CAME Ian Hart Award


Opportunity link:

Opportunity type:



Canadian Association for Medical Education (CAME)

Award amount and duration:






Eligibility Criteria
Nominees must be CAME members. The initial nomination must be made by a CAME member. Members currently serving on the CAME Executive, CAME Board of Directors or the CAME Awards Committee are not eligible as nominees. 



The Award
Established in 1992 in honor of Dr. Ian Hart, founder of CAME, this award recognizes senior faculty who have made an exceptional contribution to medical education throughout their academic career. The award is presented at the CAME Awards Cocktail Reception during the International Congress on Academic Medicine (ICAM). The recipient is awarded a commemorative plaque and a prize of $1,000.

Selection Criteria

  1. Teaching activities
    • Quantity, breadth, quality
  2. Educational innovations / learning resources for learners and/or educators.
    • Degree of innovation, breadth of the innovations, acting as a catalyst, etc.
  3. Research activities in medical education
    • Funding: quantity, funds received, quality
    • Scientific publications
    • Scientific presentations
  4. Overall impact of the candidate’s activities
  5. Leadership and administrative roles in medical education

Submission requirements


  1. One nomination letter from a CAME member that includes specific and compelling details about the nominee’s achievements, qualifications, and contributions -in each of the above criteria- showcasing why they are a worthy candidate for the award.
  2. A maximum of three letters of support each providing persuasive and relevant information that validates and amplifies the nominee’s qualifications, achievements, and impact on the field of medical education.
  3. The nominee’s complete curriculum vitae.
  4.  A current head shot of the nominee.
  5.  A short bio of the nominee which will be circulated to membership and on social media should they be chosen as the 2024 Ian Hart Award winner.

Nominees are encouraged to contact their local CAME representative for support in the application process.


Application deadlines

Program application deadline

December 1, 2023 - 11:59 PM

Additional Information

Please submit nominees for the 2024 CAME Ian Hart Award via the nomination form:

Contact Details

