King Faisal International Prize for Science


Opportunity type:



The King Faisal Foundation

Award amount and duration:

A sum of SR 750,000 (US$ 200,000)



The 2025 King Faisal Prize in Science is for Physics.

  • Nominations are accepted from universities, scientific institutions and research centers. See below for more details.
  • Laureates of King Fasial Prize may nominate eligible candidates.
  • Nominations are not accepted from individuals or political parties.
  • Nominated works must be published, likely to benefit mankind and enrich human knowledge.
  • The prize is not awarded posthumously.
  • Dissertations are not accepted.
  • Former Laureates of King Faisal Prize shall not be awarded the prize again.
  • More than one candidate may be nominated, irrespective of their affiliation with the nominating institution.


King Faisal Prize (KFP) was initiated by the King Faisal Foundation (KFF) inspired by its humanitarian objectives and its commitment to preserve the true Islamic values which King Faisal, may Allah have mercy upon him, stood for. These values and principles, held dearly by the late King Faisal, are firmly enshrined in the statute of the Prize.

KFF established the KFP as a lofty expression and reflection of late King Faisal untiring support for endeavors slated to alleviate human suffering through the advancement of research and creative human thinking.

One is considered qualified to win the King Faisal International Prize for Science if they have carried out and published an original scientific research on the prize’s topic, with major benefits to humanity, and meeting one or more of the prize’s objectives as determined by the respective Selection Committee.

The annual awards ceremony of the King Faisal International Prize (KFIP) is one of the most important events of the King Faisal Foundation (KFF).

The prize consists of:

  • A certificate written in Arabic calligraphy featuring the laureate's name with a brief description of the work for which s/he is awarded the Prize.
  • A commemorative 24-carat, 200-gram gold medallion.
  • A sum of SR 750,000 (US$ 200,000).


Application deadlines

Program application deadline

March 31, 2024 - 9:00 AM

Additional Information

Institutional Nomination:

Candidates must be nominated by universities, scientific institutions and research centers. Those seeking a nomination from the President of the University of Calgary must contact Research Services Office ( as soon as possible.

Requirements from a Nominating Body:

  1. An official letter of nomination for each nominee separately, adequately justifying the nomination and outlining the nominee's achievements in the subject-matter of the prize.
  2. A list of nominated works.
  3. A general information form to be filled by the nominee (see the Invitation to Nominate above); this form can be duplicated if more than one candidate is nominated.

Requirements from a Nominee:

  1. A detailed CV with a list of the nominee’s publications.
  2. A letter of commitment to present two lectures in his/her field of specialization, at academic institutions in the event s/he is awarded the prize.
  3. A copy of each nominated paper; the total number of nominated papers should not exceed ten (10).
  4. A copy of each nominated book and/or book chapter. the total number of nominated books and/or book chapters should not exceed five (5). The book’s title cover should be appended with each nominated book chapter.
  5. A recent color-photo of the nominee with high resolution.

Nominations may be submitted via:

Contact Details


King Faisal International Prize for Science