AGE-WELL Postdoctoral Awards in Technology and Aging (2023)


Opportunity type:

Postdoctoral Funding



Award amount and duration:

$20,000 (September 1, 2023 – March 31, 2024).





In order to be considered for AGE-WELL Awards, funding applicants must:

  1. Receive at least some financial support from additional sources: home department, supervisor research grants, and/or through government and agency scholarships or awards.
  2. Participate full‐time in their respective program at a Canadian post-secondary institution.
  3. Be engaged in academic study/research aligned with the mission and vision of AGE-WELL.
  4. Applicants for doctoral awards are restricted to those entering the first, second, or third year of their program. Doctoral candidates in year 4+ may be eligible for co-funded awards. Please see individual co-funded award details here.


AGE-WELL Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Awards in Technology and Aging (2023)

AGE-WELL Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Awards in Technology and Aging provide partial funding to highly qualified master’s, doctoral and postdoctoral candidates and provide them with access to training and mentorship opportunities through the AGE-WELL Network of Centres of Excellence. AGE-WELL aims to provide a unique training environment that exposes trainees to multi-disciplinary research environments and to its industry and community partners. AGE-WELL is committed to attracting, developing, and retaining outstanding Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) in Canada.

How to apply online:

Once you are ready to submit an application online:

  1. If you have not already done so, you must register with the AGE-WELL Forum Research Portal at (the form will ask for your name and email).
  2. After you submit the registration form, the system will create an account and send your credentials to the email address you provided.
  3. Once you login, you will have to reset your temporary password.
  4. The “My Applications” link is in the top right of the page you will reach after resetting your password. Please select “Award 2023”, navigate to the “Documents” tab, and enter your referee names and email addresses. Letters of support must be uploaded to the Forum Research Portal by your referees by 5pm ET May 12, 2023.
  5. Make sure to read the instructions on the first page of the application process carefully.

Please consult the AGE-WELL Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Awards Package 2023 and the AGE-WELL Award FAQ for detailed information and instructions. Applicants should also refer to the AGE-WELL Challenge Area Booklet for additional information about Network priorities.

If you encounter any technical difficulties, please contact

For questions about the program, eligibility etc., please contact






Application deadlines

Program application deadline

May 12, 2023 - 3:00 PM


NOTE: Consult your Faculty Associate Dean (Research) (ADR) regarding Faculty-specific deadlines and submission processes.

Principal Investigators: Complete a Research Management System (RMS) record, including a copy of your complete application, and submit this for approvals in RMS.

Postdocs, students, and trainees: For fellowships and externally-sponsored research training awards or opportunities, you must complete the Research Funding Application Approval (RFAA) Trainee PDF form, and submit it, along with a complete copy of the application, to Research Services at Trainees should not use RMS at this time.

Approvals: The University of Calgary requires that all funding applications be approved prior to submission. Approval requires signatures via either RMS or the RFAA Trainee form, in the following order:

  • Principal Investigator
  • Department Head
  • Faculty ADR/Dean
  • Research Services (on behalf of the Vice-President Research)

Read the Meaning of Grant Signatures policy to understand what your approval means. Please see the agency guidelines for details about which signatures are required on your application, as it may differ from internal requirements.

Late submissions: Late submissions will only be accepted in cases of medical or family emergencies, or other exceptional circumstances. If you submit your RMS record to Research Services after the internal deadline has passed, you must secure additional approvals. Please read: Late Applications Process.