Application opens November 20, 2024
Student deadline January 27, 2025
Supervisor deadline January 31, 2025
Undergraduate Summer Studentship Central Application
Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRAs) are meant to nurture your interest and fully develop your potential for a research career in health, natural sciences, engineering, social sciences or humanities. These awards are also meant to encourage you to undertake graduate studies by providing research experience that complements your studies in an academic setting. UCalgary offers a 16-week USRA program where undergraduate students make a full-time commitment to their research for 16 consecutive weeks with a faculty member.
The USRA program is allocation based with limited number of awards available.
Students will apply through the undergraduate summer studentship central application for the internal USRA selection process. Successful applicants will be notified and directed to complete form 202 Part I and II for submission in the NSERC online portal.

When can I apply for an Undergraduate Student Research Award?
USRA (NSERC, SSHRC, CIHR) Summer Term: May - Aug Application Deadline: | USRA (NSERC ONLY) Fall Term: Sep - Dec Application Deadline: | USRA (NSERC ONLY) Winter Term: Jan - Apr Application Deadline: | |
Black Scholars (UCalgary and External) | YES | If available | If available |
Indigenous Scholars (UCalgary and External) | YES | YES | YES |
UCalgary Student (General awards) | YES | If available | If available |
External Student (General awards) | YES | If available | If available |
Funding for Black undergraduate student research with USRA
To reduce racial inequities in research opportunities, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) implemented a new Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA) program in 2023 to support Black scholars in summer research projects in health research or social sciences or humanities research.
In addition, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) announced additional federal government funding to support Black undergraduate scholars in summer research projects.
UCalgary students who meet the eligibility criteria can apply for CIHR, SSHRC and NSERC USRAs through the Undergraduate Research Summer Studentship central application.

Funding for Indigenous undergraduate student researchers
The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) offers an undergraduate student research award (USRA) for Indigenous student researchers interested in an undergraduate research experience. Applications from Indigenous students who meet the eligibility requirements may be considered for funding beyond the university’s award allocation.
Upcoming Experiential Learning Events to Prepare you for your Summer Studentships
Application opens November 20, 2024
Student deadline January 27, 2025
Supervisor deadline January 31, 2025
Students apply through the undergraduate summer studentship central application for the internal USRA selection process at the University of Calgary.
The common application form supports applications to the following programs:
- Alberta Cancer Foundation (ACF)
- Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute (ACHRI)
- Alberta Innovates Summer Research Studentships (SRS)
- Biomedical Engineering (BME) Summer Research Studentships
- Dianne LaFlamme-McCauley Summer Research Studentships
- Libin Cardiovascular Institute Donald and Loreen Dunklee Summer Studentship in Heart Research
- McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health RR Singleton Summer Studentship
- Neuroscience Summer Research Scholarship (NSRS)
- O’Brien Centre Summer Studentships (OCSS)
- Program for Undergraduate Research Experience (PURE)
- Schulich URP 50:50
- Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA -NSERC, CIHR, SSHRC)
Award eligibility will be automatically determined at application based on your qualifications. Applicants will be considered for all awards they meet eligibility criteria for, however only ONE (1) offer of award will be made to successful students.
Successful USRA candidates will be notified and directed to complete form 202 Part I and II for submission in the NSERC online portal.
The Research Services Office conducts the administrative review of the applications to ensure compliance with the funding agency's Terms of Reference and guidelines.
Decisions are final and cannot be appealed.
A student may submit one (1) application with one (1) supervisor only per competition.
Supervisors may support two (2) student submissions in AwardSpring (central application system). Due to the limited number of awards and to ensure we distribute opportunities for students and supervisors across campus, a supervisor will only be awarded up to a maximum of two (2) studentships.
Note for Non-UCalgary students: The Request for UCID webform will close 12pm (noon) on Thursday, January 23, 2025. Due to high request volume, processing can take 1-2 business days.
Past students and non-UCalgary students are eligible for this award. However, you must have a current (not expired) UCID and an IT Account to sign in to the online application system.
If you are not currently registered for classes at the University of Calgary, even if you have a UCID, you must first follow the 'Apply for a UCID' process to allow us to give you an IT Account.
This is a two-step process, and each step will take approximately a business day to complete.
If you have a current UCID and IT Account, please skip these steps and proceed directly to the application form.
Apply for a UCID
- Click the "Apply for a UCID" button.
- When you click the “Submit” button, your request will be sent to the Unicard Office for processing. A copy of your request will also be sent to you.
- You will receive an email from the Unicard Office when your request has been processed and a UCID has been assigned. Generally, your request will be processed within one to two business days.
