VPR Catalyst Grants - May 2023 Intake
Opportunity link:
Opportunity type:
Award amount and duration:
Eligibility and Conditions
- Primary applicant must hold an academic appointment at the University of Calgary (tenured and tenure-track).
- Individuals holding limited term or contingent term academic appointments are eligible, provided the terms of their appointment explicitly include the expectation of independent research and the supervision of graduate students.
- VPR Catalyst grants are intended for activities that can be completely swiftly, and that increase competitiveness for external funding applications.
- To be considered for subsequent Catalyst Grants, applicants must have completed their previous grant and submit an Outcomes Report.
Please visit the program webpage for current information on all conditions and eligibility requirements.
VPR Catalyst Grants are designed to catalyze research initiatives that will lead to substantial external funding, and are intended to support well-defined early-stage research activities. The VPR Catalyst Grants ask researchers think boldly and strategically about how to maximize the impact of downstream funding. The stimulus grant program will prioritize those who present a winning research context, including for example mentorship, strong collaborators, and knowledge engagement partnerships.
There are 4 intakes for VPR Catalyst Grants each year, as such:
Deadline | Start Date
Nov 15 | Dec 15
Feb 15 | Mar 15
May 15 | June 15
Aug 15 | Sept 15
Application Checklist
- ✔ Approvals page (download template), until the application can be migrated to RMS
- ✔ Project description (not to exceed 3 pages) including a demonstrated need for funding. The project description should emphasize the over-riding strategy of the grant proposal and downstream funding applications rather than the methodological approach
- ✔ A description (one page maximum) of how the Catalyst Grant activities will enhance the chances for success of the external funding request, taking care to address the fourth review criterion
- ✔ Budget and budget justification including leveraged contributions (download template)
- ✔ Curriculum Vitae
- ✔ EDI statement (one page maximum) including relevant explanations of any significant career interruptions
- ✔ Submit your application online using the VPR Catalyst Grants Submission wepbage.
Application deadlines
Program application deadline
NOTE: Consult your Faculty Associate Dean (Research) (ADR) regarding Faculty-specific deadlines and submission processes.
Please refer to the VPR Catalyst Grant webpage for information on approvals required for submission.
Late submissions: Late submissions will only be accepted in cases of medical or family emergencies, or other exceptional circumstances. If you submit your RMS record to Research Services after the internal deadline has passed, you must secure additional approvals. Please read: Late Applications Process.
Additional Information
Special Initiatives
From time to time, the University of Calgary will utilize the VPR Catalyst Grant program to identify and support projects which are participating in special initiatives and strategic research partnerships. The existing application form will include a question to identify these projects as part of the normal submission process, and while the usual evaluation process will not be impacted, in some cases there may be additional funds which would allow more projects overall to be funded in certain rounds. Information about these initiatives and their aims will be posted below.
Curtin-Aberdeen-Calgary Strategic Alliance
The University of Calgary has had a strong partnership with Curtin University since 2017 and with the University of Aberdeen since 2003. Building on the successful Aberdeen-Curtin Alliance founded in 2017, the new tripartite Alliance looks to “provide innovative solutions to global problems” by leveraging the research and academic strengths from all three institutions. The new Alliance will allow all three institutions to collaborate more comprehensively and to capitalize on and leverage their shared goals. Each is driven by the need to respond to the challenges of today’s world and the vital importance of securing a just and sustainable future.
Please be sure to identify your proposal as connected with the Alliance, and to provide information about your co-investigators from the other institutions in your application.
UCalgary has formed a tripartite Alliance with the University of Aberdeen and Curtin University, designed to leverage strengths and shared goals from all three institutions through comprehensive collaboration. Read more about the Strategic Alliance.
For consideration, scholars connected with the Alliance should identify their proposal as such in their VPR Catalyst Grants application by selecting the appropriate institutional partner in the submission webform.
UCalgary scholars interested in making connections with colleagues at Aberdeen or Curtin are encouraged to please contact Strategic Global Initiatives at UCIresearch@ucalgary.ca.
Virtual Information Session | April 26, 3:00 - 4:00 pm MT
Please join Research Services and UCalgary International for an overview of the VPR Catalyst Grants and the new connection with Curtin-Aberdeen Strategic Alliance.
Contact Details
Knowledge Engagement
Curtin-Aberdeen-Calgary Strategic Alliance