The Prix Galien Canada – Product Innovation Award


Opportunity type:



Health Research Foundation

Award amount and duration:






For the purpose of Prix Galien Canada, the Jury will use the definition of “drug” in the Food and Drug Act. “Drug” includes any substance or mixture of substances manufactured, sold or represented for use in:

  1. The diagnosis treatment, mitigation or prevention of a disease, a disorder, an abnormal physical state or the symptoms thereof, in humans and animals;
  2. Restoring, correcting or modifying organic functions in humans or animals;
  3. Disinfection in premises in which food is manufactured, prepared or kept.

It must be stressed that to be considered, the drug product must bear a Drug Identification Number (D.I.N.)

Prix Galien Canada guarantees that all information will be held in strict confidentiality and will be available only to parties involved in the adjudication of the award.


The Prix Galien Canada – Innovative Product Award is presented every year to the company that has developed a drug product launched on the Canadian market and judged by the Jury to have made the most significant overall contribution to patient care in Canada in terms of efficacy, safety, benefits and innovation.


Application deadlines

Program application deadline

August 2, 2024 - 11:59 PM

Additional Information

Call for submissions for the 2024 Prix Galien Canada Innovative Product Award is now open. Please review the submission and eligibility requirements below. Applications will be accepted until August 2, 2024. To submit a nomination, please download and complete the form and send to


The Prix Galien Canada – Innovative Product Award will be presented to a drug, launched at least 12 months ago and no more than 60 months (5 years) ago, that has made the most significant overall contribution to patient care in Canada, according to the Jury of Prix Galien Canada.

  • The product is considered a “break-through” rather than a derivative of an already existing agent
  • The product has made a most significant overall contribution to patient care in Canada in terms of efficacy, safety, benefits, and innovation
  • The product has a major impact on standards of care

If applicable, the candidate will detail the Canadian contribution to the discovery and/or development of the product and to the contribution to publications related to the product.

Applications should not exceed fourteen (14) pages, and must include:

  • The completed submission form signed by an authorized Officer of the Company.
  • A cheque in the amount of $2500 (plus applicable taxes) made out to the Health Research Foundation.
  • Five (5) published original articles including no more than one review article may also be submitted as an Appendix.

Prix Galien Canada – Product Innovation Award Submission Form

Prix Galien Canada – Product Innovation Guidelines

Contact Details


The Prix Galien Canada – Product Innovation Award
patient care