Apply for a UCalgary IT Account
- Your UCID is required before proceeding with this step.
- Go to the IT Account Registration site and complete the multi-step process. Read the step-by-step instructions here.
- You will receive an email once your request has been processed and your IT Account set up. Generally, your request and your access to the AIHS Award Application site will be processed within one business day.
- Use your IT Account username and password to access the online application system.
To be eligible to apply for an award, a student
- must be a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident of Canada or a Protected Person under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada), as of the deadline date for applications at the institution
- must be registered, as of the deadline date for applications at the institution, in a bachelor’s degree program at an eligible institution
- must have obtained, over the previous years of study, a satisfactory cumulative average (normally at least B)
- cannot be currently enrolled in an undergraduate professional degree program in the health sciences (e.g., MD, DDS, BScN) (does not apply for CIHR USRAs)
- cannot be currently registered or have been previously registered, at any time, in a graduate program in the same field of study
- cannot have completed all your degree requirements
In addition:
- A student who holds a bachelor's degree and is studying toward a second bachelor's degree may still apply for this award.
- A student may hold only one university USRA per fiscal year (April 1 to March 31).
- A student may hold a maximum of three (3) university USRAs throughout their undergraduate university career.
- USRAs may be held during co-op placements.
- Students studying at a foreign institution who are a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada may be eligible for USRA provided they meet all other eligibility requirements.
To hold an award, a student must:
- have completed all the course requirements of at least the first year of university study (or two academic terms) of the student's bachelor's degree
- have been registered in at least one of the two terms immediately before holding the award in a bachelor's degree program at an eligible university
- not have started a program of graduate studies at any time
- be engaged on a full-time basis in research and development activities in the natural sciences or engineering during the tenure of the award
CIHR and SSHRC USRAs are, at the present time, exclusively for Black student researchers. To be considered, you must self-identify as Black.
- they are currently enrolled in an undergraduate professional degree program in the health sciences (e.g. MD, DDS, BScN);
- they hold higher degrees in the natural sciences or engineering (i.e. Master's or PhD).
Value: $7,500 total:
- USRAs have a value of $6,000, and UCalgary supervisors are required to supplement the award with a minimum top-up of $1,500.
- UCalgary offers a 16-week USRA program where undergraduate students make a full-time commitment to their research for 16 consecutive weeks with a faculty member.
A student may submit one (1) application with one (1) supervisor only per competition.
Supervisors may support two (2) student submissions in AwardSpring (central application system). Due to the limited number of awards and to ensure we distribute opportunities for students and supervisors across campus, a supervisor will only be awarded up to a maximum of two (2) studentships.
Each application is reviewed independently by two faculty members who have a relevant area of expertise. Based on these reviews, all USRA proposals are ranked and assessed to determine the award recipients.
Applications will be evaluated according to a rubric that includes an assessment of:
- The overview / abstract of the proposal
- The creativity of the research question or method
- The potential benefit to student
- Relevant experience
Results of the USRA competition will be available approximately 6 to 8 weeks after the close of the competition. Candidates will be informed by email regarding the outcome of their submission, followed by an official letter. Successful applicants will be required to formally indicate their acceptance of the award. Please note that all candidates applying through AwardSpring will only receive ONE (1) offer of award if successful.
Offer of award
Value: $7,500 total:
- USRAs have a value of $6,000, and UCalgary supervisors are required to supplement the award with a minimum top-up of $1,500.
- UCalgary offers a 16-week USRA program where undergraduate students make a full-time commitment to their research for 16 consecutive weeks with a faculty member.
Award recipients are expected to make a full-time commitment to their research during the 16-week period of their USRA. This is subject in all cases to expectations set by your supervisor.
Award recipients are expected to follow the procedures and rules of the research environment in which they conduct their research and interact regularly with their supervisor.
Until students receive the official award letter from NSERC notifying them that their application has received final approval and they have been awarded, their applications are only conditionally approved for this award.
To hold an award, award recipients must:
- have completed all the course requirements of at least the first year of university study (or two academic terms) of the student's bachelor's degree.
- have been registered in at least one of the two terms immediately before holding the award in a bachelor's degree program at an eligible university.
- have not started a program of graduate studies at any time.
- be engaged on a full-time basis in research and development activities in the natural sciences or engineering during the tenure of the award.
To make the most out of the USRA experience, it is strongly recommended that award recipients do not take more than one course during the Spring/Summer terms. Students wishing to take more than one course must first discuss the matter with their supervisor and obtain approval. Exceptions to the course limit can be reviewed by NSERC on a case-by-case basis.
No academic course credit will be awarded for work funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) or the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).
