NSERC-NRCan partnership to fund research on small modular reactors
Opportunity link:
Opportunity type:
Award amount and duration:
Eligibility requirements for applicants and co-applicants
As a university or college faculty in an applicant or co-applicant role, you must comply with the eligibility requirements listed below at the time of application and during the tenure of the grant. Certain funding opportunities may outline additional requirements to align with specific objectives.
Appointment and faculty position3
1. You must hold or have a firm offer4 of an academic appointment at an eligible post-secondary institution. The appointment can be:
1.1. For university faculty
- a tenured, tenure-track or professor emeritus position, or
- a term or contract position of no less than three continuous years
1.2. For college faculty
- a permanent position, or
- a term or contract position of no less than three continuous years
When your primary position is outside of Canada, you are only eligible if you work full-time in an eligible Canadian post-secondary institution. A part-time position is not eligible when your primary position is outside of Canada.
Research and student supervision
2. Your position at the eligible post-secondary institution must:
2.1. For university faculty
- require you to engage in natural sciences and engineering research5 that is not under the direction of another individual, and
- permit you to supervise or co-supervise the research* of postdoctoral fellows or students registered in an undergraduate or graduate degree program
* E.g., thesis supervision, and not supervision of regular course or laboratory assignments.
In support of Canada’s Small Modular Reactor Action Plan, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) is partnering with NRCan to fund research on SMRs. As stated in Budget 2022: “Support to develop this technology can position Canada as a clean energy leader; support the decarbonization of provincial electricity grids in places like New Brunswick and Saskatchewan; facilitate the transition away from diesel power in remote communities; and help decarbonize heavy emitting industries.”
NRCan has set aside approximately $1M per year, over 4 years, to co-fund research projects through NSERC’s Alliance grants program. Once the proposed research project has been approved by NRCan, eligible university researchers can apply for an Alliance grant with a duration of 1 to 4 years. Partners from industry, government and not-for-profit organizations are encouraged to participate as per NSERC’s Alliance grants program. NSERC’s funding contribution will be calculated using the Alliance cost-sharing formula.
The objectives of this partnership are to:
- generate new knowledge to support policy- and decision-making related to SMRs in Canada’s nuclear industry, as well as to support the objectives of Canada’s SMR Action Plan
- enhance the capabilities of Canadian universities to undertake research related to SMRs
- increase training and help produce a new generation of nuclear scientists, engineers and policy makers
Proposed research projects must address at least one of the following research objectives specific to the SMR technologies being pursued in Canada (consult Canada's SMR Action Plan for further guidance).
- Robust supply chains for SMRs:
- Determine the types of equipment and components required to facilitate supply chain development
- Identify and develop innovative techniques for SMR construction, such as innovative manufacturing techniques to reduce costs
- Determine how advanced manufacturing technologies can be used in the SMR supply chain; assess what information is needed to qualify these techniques in terms of regulatory approval; undertake research on and/or develop advanced manufacturing technologies/techniques that could be used in the SMR supply chain; undertake research to support the qualification of advanced manufacturing technologies/techniques to meet regulatory requirements
- SMR fuel supply:
- Develop characterization and examination capabilities for SMR fuel and fuel materials
- Undertake research to support the development of models and/or codes related to SMR fuel
- Research and understand the economic impact, including impacts on policies, related to fuel fabrication and/or enrichment in Canada
- Explore fuel reprocessing options for SMR technologies and related implications relevant to Canada
- Study the characteristics of enriched materials in terms of their impact on packaging/transportation
- Radioactive waste management and minimization for SMRs:
- Identify and characterize fuel supply waste streams for SMRs
- Research and develop SMR waste management solutions, including technologies that have the potential to reduce waste
- Advance understanding and technologies/techniques to support the safeguarding and proliferation resistance of SMR fuel cycles
- Undertake research related to intermediate-level SMR waste reduction and disposal solutions
- Advance understanding of the long-term safety requirements for SMR waste storage and disposal
- Research transportation requirements for radioactive SMR material based on Canada’s non-proliferation, safety and security policies
- Research and develop technologies for managing non-fuel SMR radioactive waste and contaminated materials
How to apply
University researchers must first contact NRCan to discuss their proposed research project and obtain approval before submitting an application to NSERC. To engage NRCan in supporting your research project, request an expression of interest (EOI) form via email to smr-prm@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca. Please include your area of interest/expertise in your initial email to NRCan to help facilitate the process.
