Research Ethics Considerations When Working with International Partners
Webinar | April 24, 2024, 2 p.m. - 3 p.m.
Research Ethics Considerations When Working with International Partners
Webinar | Wednesday April 24, 2024, 2 p.m.- 3 p.m. MT
Join us for a discussion about key ethical considerations for partnered research in international settings. This session will introduce suggestions for translating or contextualizing UCalgary’s research ethics processes when working with international partners. How may approaches for recruitment, obtaining informed consent, relationship development or distributing incentives need to be reassessed within international contexts?
For an introduction to Research Ethics and advice on submitting an ethics application with partners, view this recording from our 2023 series Navigating Partnered Research: Research Ethics for Community Engaged Projects with Dr. Jenny Godley and Dr. Stacey Page.
About the speakers:
Dr. Jenny Godley, PhD, trained as a demographer and a social network analyst, Dr. Godley studies the effects of social class and gender on health outcomes such as obesity and eating disorders. She has been Chair of the Conjoint Faculties Research Ethics Board since 2019.
Dr. Rita Yembilah, PhD, is a geographer by training. She currently works in research and evaluation with the Canadian Poverty Institute at Ambrose University. She also works in evaluation consultancy, mainly in international development. She is an adjunct assistant professor with the Department of Anthropology and Archaeology and serves on the Conjoint Faculty Ethics Board (Social Sciences) at the University of Calgary.
Navigating Partnered Research is a digital series hosted by the Knowledge Engagement team in Research Services to provide support and guidance for faculty members interested in pursuing partnerships with community.
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