Royal Society of Canada Awards


Opportunity type:



Royal Society of Canada



Note: The Royal Society of Canada has set the deadline for this upcoming round at March 14, 2025. For future competitions, the deadline will be set in December (the following round will have a deadline of December 2025).

Candidates cannot apply on their own behalf and must be nominated for by an RSC Member (Fellow or current member of the College of New Scholars). To be eligible for an RSC award, candidates shall be Canadian citizens or have had status for at least three years as Canadian Permanent Residents at the time of their nomination.


The RSC administers over 20 prestigious awards in recognition of outstanding achievement.

Available for nomination this year:

Henry Marshall Tory Medal - For outstanding research in any branch of astronomy, chemistry, mathematics, physics, or an allied science.
Jason A. Hannah Medal - For an important publication in the history of medicine.
John L. Synge Award - For outstanding research in any of the branches of the mathematical sciences.
McLaughlin Medal - For important research of sustained excellence in any branch of medical sciences.
Michael P. Païdoussis Medal - For outstanding contributions to research, education and leadership in applied mechanics. Solid continuum mechanics, fluid mechanics and fluid-structure interaction are all included.
Miroslaw Romanowski Medal - For scientific work relating to environmental problems.
Pierre Chauveau Medal - For a distinguished contribution to knowledge in the humanities.
Rutherford Memorial Medals - For outstanding research in physics and in chemistry.
Sir John William Dawson Medal - For important contributions of knowledge in multiple domains.
Yvan Allaire Medal - For outstanding contributions in governance of public and private organizations. 


Application deadlines

RSO final internal review deadline

January 13, 2025 - 4:00 PM

Program application deadline

March 14, 2025 - 6:00 PM

Additional Information

SUPPORT: Research Awards Committee

The SUPPORT: Research Awards Committee is now available to review and provide feedback to strengthen nominations for major research prizes and awards and advise on the suitability of award nominations. SUPPORT will also review the CV of a potential nominee and advise on their suitability for nomination at this time.

If you wish for the SUPPORT: Research Awards committee to review and provide feedback on a nomination package, please include:

  • a citation (see below - item 4)
  • a detailed appraisal of the candidate's record (see below - item 5)
  • an up-to-date CV (see below - item 7)

If additional components of the nomination package are available by the SUPPORT deadline, the committee would be pleased to review all available materials.

SUPPORT Nomination Review Deadline: Feb 3, 2025


Please ensure follow the instructions in the 2025 guide. Click here to view examples.

A complete nomination consists of the following elements

  1. Nomination form
  2. Letter of nomination from the Primary Nominator
  3. Citation (max 70 words)
  4. Detailed appraisal (max 1200 words)
  5. Three letters of reference (max 750 words per letter)
  6. Three bio from referees (max 250 words)
  7. Curriculum Vitae (max 20 pages)

The complete nomination must be compiled in two PDF files (file 1 includes the nomination form and File 2 includes items 2 to 7 above in order) and submitted by email to on or before March 14, 2025

Contact Details


Royal Society of Canada
John L. Synge Award
McLaughlin Medal
Miroslaw Romanowski Medal
Rutherford Memorial Medal
Yvan Allaire Medal
Bancroft Award 
Pierre Chauveau Medal (Biennial)
Sir John William Dawson Medal (Biennial)
Jason A. Hannah Medal (Biennial)
Flavelle Medal 
Innis-Gérin Medal
Lorne Pierce Medal
Michael P. Païdoussis Medal 
Ursula Franklin Award in Gender Studies
Willet G. Miller Medal
J.B. Tyrrell Historical Medal