The EOI must explain how your project will address one or more of the specific research objectives and how it will help enable responsible deployment of SMRs in Canada.
You are encouraged to contact NRCan early in the process to discuss your project concept; EOI forms are due to NRCan by 11:59 pm on April 11, 2023. Submissions sent after this deadline will not be eligible.
An EOI alone is not considered an application for funding. NRCan will use EOI forms to do a comparative initial review to determine which ensemble of project ideas will best meet the objectives detailed above. A limited number of applicants will be invited by NRCan to submit a full application to NSERC for funding. Funding decisions will then be made based on NSERC’s Alliance grants application and review process.
Applications must be submitted via NSERC's online system. Following the instructions for completing an Alliance grant application, fill out the proposal template and complete the other sections of your application.
Your application must be submitted to NSERC by August 1, 2023. Your proposal will be reviewed following NSERC’s Alliance grants review process.
Pre-application deadlines
RSO internal deadline
Pre-application program deadline
Application deadlines
RSO detailed review deadline
RSO final internal review deadline
Program application deadline
NOTE: Consult your Faculty Associate Dean (Research) (ADR) regarding Faculty-specific deadlines and submission processes.
Principal Investigators: Complete a Research Management System (RMS) record, including a copy of your complete application, and submit this for approvals in RMS.
Read the Meaning of Grant Signatures policy to understand what your approval means. Please see the agency guidelines for details about which signatures are required on your application, as it may differ from internal requirements.
Late submissions: Late submissions will only be accepted in cases of medical or family emergencies, or other exceptional circumstances. If you submit your RMS record to Research Services after the internal deadline has passed, you must secure additional approvals. Please read: Late Applications Process.
Additional Information
Internal Submission process:
Both the LOI and application stages will be administered via RMS.
University researchers must first contact NRCan to discuss their proposed research project and obtain approval before submitting an application to NSERC. To engage NRCan in supporting your research project, request an expression of interest (EOI) form via email to smr-prm@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca. Please include your area of interest/expertise in your initial email to NRCan to help facilitate the process.
The EOI must explain how your project will address one or more of the specific research objectives and how it will help enable responsible deployment of SMRs in Canada. You are encouraged to contact NRCan early in the process to discuss your project concept; EOI forms are due to NRCan by 11:59 pm on April 11, 2023. Submissions sent after this deadline will not be eligible.
STEP 1A: RMS record
Complete a "Pre-Award/Letters of Intent" record on RMS (login at https://research.ucalgary.ca/rms). Please use the “NSERC-NRCan partnership to fund research on small modular reactors” funding opportunity and once completed - “Submit for academic approvals” (Under Save & Progress) in good time to allow for approvals from your Department Head and/or ADR prior to the Research Services deadline. Consult your department and faculty for more information on their approval processes and timelines. Ensure you receive all required RMS approvals in advance of NOON on April 4, 2023. Our team will then review the LOI and provide approval to submit your EOI to NRCan. This step of the process will be managed by Tempest Emery (taemery@ucalgary.ca).
This step is by invitation only. NRCan will send notices to inform applicants if their EOI has been chosen to submit a full application to NSERC.
Complete your application in the NSERC On-line system. Once the application is complete (including required attachments and your CCV), verify each section, and then press "Submit". Your application will be sent to the Research Services Office. Please ensure your application is final and complete; Research Services will not review drafts, and, once received, your application may be submitted to NSERC without further notice.
1. Inform RSO (alisha.kadam@ucalgary.ca or taemery@uclagary.ca) that you have been invited for a full application, we will mark your "Pre-award/Letters of Intent" record on RMS as awarded. This will automatically create a "Pre-award/Application" record with the same RMS number. You can now attach a copy of your full application to this record and send it forward for a review.
2. Your application will not be considered submitted and will not be reviewed until both the application is submitted in the NSERC online portal and the RMS record have been received.
3. The final deadline of 12:00 pm on Thursday, July 27th, 2023, is a hard deadline. The 3-day deadline ensures that Research Services is able to complete a basic review of the application and secure institutional signature in a timely fashion.
4. As an optional service, if you would like a detailed review, Research Services must receive your complete RMS approvals record and NSERC Research Portal application by 4pm on July 18, 2023.
- The detailed review includes checking for eligibility and UofC commitments and risk, compliance with program guidelines, completeness of application, and the opportunity for feedback to improve the application.
- The basic administrative review involves a minimal check of the application for eligibility and any UofC commitment or risk.