Membership in the College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists


Opportunity type:



Royal Society of Canada



Candidates must be no more than 15 years from the conferral of the PhD or equivalent qualification (the candidate must have obtained their PhD on or after Jan. 1, 2009). Where there are questions of equivalence eligibility, the RSC Secretary shall provide the conclusive determination on behalf of the RSC Council.

The RSC will consider an exemption period of up to three years for those who have had a career interruption for the purpose of maternity, childrearing, illness, or health-related family responsibilities.

Nominations to the College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists must be initiated by Members of the College, Fellows of the RSC, or Institutional Members (see Institutional Nominations, below).

See the Frequently Asked Questions page for College nominations here


The College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists is Canada's first national system of multidisciplinary recognition for the emerging generation of Canadian intellectual leadership. It will comprise a fourth entity (along with the current three Academies) within the Royal Society of Canada.
The Members of the College are Canadians and Permanent Residents who, at an early stage in their career, have demonstrated a high level of achievement. The criteria for election is excellence, and membership is for seven years. Up to 100 Members may be elected each year.


Application deadlines

RSO final internal review deadline

October 1, 2024 - 4:30 PM

Program application deadline

December 13, 2024 - 11:59 PM

Additional Information

Information Session - September 9, 2024 - 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM (Mountain Time)

RSO is pleased to present a virtual information session (registration required).

Christopher Dragan, Membership and Awards Officer for the Royal Society of Canada, will speak about the RSC and will detail the nomination process for both Fellowship in the RSC and Membership in the RSC College of New Scholars. Faculty and staff who are interested in nominating a colleague for these prestigious honours are strongly encouraged to attend.

SUPPORT: Research Awards Committee:
The SUPPORT: Research Awards committee is now available to review and provide feedback to strengthen nominations for major research prizes and awards and advise on the suitability of award nominations. This committee is comprised of distinguished University of Calgary faculty who have won major national awards and sat on national award selection committees.

The SUPPORT: Research Awards Committee will review nominations for Fellowship in the RSC and Membership in the RSC College, amongst other prestigious awards. Upon request, SUPPORT will also review the CV of a potential candidate for Fellowship in the RSC and advise on their suitability for nomination at this time.

If you wish for the SUPPORT: Research Awards committee to review and provide feedback on a nomination package, please include the following materials:

  • Detailed appraisal (maximum 1200 words)
  • Candidate's CV (in any format, maximum 10 pages)
  • Optional: Candidate's statement (maximum 500 words)
  • Optional: Brief biographies (250 words) of each referee
  • Optional: Citation (maximum 70 words)

If additional components of the nomination package are available by the SUPPORT deadline, the committee would be pleased to review all available materials.

SUPPORT Nomination Review Deadline: October 1, 2024

Your Faculty or Associate Dean (Research) must submit the request for review to

  • Each submission must include a SUPPORT Review Form
  • Each faculty must submit a short statement describing how equity, diversity and inclusion were considered in the internal Faculty selection process.

Institutional Nominations
The President of the University of Calgary may nominate faculty members for Membership in the RSC College. In order to ensure that these nominations are of the highest quality, a review process has been instituted. Requests for institutional nomination may be submitted by the Dean or Dean's representative or a Fellow of the Royal Society. The submission must include:

  • A brief letter, no longer than a single page, describing why the candidate merits nomination for Membership in the RSC College as well as the credentials of those who will be approached to provide a reference letter in support of the nomination; and
  • The candidate's curriculum vitae.

Email these documents as a single PDF to by September 6, 2024. The institutional nominees will be selected by the President based on the recommendation of the Vice-President (Research).

Please note that an institutional nomination is not required for nomination to the RSC College. Prior to requesting an Institutional nomination, Faculties should consider whether a nomination from a Fellow or College Members of the RSC in the candidate's field would be more advantageous.

Contact Details


Membership in the College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists
Royal Society of Canada
Social Science
Early Career
Social Work