Canada Biomedical Research Fund and Biosciences Research Infrastructure Fund – Stage 2 2023
Opportunity link:
Opportunity type:
Award amount and duration:
Each proposal can include one or more of the following components:
- Partnered, applied research in the biomanufacturing and life sciences sector to accelerate the translation of discoveries into products and services to strengthen the sector.
- Partnered talent development to provide skills and training needed to drive innovation and growth in Canada’s biomanufacturing industry.
- Research infrastructure to support Canada’s biosciences research needs.
Talent and research infrastructure proposals must be linked with one or more research proposals.
Through Canada’s Biomanufacturing and Life Sciences Strategy (the Strategy), the Government of Canada is investing more than $2.2 billion over seven years to continue growing a strong, competitive biomanufacturing and life sciences sector, and to ensure Canada is prepared for future pandemics by increasing domestic capacity through investments and partnerships to produce life-saving vaccines and therapeutics.
The expected outcomes of delivering on this large-scale vision include:
- increased capacity to accelerate the translation of research into product/service development;
- accelerated translation of promising discoveries into innovative products (e.g., vaccines and therapeutics) and processes;
- increase of skills and training needed to take greater risks and drive innovation and growth in Canada’s biomanufacturing sector; and
- enhanced academic collaboration with industry, not-for-profit organizations, and public sector partners.
Stage 1 (complete) funded five research hubs to improve pandemic readiness and sector growth by strengthening research and talent capacity in Canada, and contributing to and leveraging collaborations across the entire biomanufacturing ecosystem and various sectors.
This opportunity: Stage 2 – launched in early March 2023 – will support partnered proposals for high risk and applied research, talent development and research infrastructure funding.
Stage 2 proposals must contribute to pandemic preparedness and the following goals:
- Increase specialized infrastructure, and capacity for multidisciplinary, applied research.
- Support training and talent development, to expand the pipeline of skilled research and talent.
- Accelerate the translation of promising research into commercially viable products and processes.
To be eligible for Stage 2 funding, proposals must be aligned with and contribute to the program of research one of the five CBRF research hubs funded in Stage 1. Hubs are developing processes to govern these connections; contact the relevant hubs for details (contact information in "Additional Information" section below).
Institutional and agency milestones are listed below, additional instructions follow.
This is a two-stage application process. Applications must be submitted via the Convergence portal.
Phase: Intent to apply
- Activity: Notify Research Services of intent to apply to Research Services at; this will allow Research Services staff to offer early support services
Deadline: As soon as possible
Phase: Notice of Intent (NOI) development
- Activity: PI consults with relevant CBRF research hubs as required
Deadline: While developing NOI
- Activity: Submit final NOI for institutional review
Deadline: to 9:00am, Thursday, June 1, 2023
- Activity: Research Services submits final NOI to funder
Deadline: Thursday, June 8, 2023
No Research Management System (RMS) approval is required at the Notice of Intent stage.
Phase: Full application
Details TBD; will be communicated to teams that submit NOIs. Full applications due to funder by September 7, 2023
Funded CBRF research hubs will develop processes related to their required endorsement of associated project requests.
Full application approval requirements will be provided to applicants that submit NOIs.
Notify Research Services as soon as possible regarding the intent to apply. This will ensure RSO can offer support materials and services appropriate for the proposal.
- Support for projects involving Indigenous Research:
Support with the development of your grant application is available internally through the Indigenous Research Support Team (IRST). Applicants can reach out by email to IRST at in advance of the RSO internal deadline. For more information about IRST, please visit the IRST webpage.
- For knowledge engagement or knowledge mobilization support:
Contact the Knowledge Engagement Team at
- For assistance in identifying international partners, contact the International Research Team at
- RMS: Creating a Pre-Award Application
CBRF-BRIF_Research Hubs_EOI Timelines and Contact Information.pdf
CBRF-BRIF Stage 2 webinar - English recording
CBRF-BRIF Stage 2 webinar - French recording
N/A. (Note that CBRF finding includes up to 25% of the total award value for indirect costs of research.)
Application deadlines
RSO detailed review deadline
RSO final internal review deadline
Program application deadline
NOTE: Consult your Faculty Associate Dean (Research) (ADR) regarding Faculty-specific deadlines and submission processes.
No approvals required at the NOI stage. Full application approval requirements will be provided to NOI applicants.
Additional Information
Webinars: links to webinar presentations and recordings can be found in the Resources section.
The University of Calgary is a partner organization in the PRAIRIE Hub for pandemic preparedness. Potential applicants are invited to the following information sessions on the application process and connecting to the PRAIRIE Hub’s vision and program of research:
PRAIRIE Hub EOI public townhall
April 13th, 2023 1-3 PM MDT
register here
PRAIRIE Hub in-person (hybrid) town hall - Edmonton, Alberta
April 18, 2023 Edmonton Alberta
This hybrid information session is open to everyone to attend and learn about the CBRF/BRIF program objectives and Stage 2 proposal guidelines, and how they align with the PRAIRIE Hub’s priorities, vision and program of research.
The EOI process will also be discussed here if you are unable to attend the April 13 webinar.
For Zoom link: please request at
Contact information for the five research hubs (based on information shared during April 12 CBRF/BRIF funder webinar):
- University of Toronto; Canadian Hub for Health Intelligence & Innovation in Infectious Diseases (HI3) -
- University of Ottawa/McMaster University; Canadian Pandemic Preparedness Hub (CP2H) -,
- University of British Columbia; Canada's Immuno-Engineering and Biomanufacturing Hub -
- Université de Montréal/McGill University/Université Laval; The Eastern Canada Pandemic Preparedness Hub (ECaPPH) -
- University of Alberta; The CBRF PRAIRIE Hub -
Contact Details
Research infrastructure
Canada Foundation for Innovation