Award recipients offered an Undergraduate Student Research Award will be required to accept or decline the offer by a date specified in the notification of the offer.
Award recipients who decline the award may claim credit for the award on their curriculum vitae, noting that the award was declined. In the event successful students decline the initial offer of award, no further offers will be made for this competition.
Award recipients may not simultaneously hold any similar award, including but not limited to the Alberta Innovate Summer Research Studentships, O'Brien Centre Awards (with the exception of travel awards), or PURE Awards.
Conduct of research
Research funded by a Undergraduate Summer Research Award must comply with all University of Calgary guidelines concerning the conduct of research (see
USRA recipients are to conduct their research in a safe and ethical manner under the guidance and mentorship of their supervisors. They are expected to follow the procedures and rules of the research environment in which they conduct their research and interact regularly with their supervisor.
All research that involves the use of human subjects must be reviewed and certified as acceptable by the appropriate University Research Ethics Board, any research involving animals must be certified by the appropriate Animal Health Unit (AHU), and any research involving biohazardous materials must be conducted in a site approved by the appropriate Biosafety committee. The responsibility for adherence to these guidelines is jointly shared by the supervisor and award recipient.
The research project should not be substantially altered from that proposed in the original application. If significant changes should become necessary, the trainee must obtain prior written approval from the University of Calgary Research Services Office to continue with the award. The supervisor must agree with the proposed changes and the original aims and conditions of the award must be satisfied. The Research Services Office may request written confirmation from the supervisor to confirm his or her agreement with the proposed changes.
It is the responsibility of each applicant to:
- inform their supervisor of their intent to list them as supervisor on the application,
- obtain their proposed supervisor's approval, and
- ensure their supervisor submits the supervisor portion of the application by the posted deadline.
USRA awardees are to conduct their research in a safe and ethical manner under the guidance and mentorship of their supervisors. During the period of the award they are to make a full-time commitment to their research. In no case should USRA students commit more than an average of 35 hours per week.
They are expected to follow the procedures and rules of the research environment in which they conduct their research, and interact regularly with their supervisor. They are to provide a report at the end of their award period, and ensure it meets the expectations of the Alberta Innovates Summer Research Studentship program. If significant changes should become necessary, the trainee must obtain prior written approval from the University of Calgary Research Services Office to continue with the award.
As an USRA supervisor, your responsibilities are:
- To mentor and support the student, providing an opportunity for the student to learn and develop research skills.
- Ensure the student can conduct their research experience in a safe and ethical environment, following procedures and rules of the University of Calgary, and if applicable those of the specific research environment in which the student is engaged.
- Meet regularly with the student and provide regular feedback and support to the student and the student's research project.
- Complete a final survey that adequately explains the student’s research successes and challenges.
- If the applicant is granted this award, you will be required to ensure that it is used for the project described in the submitted application and abide by the University of Calgary’s policies governing the pursuit of research, including Academic Integrity. All research that involves the use of human subjects must be reviewed and certified as acceptable by the appropriate University Research Ethics Board.
Faculty members may support two (2) student submissions in AwardSpring (central application system). Due to the limited number of awards and to ensure we distribute opportunities for students and supervisors across campus, a supervisor will only be awarded up to a maximum of two (2) studentships.
All supervisors supporting a student’s application to this competition agree to be entered into the pool of reviewers for this competition and to review summer studentship applications from students (other than their own).
College of Discovery, Creativity and Innovation
The College of Discovery, Creativity and Innovation (CDCI) at the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning is devoted to providing and supporting different types of learning experiences that bring together students, faculty and community through discovery, creativity, and innovation, cutting across the normal boundaries within the university.
Tips for Success
When you are applying for a research position, find some background information on the researcher with whom you are interested in working. Look into their research, projects currently underway, and publications. Make sure that your research interests match theirs or it may make for a very boring work term.
If you’re interested in working with a professor at the university, send them an email. In the email:
- Let them know what you are interested in and how you can help them with their research
- Provide some brief information about yourself
- Attach a resume and cover letter
- Offer to provide them with further information such as transcripts
If you’re interested in working for the government or a company, follow the instructions provided in the project description. If no specifics are given, send a resume and cover letter to the email address provided. Also, be sure to fill out any necessary application forms.
Don’t get discouraged! You may have to contact several researchers and go in for a few interviews before obtaining a position.
The Ready for Research badge will prepare you to confidently participate in research within your undergraduate studies. This badge is a blend of online and in-person workshops, allowing you to choose between various learning activities to match your personal interests. Participating in this badge will help you discover undergraduate research opportunities on campus and create a plan to get involved with the research you are truly passionate about, enriching your undergraduate experience.