergencies, or other exceptional circumstances. If you submit your RMS record to Research Services after the internal deadline has passed, you must secure additional approvals. Please read: Late Applications Process.
Additional Information
Instructions for Submission
Applications must be submitted via the Simons Award Manager (SAM). Please click on the Funding Opportunities icon and navigate to the Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative — Human Cognitive and Behavioral Science call. Click the Create Application button to begin. Applications should be started and submitted under the applicant’s own account in SAM.
IMPORTANT: All applications must also be submitted through the University of Calgary Research Management System (RMS) in order to obtain institutional approval before final submission to the agency.
Contact Details
Simons Foundation
Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI)
Autism spectrum disorders (ASD)
International Foundations